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  • Penalties - it's a joke!

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot Public Status: Under Review Screenshot: Save Game: Leicester v Cardiff.pkm

    Description of issue

    Number of penalties is out through the roof. 

    It is pretty annoying when playing against favourites so any kind of defensive tactic is bypassed by a trigger happy ref!

    I see almost every match a penalty kick awarded ant a loooot of misses too. 

    I suggest you to take a look to the attachment. 

    So, we are suppose to pay a hefty amount of money for a product that have sutch a problems every bloody year again and again?!

    Capture d'écran 2023-11-25 113041.png



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    • SI Staff

    We will review the match you've uploaded, but if you feel this is something that is happening too frequently across the board we're going to need more pkm's from other games too to help substantiate this and get a better understanding of what would be causing it. Feel free to add any additional pkm's.

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    Il y a 7 heures, Michael Sant a dit :

    We will review the match you've uploaded, but if you feel this is something that is happening too frequently across the board we're going to need more pkm's from other games too to help substantiate this and get a better understanding of what would be causing it. Feel free to add any additional pkm's.

    I uploaded wrong match. You will find the match under "Leicester v Cardiff.pkm" on your cloud. I'll try to find you the statistic on number of penalties over a season in my save. 

    Anyway, you can enjoy,  from the initial upload that you got, a beautiful 40m own goal in later phases of Uefa cup.

    That is something that we see all the time in tight european matches...

    Leicester v Cardiff.pkm

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    Il y a 14 heures, Michael Sant a dit :

    We will review the match you've uploaded, but if you feel this is something that is happening too frequently across the board we're going to need more pkm's from other games too to help substantiate this and get a better understanding of what would be causing it. Feel free to add any additional pkm's.

    So, i did my research. 

    Over the Championship season i had 14 for my side and 6 against so 20 in total

    13 of them scored.

    This data is not complete because i couldn't retrieve the full data of 8 matches and there could be more missed penalties.

    Anyway, those 20 penalties over 46 matches gives the rate of 0.43 penalties per match.

    In order to compare this data, https://www.transfermarkt.com/ site gives 0.18 penalties par match in championship for 2022 and 0.17 per match in 2023. 

    This is 2.5 times less than in my save. 

    I guess you can retrieve more games than me so, i invite you to do your job and play a bit your product in order to normalise the data and get it more realistic. 

    Save is on your cloud under "Leicester.fm"



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    Yep, I must admit that I didn't notice it until recently. But the past week or so, the number of penalties is preposterous. It's reached the point where I'm surprised/relieved if there isn't a penalty in a game. I thought it must have been something to do with the latest update, but apparently that has not touched the ME.

    I'll keep playing (obviously) and hope it is just a weird phase in the game. As I said, I'd not really noticed it before. I'm only in season 26/27, but not noticed it in previous saves. However, at the moment, it is crazy, which is why I'm on here talking about. It is so bad that it feels like the game is broken and puts me off playing it.

    I hope it is just a blip or gets sorted because, apart from that, this year's ME is a joy to watch. 

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    After a while i'am using the instruction get stuck in the penalties (against) starts to pile up. +/- 10 penalties against in 20 matches is obviously a bug.

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