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  • Reserve Teams = Bugged

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Firstly, this bug occurs regardless of the skin used in-game. I've swapped it and returned to default (no skin). 
    Secondly, the database I use is custom; allowing for Reserve / B / C teams to exist in the English system (as well as fantasy teams)

    This only seems to effect the Reserve team. The B and C team seem to be fine for some reason.

    With that said, the career stats panel for players in said reserve squads are bugged. 
    Below is Nachi Gil. A player that has been in my Reserve squad since 2022. He has not been loaned or transferred. He has not played for any other team; yet his career stats panel shows that he has been on several other teams? image.thumb.png.d53695c1fb8d76c2627484b1464f3e7a.pngimage.thumb.png.3d6070033c09ec6452169dc074faa77d.png
    Above is his Milestone history. This shows that he joined my team and then never moved elsewhere.  Furthermore, below is another player. This is a Youth Intake player that has never been sent elsewhere. The career stats panel however shows...


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    • SI Staff

    This may be an issue we're already aware of and its just manifesting in your save as well. Our QA team will take a look at this and see if there are is anything further we need to be looking into. 

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