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  • Moving clubs before end of contract, on a pre contract

    John Chard
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Need More Info

    Description of issue

    I have been managing a team in Indonesia, where the end of the season is December and therefore, my contract runs until 31st December. In November I got a deal with Tranmere to move at the end of my contract, which would either be moving on 31st December 2023or 1st January 2024. My final game of the season was on the 26th December, so after 3 years with the team I wanted to see the season out and celebrate, which is why I chose to move at the end of the season, not immediately.

    However, when it came to the end of December it turned out that my date for moving clubs was the 25th, so early that I would not get to have the final game of the season with a team I have been building for the last 3 years.

    Either having the move date being the end of the contract, whether that be 31 Dec or 1st Jan, or having a custom selected move date would be nice. E.g. a calendar is available in which you are given say 2 weeks to move to the new club at the end of the season and you can chose which date.


    I have had this issue for the last 3 FMs at least, so Im not sure if this is a bug or what is supposed to happen, but its highly annoying being forced out the day before the end of the season.


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    • SI Staff

    Hey @John Chard do you have a save game from before you made the move in the latter stages of December? Additionally, if possible, a save from when you had the job offer from Tranmere would also be great depending upon the exact time line of events in your game.

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