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  • Analysis on Regen Attribute Distribution

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    Description of issue

    A while ago I did a report on the poor crossing/dribbling ability on fullbacks/wingbacks. However, after further analysis it has come to my attention that there are certain attributes that remain low on regens when they are generated regardless of position. Below is a report on my findings. Its rather lengthy but I hope it proves useful.

    Note: All saves contain 70000+ players (number of players in database in parentheses) with all major European, North America, and South American leagues loaded. All leagues are loaded as playable. Orange table is data from the start of the save while blue table contains data for 3 different test saves advanced 20 years, when virtually all players are regens. Numbers with a + next to them indicate players with an attribute equal to or greater than said number.


    Crossing-- As the save progresses there is a sharp decline in crossing ability across the entire database. At the start of a save there are 371 players with a crossing ability 15 or more, 1286 with a crossing ability of 14 or more and so on. 20 years later there are only 42, 43, and 35 players with a crossing ability of 15 or more across the three different saves. Also of note, there are only 1891, 1779, and 2048 players with a crossing ability of 11 or more while at the start of the save there are 14172. A simply massive reduction in crossing ability as a save progresses and more and more regens populate the game and real players retire.

    Dribbling/Finishing-Similar to the Crossing attribute. While the number of players with a Dribbling/Finishing attribute of 15+ remains nearly identical regardless if it’s at the start of the save or 20 years later, there is still a massive reduction in said attributes across the database when a larger range is taken into account. For example, at the start of a save there are 24202 players with a dribbling ability of 11 or more. 20 years later the number sharply decline to 11911, 11124, and 13337 respectively. About a 50% reduction in players with a dribbling ability of 11 or more. Finishing shows an even larger reduction. 15128 players have Finishing ability of 11 or more at the start of a save. Number then reduces to only 4249, 3923, and 4938 respectively after 20 years.


    Again, player attributes decline as a save progresses. Could address each attribute individually but I think the table shows the problem quite clearly. Also of note, all the attributes that show heavy decline are technical attributes for whatever reason.

    There are also certain attributes among the regen database that are much higher compared to players at the start of a save. The report for these attributes is found below:



    Agility/Balance-The two attributes that seem to be absurdly high when compared to the players at the start of the save. At the start of said save there were on 2602 players with an Agility ability of 15+ and only 1921 with a Balance ability of 15 or more. However, after 20+ years there were 10388. 9477, and 11002 players with an agility ability of 15 or more and 9254, 8072, and 9365 players with a balance ability of 15 or more. Teamwork and Flair also shows a similar trend.

    Saves Uploaded as:




    Also attached report on all atributes below:





    User Feedback

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    So I just noticed that my post might not be clear in pinpointing a specific bug, so I'll mention it in this post. Certain attributes on regens differ greatly when compared to the  players at the start of the save. I know the the talent level on attributes such as crossing, finishing, heading, etc will not be exactly the same in the future when compared to the start of a game  and variation is necessary to maintain an enjoyable and different database when progressing into the future. However, certain attributes decrease/increase an abnormal amount when progressing a save and Regens take over creating an unbalanced database. Most issues appear to be on technical and a few physical attributes.

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    • SI Staff

    Thanks for providing the data you have accumulated, and it is well presented. In instances like this there's not so much we can give in detailed feedback, the profiles for regens are something that is continually altered in the background by devs and if there is something more we can gain from this then it will help in that process. 

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