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  • Contract Promise Met, Recognised by the Player, and he's Still Angry as if I Failed

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Known Issue Save Game: Barnsley Bug Report

    Description of issue

    Herbie Kane was one of several key players in my squad that I offered new contracts for on day one of my first 24 save. I knew from experience in the beta that if I did not offer straight away, many of them would come back within days and tell me they were going to explore their options by the end of the season. These are key players, 4 or 5 of them, and I also knew that we'd get promoted and I would need them where we're going.


    Kane wanted me to promise to play him as a Box to Box Midfielder. I usually don't make contract promises if I can help it, but I was going to play him in that role anyway, so I just agreed to it.


    By New Year, everything's fine, promise kept, Kane happy as per an email in the news screen.

    I then go to his page and find he has abysmal morale, and is upset for being played in a "weak position".

    I imagine I'll be able to ward off him asking for a transfer or anything, but he's made this public, he's also my captain, and if it gets out of hand, my entire squad, running away with the league and battering Championship teams in the FA Cup away from home, will have a giant rift in it that I don't know that I can fix. All because of a bug. 


    I'm sorry I don't know how I can ask you to reproduce this, except possibly that you start a Barnsley save, negotiate a contract with him EXTREMELY quickly after the save starts, agree to his position request (assuming he has one in your save), making sure he gets to play that role, then winding forward to about January 8th or so.

    I sent a copy of my save file to the usual place, though, the name of the file is 'Barnsley Bug Report.fmf'. So perhaps you can get something from that. Besides the save file, here are some corroborating screenshots: 


    PS. The Form screen shows he played as a sub once as Carrileiro and once as a sub as a Playmaker. I don't accept he played in those roles, either. He is set to always be a B2BM whenever he plays in a CM berth, I set it with the green switch, I don't know what you call it, but the switch that means that they have their own personal instruction set no matter what the tactic says. He may have REPLACED players who were playing in those roles before they were hooked off, but Herbie ALWAYS plays B2BM.



    Screenshot 2023-11-14 051802.png

    Screenshot 2023-11-14 051832.png

    Screenshot 2023-11-14 052016.png


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    Also happened with me as well. Basically ruined my whole main save. Played my 5 star player in the right position every game and now he is just mad every game because I play him in a weak position(its the right one). I built the whole team around him and now he is spreading bad morale over on the whole team, we are loosing every game and the whole save is in shambles. Also a bug I noticed is that "fake" promises, that never got made suddenly appears on my players during the season and makes them unhappy. Morale is such a big factor but its so bugged this year makes the game unplayable. 

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