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  • Scouting (Recruitment focuses) doesn't work

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Scouting Glitch Save File

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    Hey there! Been playing for 200ish hours already and scouting doesn't seem to work for me.

    I've loaded all leagues, detail level set at Continental, database players set as almost every option at every continent. 

    So when I try to scout for 15-23 (Age), 5* Gray CA, 3* PA, my scouts doesn't seem to find ANYONE in ANY country. I'm attaching the game file as well as some screenshoots proving that I'm scouting a lot of countries at the same time.






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    Another thing to note is that even when I'm scouting for a specific position, my recruitment focus never find someone as well.

    Scouts seem to find players but don't continue to scout them and probably discard the report. Feels very glitchy, happened with some of my saves as well.

    Edited by zeza
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    8 horas atrás, GicaHagi disse:

    I have the same issue.

    I've commented this issue on a Reddit post and feels like a lot of people have the same issue. Let's hope they answer something!

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    got the same issues here. 6 different scouting focuses and NO results for over 6 months. basically the exact same scouting focuses worked in a different save with a lower budget team (bundesliga vs. 2nd).



    scouting bugged.jpg

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    15 horas atrás, Michael Sant disse:

    Thanks for sharing a save on this one, our QA team will investigate further. If anyone else would like to upload their saves too so we can review things further and have more examples that is always beneficial. A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/

    Thanks for the answer! I found out that the scouts are finding the players but aren't scouting them 100% and if they meet the criteria, somehow they don't get recommended.
    So maybe the issue is with the recruitment focus itself. 

    Can you let us know if it's a bug or if it's working as intended?

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    Uploading two files ScoutingNotWorking_24_1 and ScoutingNotWorking_24_2.

    The first file was last saved on 6 Nov 23. Rec Focuses seem to be working as intended with plenty recommended and U18 players being shown. Game date is about two years ahead of ScoutingNotWorking24_2 that was last saved today (29 Dec 23). It took a few game years to cycle the players already scouted out of the u18 range but the bug appears to have occurred after the 24.2 update. This was a port from fm23 save so  I have a beta and per-conversion save if needed to go further back in time.

    Main issues:

    Definitely having an issue with u18 scouting not occurring at all. No players U18 are being scouted unless I manually assigned them (some were done as a test in the second save). Rec Focus "England U18" in uploaded save ScoutingNotWorking24.2 shows no recommended players.

    Also having issues where some players will be scouted and fit the profile but not recommended.

    Also seems like scouts are not particularly doing much of anything in some regions even with "extensive" knowledge. Players should still show up under "scouted players" tab even if getting a poor grade but nothing happens in certain areas.

    Edited by wazzaflow10
    missing "_" in filenames
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    Same here I have also reported but didn't realise there was already a thread for it.

    I have also uploaded 2 files  'Rec focus test.fm  and  'Rec focus test 1'  with exlplanations of what each shows in the thread link below



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    Am 29.12.2023 um 06:54 schrieb Michael Sant:

    Thanks for sharing a save on this one, our QA team will investigate further. If anyone else would like to upload their saves too so we can review things further and have more examples that is always beneficial. A guide on how to do so is available here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/instructions-and-notes/how-to-upload-files-to-us-r98/

    i've uploaded "BVB.fm".

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    Same problem here with new saves. Tried some different countries and tested simulating the first month. The players do get scouted at "In progress", and some of them do end up in the "Near matches" tab, but when they should move to the "Recommendations" tab, they disappear. 

    I do get scouting reports from agents recommending their players or from my director of football when a player is placed on the transfer list, but nothing from the scouts. 

    Uploaded my file 'Thijs Klem - DortmundTest.fm'

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    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we have this under review, but are seeing that quite a lot of your focuses are pretty narrow. 

    For example @wazzaflow10, you have a focus for Northern Ireland looking for first team quality players when using a top club, there just won't be any players playing there that would be good enough to recommend.

    What we can suggest is that when creating a recruitment focuses make sure it is quite broad and don't overwork your scouts if you want to maximise the number of results they receive.

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    4 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we have this under review, but are seeing that quite a lot of your focuses are pretty narrow. 

    For example @wazzaflow10, you have a focus for Northern Ireland looking for first team quality players when using a top club, there just won't be any players playing there that would be good enough to recommend.

    What we can suggest is that when creating a recruitment focuses make sure it is quite broad and don't overwork your scouts if you want to maximise the number of results they receive.

    This is a good reminder. I don't remember building that focus but that makes sense logically and wouldn't concern me if it came back as no first team players. I would still expect to see who they scouted in the players scouted tab even if the grade is an E or F.

    Any feedback on why zero players show up as scouted when looking for U18 with a CA of 1/2 silver star and PA of 1/2 silver star? That should be providing tons of reports and players scouted but frequently comes back with nothing and virtually zero players scouted.

    Also regularly see Belgium and Holland come back with nothing in either recommendations or scouted players despite lowering the CA and PA requirements (which I'm thinking is the threshold for "first team"). Most of the players I see from that league are from scouting UEFA comps.

    Edited by wazzaflow10
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    Uploaded 'Unemployed to Bayern.fm'

    Having the same problems as per this thread - 

    In summary I have various world class scouts at Bayern Munich looking for CA silver 2.5* to PA gold 2.5* in various countries in which they speak the language and have full scout knowledge. They seem to turn up between zero and 5 at best reports per annum. On FM23 this would have been way more. It's leading to really struggling to find any youth other than who's on the next gen email.

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    Just to add ammunition here...

    I tend to play in lower leagues, so maybe the limited scouting range affects this. But my experience is this that if I create ANY position-specific recruitment focus, I'll get zero hits, even if it's as broad as:

    "Find any fullback (anywhere, any age) with a strong left foot and at least 3 stars"

    I have never managed to create a recruitment focus for a specific position that returned anything. Without fail they say "We're having trouble finding anyone." 

    For example I created this focus to find an AML: https://imgur.com/a/VhFFdlj

    It failed to find any players. Yet, my ongoing Vanarama National League North/South and "All of England" recruitment focuses found all of these guys:  https://imgur.com/mWEdtHn

    Let me know if I can provide more information.

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    1 hour ago, steve.battisti said:

    Just to add ammunition here...

    I tend to play in lower leagues, so maybe the limited scouting range affects this. But my experience is this that if I create ANY position-specific recruitment focus, I'll get zero hits, even if it's as broad as:

    "Find any fullback (anywhere, any age) with a strong left foot and at least 3 stars"

    I have never managed to create a recruitment focus for a specific position that returned anything. Without fail they say "We're having trouble finding anyone." 

    For example I created this focus to find an AML: https://imgur.com/a/VhFFdlj

    It failed to find any players. Yet, my ongoing Vanarama National League North/South and "All of England" recruitment focuses found all of these guys:  https://imgur.com/mWEdtHn

    Let me know if I can provide more information.

    Also had this at Bayern where I asked them to find me a list of 3* Mazzala's from anywhere and they couldn't even compile a list of 1.

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    On 11/01/2024 at 16:09, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we have this under review, but are seeing that quite a lot of your focuses are pretty narrow. 

    For example @wazzaflow10, you have a focus for Northern Ireland looking for first team quality players when using a top club, there just won't be any players playing there that would be good enough to recommend.

    What we can suggest is that when creating a recruitment focuses make sure it is quite broad and don't overwork your scouts if you want to maximise the number of results they receive.

    Can you make a guide with scout examples and their results ?

    Put it in the Byline it will help us

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    Em 11/01/2024 em 11:09, Zachary Whyte disse:

    Hello everyone, to give an update on this, we have this under review, but are seeing that quite a lot of your focuses are pretty narrow. 

    For example @wazzaflow10, you have a focus for Northern Ireland looking for first team quality players when using a top club, there just won't be any players playing there that would be good enough to recommend.

    What we can suggest is that when creating a recruitment focuses make sure it is quite broad and don't overwork your scouts if you want to maximise the number of results they receive.

    I've made some of the focuses as broad as 5 gray stars and 3 potential and it doesn't return a SINGLE player at a global level.

    I hope that it's fixed next patch.

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    Update - I've culled all my recruitment focuses and handed scouting decisions back to the chief scout, and reports are now coming in thick and fast on the ones he's set up. Sadly, they are all pretty naff focuses!

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    1 hour ago, Lam3r said:

    Update - I've culled all my recruitment focuses and handed scouting decisions back to the chief scout, and reports are now coming in thick and fast on the ones he's set up. Sadly, they are all pretty naff focuses!

    What are the focuses he's set up? I have scouts with full country knowledge scouting Sweden, Croatia, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and Paraguay in separate focuses, all ages 15-20, any position, min PA 3 gold stars, min CA 3 silver stars, and between them there are 5 reports in progress (3 of which are in Japan), zero near matches and zero recommendations. These focuses have been ongoing for a few years. 

    I recently (a couple of game months ago) set up another focus ages 15-23, any position, min CA 1 silver star, min PA 4.5 gold stars(!), any region and ongoing with just one scout, and there is one recommendation (an 18 year old Cypriot midfielder) who I've already agreed to sign, and 50 in progress.

    This definitely points towards a bug of some sort as there's no way the other focuses are too restrictive to even have reports in progress - a scout in Brazil for a mid-level European team (Rangers) should at least be able to find an under 21 player in any position to at least look into, if not recommended, who might have the potential (min 3 gold stars) to be a squad player at least. 

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    1 hour ago, Undy said:

    What are the focuses he's set up? I have scouts with full country knowledge scouting Sweden, Croatia, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and Paraguay in separate focuses, all ages 15-20, any position, min PA 3 gold stars, min CA 3 silver stars, and between them there are 5 reports in progress (3 of which are in Japan), zero near matches and zero recommendations. These focuses have been ongoing for a few years. 

    I recently (a couple of game months ago) set up another focus ages 15-23, any position, min CA 1 silver star, min PA 4.5 gold stars(!), any region and ongoing with just one scout, and there is one recommendation (an 18 year old Cypriot midfielder) who I've already agreed to sign, and 50 in progress.

    This definitely points towards a bug of some sort as there's no way the other focuses are too restrictive to even have reports in progress - a scout in Brazil for a mid-level European team (Rangers) should at least be able to find an under 21 player in any position to at least look into, if not recommended, who might have the potential (min 3 gold stars) to be a squad player at least. 

    That's pretty much what I'm getting. Managing in Denmark, scouting Denmark, Sweden and Norway, one scout in each country with extensive knowledge, half-star minimum CA and 2-star minimum PA, and I'm hardly getting anything at all. I've since scrubbed that save and I'm going to start a new one and just do manual scouting, but I guess I'll try it with what @Lam3r suggested first and let my chief scout run things. But at any rate, things have definitely changed since one of the patches. I'm not doing anything differently when it comes to scouting. I fact, I've adjusted the star ratings so that theoretically more players should show up.  

    Edited by StatboySpurs
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    5 hours ago, Undy said:

    What are the focuses he's set up? I have scouts with full country knowledge scouting Sweden, Croatia, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and Paraguay in separate focuses, all ages 15-20, any position, min PA 3 gold stars, min CA 3 silver stars, and between them there are 5 reports in progress (3 of which are in Japan), zero near matches and zero recommendations. These focuses have been ongoing for a few years. 

    I recently (a couple of game months ago) set up another focus ages 15-23, any position, min CA 1 silver star, min PA 4.5 gold stars(!), any region and ongoing with just one scout, and there is one recommendation (an 18 year old Cypriot midfielder) who I've already agreed to sign, and 50 in progress.

    This definitely points towards a bug of some sort as there's no way the other focuses are too restrictive to even have reports in progress - a scout in Brazil for a mid-level European team (Rangers) should at least be able to find an under 21 player in any position to at least look into, if not recommended, who might have the potential (min 3 gold stars) to be a squad player at least. 

    Hes sent scouts to countries with far more restrictive criteria than i had - min 2.5 star CA and 3 star PA 

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