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  • Adjust Budgets

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    Description of issue

    This is the MOST ANNOYING thing that concerns me, which is I can't adjust between the transfer budgets and wage budgets freely. For example, if I want to sign 2 players, I adjust the budget to make it have more wage budget(still left enough transfer fee for the player), but then if I want to sign another player such as a free agent but the wage budget is negative, and I have much more transfer budget to make it positive and sign the free agent, the game however, doesn't allow me to do so. Because apparently, I just changed the budget and the board don't allow me to change it anymore. This makes no sense and it is negatively impacting my experience on this game. Please fix this as soon as possible, thank you!


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    • SI Staff

    Hi @thejerr.s - I can understand it being a frustrating issue to run into. Just for my understanding, are you in a situation where you've adjusted the budget once, and then are looking to change it again?

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