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  • Duplicate Recruitment Focuses & the wrong recruitment focus being deleted.

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Resolved

    Description of issue

    Having issues with recruitment focuses being duplicated and when I delete the duplicate, it actually deletes the wrong recruitment focus. Below you can see Spain is there twice. If I delete Spain, it won't actually delete Spain but will delete another focus instead.



    Also, not sure if this is related, but this screenshot does not accurately represent the scouting coverage I have set up. Maybe it's because the scouts have multiple assignments - not sure:



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    1 hour ago, Michael Sant said:

    Hey @weststigerman1 the save file you've provided doesn't show this issue. Is it possible its in another save file you have?

    I sent similar -not same-problem (creating same plan's name after I editing old plan which i done in same day and no made progress by spacebar)

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    2 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    What was the save name of that particular file which showed a similar issue @myfunnygame?

    i sent same post, not file, but i describe how to do duplicate of plan. This post's name is Planner - ..


    I have it:


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    I'm having the same issue, set up numerous scouting assignments but after a short period of time they will duplicate, and when I go to delete the duplicates they remove ones either above or below. For some reason, scouts are also unassigned to the assignments i set them (all are ongoing so should not be unassigned) randomly. I have no idea what's causing it but have attached a few save files showing the progress of the issue (at no point between saves have I changed the assignments or reassigned scouts).


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    • SI Staff

    @Chilled_Abuse would you be able to upload this to our cloud storage as the QA team may not be able to access a link from third party storage. Once done if you let me know the file name I can pass this on. A guide on how to do so is available here: 


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    On 27/11/2022 at 04:35, Michael Sant said:

    @Chilled_Abuse would you be able to upload this to our cloud storage as the QA team may not be able to access a link from third party storage. Once done if you let me know the file name I can pass this on. A guide on how to do so is available here: 


    @Michael Sant I've uploaded 3 files, file names are:

    Martyn Puttock - Arsenal (v04).fm

    Martyn Puttock - Arsenal.fm

    Martyn Puttock - Arsenal (v03).fm

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    The duplicating issue appears to be resolved.

    I'm not sure if it's a change with the latest patch but under the scouting coverage section it now only shows either a country or region for each scout despite having multiple areas (usually a country/region followed by competitions within that country/region). For example, the below screenshot shows Italy with 4 different competitions all as part of the same assignment, but next to the scout it only states the country which wasn't the case before. I am also being prompted in the inbox to begin scouting on competitions that are already part of assignments so I'm not sure whether the assignments are working correctly?



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    @Zachary Whyte I just uploaded a save game file (Scout assignment example.fm) where I've received a notification to scout 2 competitions that are currently listed in assignments I have set up. 





    Edited by Chilled_Abuse
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