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  • Squad Planner - After Clearing list disrupted positions available when adding player to position on SP

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    Description of issue

    I noticed this yesterday but couldn't get it to replicate. I assume this is also unknown. I did a search of the bugs but it is extensive. Apologies if it is known.

    I have been going over the squad planner and experimenting with finding the best way to use it.

    I have recently been starting again with each position and adding players via my squad screen.

    1) I cleared my list for DL, doing this player by player, and ending up with a clean slate for DL.


    2) I then went to my squad window and filtered for all players marked as DL.

    3) On the first player, Carl Dickinson, I right click his name, scroll down to Report>Add To Squad Planner and I get the following list of players:


    4) Without continuing or doing anything else, I go to Carl Dickinson's profile and select Reports>Add To Squad Planner from the top menus. This time I get a different list of positions:



    My tactic is set as a 4-4-2 Route One so I am thinking it should give me a list of position for that tactic, not the positions I got from trying to add Dickinson to the squad planner via the squad page (as in step 3).


    As i said, I saw this happen yesterday but didn't get a screenshot the first time. I tried to replicate the issue and couldn't. Tonight I logged in fresh and this happened. It seems there may be a specific set of steps required, i.e. the ones I have listed.

    I will add the save I replicated this on. anagain_squadplanner_bug.fm

    Hopefully you can replicate this with the save I have provided.


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    I must add that after I have tried to add Dickinson via his profile I then get a list of positions for 4-4-2 if I try to add him via the squad page.

    It is is as if attempting to add a player via his profile page "fixes" the wrong positions list on the squad page.


    It is a strange issue. I hope I have explained this well.

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    It does actually seem to be happening regularly. I just cleared my list of DCR and got this for the first player I tried to add from my squad list

    Whether it is just as simple as the option to add player from the squad list is returning the wrong formation

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    I think it is the first player you interract with after clearing a list on the squad planner screen. I didn't go through with the actions in the post above and tried to add the next player straight away - it was reporting the right positions for 4-4-2



    BUT, the next time I try to add Mullings from the squad page (after adding a couple of players to DCR) I get a list for a WB formation


    It's very strange. The game keeps changing the formation and the available positions when I try to add a player via the squad screen

    I only have one basic, untinkered with, formation in my tactics so it would seem adding to squad planner via the squad screen is ignoring the tactic (when it feels like it).

    Does it depend on the player and his available positions? 



    I know there has been a lot of rambling here, but I've been playing with this and trying to find what's causing it.


    Edited by anagain
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    15 minutes ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, sorry the late reply. Can you confirm if this is still an issue for you?

    Sorry, I forgot I'd bugged this.

    I have just had a look and players do now appear to be showing positions for the current tactic when I try to add them from the squad list and from their profiles.


    Have opened up my beta save that I reported this issue from. It does indeeed give me positions based on my trained tactic when adding to the squad planner from the squad list. This is after removing all persosn from a position, as I did in the steps in my original post.


    It would seem to be working better <fingers crossed>

    Thanks for the follow up. 

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