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  • No longer access to B team, U 23 and U18 team management

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: Yohann Roussel - Sporting Portugal.fm

    Description of issue



    In this french thread, the user explains he use to manage B team, U23 and U18 team training & individual training.

    While he had access to this screen at the beginning of his game, he had no longer this now and nothing in staff responsability.

    He attached few screenshot in his thread and he also attached his savegame on the cloud with the name "Yohann Roussel - Sporting Portugal.fm"


    Are you aware about this issue ? Do you need more information ?




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    I asked the user to go in those teams using development center menu.

    He find those team, but the responsibility he gave him early in his savegame desappear and he has to change it one more time to manage training and individual training of those team.

    So you can try to duplicate this possible issue.


    He attached again in his thread, other screenshot

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    I have the same problem. I fire some staff from my B Team, and next I lost my acess to the B Team and Under-19. Never append in older versions of FM.

    Anyone now, if the bug was reported?

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    On 19/11/2023 at 05:29, Michael Sant said:

    A little late in coming to this one, but thanks for sharing it with us, the QA Team will investigate further.

    Any news about this bug?

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