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  • Can't pass a day

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    Hello im stuck in the game with my friends. We can't pass to the next day so we can't play anymore. I tryed to remove the cache/preference and to verify my files but still doesn't work.

    The name of my save is "FM of Legends .fm", I already uploaded on your cloud


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    Any updates on this? I have the same issue. Bought the game for 60€ but after the latest update game is totally unplayable at the moment. Need support and quick fix asap!

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    Also can confirm I have this in July 2030

    Intermittent issues with the continue button not working, when I press continue nothing happens, I can holiday for a day and play through a few more days but the problem reoccurs and again need to holiday a day to advance. 

    Things I've tried

    - Exited and restarted FM

    - Rebooted Computer

    After doing the above, I load the saved game up where it has got stuck and still cannot press continue. If I load an older game, before the problem started, continue works fine. 

    Edited by JustinJJ
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    In my save game, we playing together 3 managers. I noticed that when I remove (retire) other 2 managers in my save game, day processing begins to be fast again. Then just to test, I added 2 new managers and day processing was still fast. Then I sent all managers to holiday just to test it after 2-3 years, and this time after 2-3 years passed in game, slow day processing started once again!

    Also added save game on cloud. You could test it yourself here: "hayriiiiii - Galatasaray 3 (v02) (v02) (v02).fm"

    @Neil Brock @Kyle Brown @Michael Sant

    Edited by Kayzer
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    • Administrators

    Can people please create their own issue/thread to track their individual issues? May well be that there are different causes for these, so want to make sure they're all kept separate.

    In this one we'll track @xProXyDe's issue. Thanks. 

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