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  • Weird AI behaviour

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    I've played the game not so much so far, but I've noticed two things recurrently happening with AIs and it can be a bit frustrating sometimes.

    1) When AI runs with the ball next to the touchline, what happens too often is that he crosses the line along with the ball and concedes a throw-in, even when the AI is not under any pressure at all.

    2) AI likes to run after the ball at all costs - sometimes even when it is completely unnecessary. As an example: A player from team X crosses the ball and it gets intercepted by a player from team Y. What happens is - The ball is headed to leave the pitch while nobody from team Y is chasing it, so instead of waiting for the ball to leave the pitch and get a throw in or a corner kick for his team like most players in reality would, a player from team X will sprint after the ball and leave the pitch along with it because he can't decelerate quickly enough, thus giving possession to the other team for nothing.


    Again, I normally wouldn't consider this a bug, but it happens too often to think of it as poor decision making/ball control from the player involved.


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    • SI Staff

    Hi @DunhillBlack77 do you have any pkm's which demonstrate instances of this happening? It isn't something that can just be reproduced so specific examples for the QA team to look into are greatly appreciated. I should mention, we are aware of some touchline issues that you have brought up, more examples doesn't hurt but I'm interested in the latter example.

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    • SI Staff

    It is one I was aware of which is why I went back to edit my original post, its the second point you've made that I would be particularly interested in seeing your pkm's for so that our QA team can investigate these.

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