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  • Too many yellow cards in the first 10 minutes of matches

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    Managing in the EPL.  Seeing that yellow cards occur far too frequently prior to 10 mins.  They are always at the start of the game.   That isnt realistic.  It seems like its a bug.

    Some matches this doesnt happen, but it seems to happen 70% of games.  Either to my team or the opposing team.  And we're not being that aggressive so that makes no sense.




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    • SI Staff

    We would need to see some breakdown of stats from your game. Do you happen to have anything to hand from your save just how many exactly have come within the first 10 minutes?

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    I am watching this more, it seems to have corrected itself a  bit more so its not as extreme .

    However how many yellow cards do you see in a EPL match in the first 10 mins generally?  Not many.   Doesnt seem realistic to see more than 1 if even 1 every single game.  It seems to be better now, I'll monitor.

    There is another issue I will post on regarding  the yellow cards.


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