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  • Finance Projection

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    Hello, first of all, forgive me if this is not a bug or just simply my lack of understanding of the game works, if it is, please kindly explain to me.

    So on january transfer windows i'm selling 9 players that should net me around 11,97m in cash and 4,730 in installment (approximately minus intermediary and agent fee) but why does my expenditure projection went up? and causing my profit and loss went further minus? Where is this expenditure comes from? Now i understand that turnover doesn't take account on transfer receive but where does the expenditure comes from? cause i've done nothing but selling my players.


    My finance before finalizing transfer



    And after



    If this is not a bug, can you please tell me how it work?


    And, i'm right now in english league two and will be in league one next season, it is said that my wage limit will be 60% of my turnover (SCMP rules), does that mean my wage limit will be around 15m x 60% = 9m? If not, what is the turnover numbers? Please, Please help, i'm truly at lost here.



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    • SI Staff

    The projections aren't perfect and so there may be a recent expense that has come in that has skewed this a little. Your expenditure looks to have jumped a bit in the same time and I feel like, at a glance, that may have prompted the re-calculation. If you have screenshots of your full expenditure that could possibly help see what has changed.

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    11 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    The projections aren't perfect and so there may be a recent expense that has come in that has skewed this a little. Your expenditure looks to have jumped a bit in the same time and I feel like, at a glance, that may have prompted the re-calculation. If you have screenshots of your full expenditure that could possibly help see what has changed.

    So i decided to delay all transfer and confirm them at one go to makes it easier to see.

    Finance before and after




    Income before and after







    Expenditure before and after






    Looking at the expenditure comparison, i'm surprised i got hit with over 500k transfer expenditure because my total outstanding player loyalty bonus is only 41,325k, where does it comes from?


    Projection before and after




    PS : All transfer deal are cash only or cash+installment without any clause that could incur any expense on me (such as contribution to wage), and transfer only deal, no loan deals. I'm selling 9 players that should net me income around 11,97m in cash and 4,73m in installment. I'm confuse how am i selling 9 players incur 4,5m expenditure in the expenditure projection?

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    • SI Staff

    So transfer expenditure has increased by around £520,000 and agent/intermediary fees by £208,000. The projection can factor in things like these as to be the kind of expenses you'd see again and alter the projection accordingly.

    Considering the percentage owed to other clubs who've been involved in a players development can stack up, £500,000 out of £12m in total fees doesn't seem too out there at first glance. The news items should show how much is paid when the transfers go through. The projections, while useful, are only a loose guide because some revenue streams can be a little less straight forward. The QA team will review this further and see what we can find out.

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    After calculatikn, i have found that the transfer percentage for development to other club + loyalty bonus has comes up to around 600k, i may have payed 500k this season due to transfer received in installment, thank you for clearing that up, i have always assume that the development percentage to other club would be deducted directly from the transfer received, it's nice to know. 


    That issue aside i have now reach the end of January and my expenditure projection went up further to 23,5m, i have aquire some new players so it is understandable for the further raise, but i still doesn't understand the 4,5m hike in selling players before.


    I don't mind if the projection is not perfect and all, but my issue is if the expenditure projection will effect the SCMP limit (FFP) that will take effect in the next season when i reach league one? It is said that the SMCP limit is 60% of my turnover, what is this turnover is? Is it my turnover number (15,67m) or the Profit/(Loss) number (-7, 29m)?

    I really need this answer to help me planned out my next season squad since almost all my players have yearly wage rise and promotion wage rise that could comes up to around 50% increase in wage... I will need to sell my highest earner in January or at worst case I will have to face a transfer embargo at the beginning of the next season if the turnover number turns out to be Profit/(Loss). 


    Thank you for your replies :)

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    • SI Staff

    The projections will not in any way impact your FFP as the pass/fail is solely determined by your actual income/expenditure in the relative period. Not all types of expenditure count for FFP either, so the overall projection screen isn't a direct tool to assess FFP. 

    Obviously leading a club there are considerations like this, and if you do fall short of an FFP assessment it's not game over but merely the presenting of a different challenge. 

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