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  • Player position promise easily completed but player still unhappy about the issue

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    Description of issue

    I signed a player with a promise that I would play them as a MC DLP.

    They have played virtually every single game, always as a MC DLP.

    However, I have just had two contrasting messages - one saying the promise was completed, and one saying it was failed.

    Now the player's morale is abysmal and they want to leave.

    What on earth!?





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    Have this exact same issue too. Re-signed my CM, who wanted a promise to play as a BBM. I obliged since he had been playing in that role for 2 years at that point. After his contract renewal he played all but one match in that role, with the only exception being a substitute appearance has a SS. After being promoted in back to back years (despite being relegation favourites), he is now upset. Worth noting, I am on his favoured personal list, which seems to be helping somewhat as he hasn't tried to force a move out yet.

    Matty Todd angy.png

    Matty Todd playing time.png

    Matty Todd promise list.png

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    I've just had the same happen with two players, both played loads of games in their preferred position & role as promised. Received two messages for each player confirming the promise is complete and they are happy the promise was kept, but they are both now publicly unhappy that they're playing in a weak position and role. The dynamics are so broken it's really spoiling the game.DWPBTpromises.png.186d185aac6b258d7c95b099a80da461.png

    DWP happy.png

    DWP no longer concerned.png

    BT happy.png

    BT no longer concerned.png

    DWP & BT unhappy.png

    Edited by twoofthesame
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    Matty Longstaff is happy I kept my promise, as I did. However he's also unhappy that I broke my promise....
    Personality: Balanced, not insane



    Screen 2023-11-25.png


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    Edited by Lazaron
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    I have the same Promice, but with team and transfers, more then 10 players were unhappy that i lacked  Defender left, and wanted me to sign a player with that role. when i signed a new player for that roll they are still unhappy and players whants to leave because i apperently broke my promise...

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    Hi, I have the same issue even after update, i promised one of my CB to play in the role central defender role and played him in that role for 19 games, got an email saying he is happy that promise has been kept but the game saying he is unhappy that the promise is broken and playing him in a weak role and his morale turn abysmal from perfect in a day.


    I have uploaded my save file with the name : Freddie Heart - Wrexham 092.fm fr you to look further, thank you

    Sanneh 1.jpg

    Sanneh 2.jpg

    Sanneh 3.jpg

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    I'm experiencing the same issue. I also uploaded an example to the cloud under the name:

    "Preferred position promise issue Curzon Ashton.fm"

    I made position promises to 4 players during summer contract negotiations. Seems to work fine for 2 of them, but not for the other 2. (The latter couple did miss games due to injury and international duties, but the issue started earlier so I think this is unrelated).

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