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  • Leave game and Exit Feature: Dont recognise game saved before clicking in the function

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    As FM Staff may know and use we always save game before clicking in Leave Game and Exit Button.

    Traditionally in other FM versions the button when clicked will automatically recognise a saved game before the click and allow the rest to happen , in this Version the opposite happen (at least in my case)

    When clicked in Leave game and exit the Game shows the "the game wasnt saved" dialog and prompt us to save manually.

    Verify the occurence and fix when possible.


    • Steps To Reproduce:
      Save Game + Click Leave and Exit and see what process it develops. In Other FM Versions it recognised the save game and leaves the game , In FM22 doesnt occur

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    • SI Staff

    Hey @Homers1993 have done anything else since the save at all, even if its something relatively minor like a player interaction as this would still bring up the prompt. If it is still happening for you, would you possibly be able to record a sequence of this happening in your game so that QA can look to reproduce it in the same manner you're experiencing it. A guide on how to upload files is available here: How to upload files to us - Instructions and Notes - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)


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