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  • Individual Training Staff Suggestions

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: Alkis Loulakis - Man Utd.fm

    Description of issue

    I always have either my assistant manager or Head of Performance Analyst informing me about which individual training should be assigned to players. It would be nice not to have the same exact person, 3 days after, warning us that the training he told us to assign is not beneficial to the player. 

    Typical example of this (though this is a player preferred move but the notion is the same): GK Coaches will tell you to teach your GK, to avoid using his weaker foot. Once he finally develops that trait, you GK Coach will ask you to teach the same GK to use both feet. This has been happening for years, half if not all the staff recommendations are completely irrelevant or contradicting to say the least.

    Likewise, your AM or HoPA, will ask you to train a player to improve his Attacking Movement for example. You apply the training as instructed, 3 days later, the same staff person, you should remove said training because it is not producing any results (after 3 days), or he will ask you to pick another individual training assignment. And this goes on forever.  


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    This is a very real issue, one that breaks immersion and to be frank doesn't help new players to the game who may rely on staff advise more. 

    Further to this, is supposedly world class coaches offering advice to train supposed weakness in a player who clearly doesn't have a weakness in what is suggested.

    Example here, Pepijn Lijnders is advising me to train Mac Allister in attacking movement when clearly he has world class attributes in all 3 that influence it.

    I am an experienced player so of course I won't take that advice but new players to FM may and end up over working their players when there is no need.

    This has been a long standing issue with coaching advice in FM and something within the coaches AI/Logic needs to be looked at.  




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