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  • Trial players

    Roberto Streger
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    I've been taking on trial some players for 1 week and I've seen that in doing so, my team's cohesion and atmosphere has gone down the drain. I believe that players who join the club on trial could not change the cohesion and atmosphere in any way as they are not part of the group yet.


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    I really hope that this issue will be fixed because this is annoying. When I play with lower league clubs, it's important to me to make the trial with a lot of players to see which of tham u will want to offer an contrat, but as i told, the cohesion and atmosphere from my team goes down a lot.

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    My lovely people,

    Why is it that in every years edition of this game series the trialing is flawed? Do you game test it at all apart from the casual arsenal alpha?

    These things shouldn't even make it into open beta.

    There are users that like to play in the more obscure parts of the world. (South America, Eastern Europe or just outside english football)

    We have to beg every year to make the game work. To be honest, just give me a job as a play tester, I will give you all the issues in a day.e

    Have a nice day.


    Edited by b2khn
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    • SI Staff
    13 hours ago, b2khn said:

    My lovely people,

    Why is it that in every years edition of this game series the trialing is flawed? Do you game test it at all apart from the casual arsenal alpha?

    These things shouldn't even make it into open beta.

    There are users that like to play in the more obscure parts of the world. (South America, Eastern Europe or just outside english football)

    We have to beg every year to make the game work. To be honest, just give me a job as a play tester, I will give you all the issues in a day.e

    Have a nice day.


    Well we always welcome assistance in testing the game. I would hope that you can back up your claim of being able to identify all issues in a day by at least providing a save game with which our QA team can work from in regards to this particular issue? 

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    6 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    Well we always welcome assistance in testing the game. I would hope that you can back up your claim of being able to identify all issues in a day by at least providing a save game with which our QA team can work from in regards to this particular issue? 

    Yeah, all in one day and one save only. But I was just halfway kidding, Iam pretty sure that you focuse heavyly on the uk and the prem. You should maybe realise that the you have a loyal userbase outside those leagues, which are eager to play "their game".

    MLS, eastern europe, south america, Iam pretty sure, that if I would look into those leagues, I would find the same issues from the last beta.

    So you already have those reports in form of issues and feature requests, for years.

    I hope you understand, that exaggeration is used to make a point not everything is literally meant the way it is expressed.

    Just have a nice day.

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    Em 03/11/2022 em 18:29, Michael Sant disse:

    No problem, let us know if you do have another save in which this happens.

    Hi Michael

    I uploaded the file as name of >> Hightower.fm <<

    I made 2 pictures to show you. The first picture I made in the day when i asked players to come on trial and the second picture is day after when they arrived in my club



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