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  • Slow gameplay after January 1st in Samsung s20 mobile version

    James Irons
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    Hey guys, do you know when we are likely to receive the Google app store update for the fix to the slow gameplay after January 1st issue on mobile, as we have seen a lot of other countries have had there's over last couple days and we haven't seem to have this for UK app store?





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    On 20/12/2021 at 00:06, James Irons said:

    Thanks for this, will just wait and see on the play store updates then!

    Hi James. I'm going to mark this as resolved as we've just released a minor update to combat this issue. Please respond to this thread if you're still struggling and we can revisit this issue if so. Thanks for all your assistance. 

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