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  • Player stats not correct

    Nin Marady
    • Public Status: Resolved Files Uploaded: None

    player stats is not correct




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    @Nin Marady and @A J - That player stats sections is for the competition of the next game you're playing. So in the egs above, it's the player stats for the FA Cup. It's not the player stats for the whole season. I agree that could make that more clear. Confused me for a bit too.

    Also, I really miss the whole season stats section on the home page. I used to use that a lot and am really sad it's gone. There are quite a few little things that have changed that make my 'workflow' more inefficient in 22.

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    41 minutes ago, Angelos Antoniades said:

    The home menu shows the player stats for whichever competition the next game is in. So for both of you it's for the FA Cup 

    It still shouldn’t be showing me players who are out on loan. 

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