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  • Match Fitness After/During Mild Injuries

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    Maybe I am missing something. But something that irks me is the match fitness part. I can have a player on full match fitness not play and just train for around 7-10 days before he starts to loose match fitness. No issue there. But i get a player who has a cold (or an injury that takes 1-3 days to recover from) yet I now have to get him into the reserves to regain the match fitness he wouldn't of lost if he was just not playing. 

    I understand regarding the injuries that take nearly a week or more ro recover from, no training ect, but how can a player lose 3 months worth of match fitness because he's now out for 2 days with a bruised ankle??????? make it make sense.


    I've had players lose match fitness after being out for 1-2 days even though they have been playing for the last 5 weeks.


    Again, I acknowledge there maybe something i have missed that would explain this, but i'm yet to find it. And this isn't a bug, its a feature.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this post.


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    • SI Staff

    If you mouse over the icon it gives you a tooltip which provides more details on the condition of the player. While it is a downward arrow, indicating it has decreased the background is still green. This is an indicator the player is in fine match fitness/condition overall. 

    Having an injury will have a minor effect and that is simply being reflected in the information shown, but logically if you're in a situation where even for a few days you've not quite been able to train properly you aren't in absolute peak condition. 

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