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  • A Missing Season In "Job History"

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    The 2022/23 season has gone missing from the "Job History" section, despite a team being managed by me for the full season. Instead, an extra 'empty' 2024/25 season is showing despite already changing team before the season began. 

    • Steps To Reproduce:
      - Click Home
      - Click My History
      - Go to Job History
      - This will now generate the bug

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    • SI Staff

    Hey, sorry to hear you had been experiencing these issues. All Other Gameplay has been one of our busier sections so replies on our side are slower than we'd like. However, we have had a new minor update and I'm wondering if you can confirm whether or not this issue is still present in the game for you? If so, then I can look to move this to live game issues section. 

    In addition to this, if it is still happening can you upload a new save game showing its still happening?

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