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  • Penalty Shutouts are (nearly) perfect

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    Description of issue

    It seems penalty misses are rare in FM24. In post-extra shutouts, penalty scores are nearly perfect: 10 x 10;  12 x 12; 13 x 12. See image from influencer Loki Doki's video. Can you please tweak coding for not so perfect scoring? 



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    • SI Staff

    Penalties are easier to score than miss in theory after all, but we'd need a bigger data sample before we could meaningfully review this. Just looking at the last penalty shootout I had in a game I'm playing myself had 5 missed penalties (and sadly I've lost every penalty shoot-out I've been in so far due without any getting further than 7/8 total penalties):


    If you've got some data from a save game then we can of course review this further. Hopefully you can appreciate that while there definitely will be instances like you're mentioning, overall there are very few penalty shoot-outs that take place so we would need some kind of data to check in comparison to our internal figures.

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    Well I've just had the opposite problem.

    Just had a game where my two top penalty takers both hit the post/crossbar. Then my third best was saved as the fifth taker to lose. Feels kind of like a manufactured loss considering I couldn't even get a shot on net the whole game despite dominating possession (maybe another issue but for another time).

    PKM is uploaded.


    Southampton v Man Utd.pkm

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    • SI Staff

    We would need more data to review than a single match really @wazzaflow10. Given this thread was originally about too many being scored, my own post showed a mixed bag and yours is stating the opposite it kind of suggests it's not so clear cut. If you can collate a few games where you feel the issue is present and post these in their own thread then we can look into those further.

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    5 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    We would need more data to review than a single match really @wazzaflow10. Given this thread was originally about too many being scored, my own post showed a mixed bag and yours is stating the opposite it kind of suggests it's not so clear cut. If you can collate a few games where you feel the issue is present and post these in their own thread then we can look into those further.

    Yes understood. I do feel like elite penalty takers miss more often than they should in general. I think I had a game at one point (probably overwritten now) where I had two saved in one match with Fernandes and Rashford both missing. I know this has been an on and off issue trying to get the balance right. Obviously shouldn't be automatic. If anything I've see the opposite. Particularly if the text commentary suggests the call was a bit soft tends to have more misses oddly. I'll keep track and open a thread if I see something I can pinpoint for you guys.

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