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real madrid in fm 2010

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It's funny how people take things, I didn't even think about offending anyone with that "statement".

There are obviously women using PC's and all that, so saying how's it "childish" to refer to both sexes as jealous of Real's spening power.


Real's BORROWING power.

I edited it for you.

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I'm not too sure where everyone on this board has crowned the notion of debt as a bad thing. Nearly every single business on the planet is built on debt, it's a perfectly legitimate means of raising capital. No one here knows Real's business model and corporate structure, so I wouldn't really try.

As for sustainability, it entirely depends on their ability to borrow. Of course interest rates are likely to increase substantially in the next 12-24 months, but if real have hedged out their exposure properly, they should be on fixed rate terms.

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having just sign kaka and on the verge of signing ronaldo i think that managing real madrid in fm 2010 would be the dream job even better than man city and this will be my first team in 2010 who agree with me

Wont have any budget to buy decent defenders. :thdn:

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No debt apart from the 600 million euros, not that it matters because the government will buy some more fields off you if your struggling ;)

Doesnt Real translate in english to Royal? Royal Madrid :D


I guess Real Madrid is from the "Score more than you school"?

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Only will post to answer a pair of odd comments that are not true.

The King of Spain hasn't given any money to Real Madrid.

The Spanish Government hasn't give any money to Real Madrid.

Caixa Catalunya has given money to Florentino that he is using to buy players for Real Madrid, later he will have to ask the Club to give his money back, and surely will be when he is out of Presidency once again...

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So much jealousy, you people need help.

Just to clear any confusion:

1. We're not in any kind of debt

2. Clubs have a lot of ways to make money, and we have even more (ways & money :D)

3. Unless someone posts here an official document signed by a government official that they (the government) give us money - I call ******** and you can disagree with me all you want, without proof it's just rambling of a jealous (wo)man.

Please elaborate on how we don't appreciate talents, that is - we kill players that get old and dump the body in a river ?

Saviola had some talent way back - but just to remind you - Barça released him because he's a failure.

Not every player with a talent can play in every league, EPL is a physically demanding league, la Liga is slower and requires good technique and whatever, I can't see Owen dribbling past players in la Liga (oh wait).

I'll wait for the second Man Utd sign a player for over 1cent and complain about how can they afford it ? They're in debt over their head, their debt can buy enough fuel to send me to the Moon.

So the keyword here is jealousy.

The facts are very simple madrid are in debt but they are a big brand mainly due to the previous galatico era. However I don't expect them to succed because I don't see them gelling together and then they have the competition from Barca who are just brilliant tbh.

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The banks have given Real the cash because Perez is rich. Thing is, the president of a club isn't allowed to put money into or take money out of, the club. So in a strange way, the debt is written off.

If they do buy Maicon, I'd expect Ramos to move to centre back.

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Part of the Villa deal has Raul Alboil going to Madrid as well so that is one defenderr signing for them, That takes that deal up to £50 million with Negredo the striker going to Valencia.

Looks like on hell of a deal for Valencia as Negredo is one of the countries up and coming stars

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After Real buying Kaka and Ronaldo IRL i expect on FM 10 that your assistant or somebody else tells you how much profit you can make from the player before signing him.And you should get more money form sponsorship deals the more world class reputation players you have

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As mentioned a few times above Madrid will have no transfer budget and also what if Kaka and Ronaldo both go and pick up long term injuries? Won't be fun then.

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What do you mean ambition? Hes done everything possible at Man U and they are basically a 1 man team, his and Kaka's transfer to Madrid this last week makes Madrid look way better than Man U's current team and I expect even more are yet to come

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Always alot of jealousy going around when it comes to talking about Real Madrid, which is odd considering how poorly they did this year for instance.

As to the claims of government/king/that squirrel in the tree over there - support, one word will suffice: Rubbish.

As for the defence, what is needed is 1 world class centerback and the team will have a crazy starting XI, combined with, depending on who'll be sold tho, a great bench, that offensively has some great players also.

Heintze/Marcelo - new - Pepe - Ramos is a good defense, claiming Pepe and Heintze are not good defensively must be based on mostly ignorance. Marcelo in instead of Henitze will give Madrid two very offensive full backs, which surely would be entertaining to watch if say the players infront of them were Robben and C Ronaldo.

If the villa/ C Ronaldo deals go through, depending on who's sold, the offensive backup players will have a very high quality: Nistelroy/Higuain/Raul/Guti/Sneijder - expecting Van der vart and Huntelaar at least to be sold.

Finally in terms of ambition, obviously his move to Real Madrid means he has a high ambition, helping the most succesfull European Club become even more succesfull is clearly > playing in Man Utd.

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Always alot of jealousy going around when it comes to talking about Real Madrid, which is odd considering how poorly they did this year for instance.

As to the claims of government/king/that squirrel in the tree over there - support, one word will suffice: Rubbish.

As for the defence, what is needed is 1 world class centerback and the team will have a crazy starting XI, combined with, depending on who'll be sold tho, a great bench, that offensively has some great players also.

Heintze/Marcelo - new - Pepe - Ramos is a good defense, claiming Pepe and Heintze are not good defensively must be based on mostly ignorance. Marcelo in instead of Henitze will give Madrid two very offensive full backs, which surely would be entertaining to watch if say the players infront of them were Robben and C Ronaldo.

If the villa/ C Ronaldo deals go through, depending on who's sold, the offensive backup players will have a very high quality: Nistelroy/Higuain/Raul/Guti/Sneijder - expecting Van der vart and Huntelaar at least to be sold.

Finally in terms of ambition, obviously his move to Real Madrid means he has a high ambition, helping the most succesfull European Club become even more succesfull is clearly > playing in Man Utd.

Di Stefano and Puskas are no longer playing - it's not ambitious to go and play for a team that has been nowhere near the pinnacle of Europe in the past few years, and has definitely not been the team in Spain to head for if one aspires to greatness.

If it were ambition, he'd ask to go to Barca.

He's going to Rea because:

he's a fan, they'll treat him like a celebrity, it's warm, they'll pay him a load

As for the government/king thing, unless they put forward the argument of sheer incompetence verging on retardation, there is no explanation for the purchase of Real's training ground at a hugely inflated price by the City of Madrid, other than that it was an underhand subsidy to clear their debts.

On another note, with a debatable world XI all linked with, or at Spain's top two clubs (and plausibly so, unlike in Man City's case) I think they've got to have the top repped league.


Messi Kaka Ronaldo

Xavi Iniesta

Evra ---- Vidic Ramos

The one gap will go when Madrid turn to look for defenders, and whislt I don't think Evra will go, and if Vidic's stupid wife will shut up he'll stay too, that's still pretty intimidating, especially given a bench of Ribery, Benzema et al

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its ok though, after one season they will probably just transfer list them.

incidentally did you see what was said about real not going into debt over these transfers? I dont know what that president is smoking but he seriously doesnt make sense. When asked if real madrid were going into debt over this he replied:

"On the contrary, we think we can improve our accounts by aiming for three goals," he told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"Increasing ticket sales, increasing bank loans and increasing the club's economic value.

"(The money) is exclusively the club's not mine.

"Real Madrid take about €400million a year, the fruit of three sources of income - a third from ticket sales, a third from television rights and a third from merchandising."

Ok back that one up a minute there, surely increasing bank loans = debt?

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One of the thing the game doesn't yet reflect is clubs who don't really have a formal transfer budget. For differing reasons, Manchester City and Real Madrid are effectively able to target the players they want and at least attempt to sign them. They can basically afford whoever they deem themselves to need, although City haven't yet got started. It would be more realistic in FM if, when you manage teams like this, you simply approached the board with transfer targets and left it up to them to fund the purchase or not. Though, saying that, at Real Madrid the top brass seem to control transfer policy, which is a road I don't think FM should go down.

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Mike7077 - across southern Europe, Italy and Spain etc., it isn't the manager who chooses who to sign, its always usually the board/chairman/president etc. for most clubs, Football Manager is based on the English way

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Its been brought up in the forum before, I think it would be a good idea to have clubs that actually operate like this do it - Spurs did for a while with that Italian guy, as did Newcastle with Dennis Wise - but i'd only like it if it could be turned on and off in the options..

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So much jealousy, you people need help.

Just to clear any confusion:

1. We're not in any kind of debt

2. Clubs have a lot of ways to make money, and we have even more (ways & money :D)

3. Unless someone posts here an official document signed by a government official that they (the government) give us money - I call ******** and you can disagree with me all you want, without proof it's just rambling of a jealous (wo)man.

Please elaborate on how we don't appreciate talents, that is - we kill players that get old and dump the body in a river ?

Saviola had some talent way back - but just to remind you - Barça released him because he's a failure.

Not every player with a talent can play in every league, EPL is a physically demanding league, la Liga is slower and requires good technique and whatever, I can't see Owen dribbling past players in la Liga (oh wait).

I'll wait for the second Man Utd sign a player for over 1cent and complain about how can they afford it ? They're in debt over their head, their debt can buy enough fuel to send me to the Moon.

So the keyword here is jealousy.

its ok though, after one season they will probably just transfer list them.

incidentally did you see what was said about real not going into debt over these transfers? I dont know what that president is smoking but he seriously doesnt make sense. When asked if real madrid were going into debt over this he replied:

"On the contrary, we think we can improve our accounts by aiming for three goals," he told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

"Increasing ticket sales, increasing bank loans and increasing the club's economic value.

"(The money) is exclusively the club's not mine.

"Real Madrid take about €400million a year, the fruit of three sources of income - a third from ticket sales, a third from television rights and a third from merchandising."

Ok back that one up a minute there, surely increasing bank loans = debt?

in some ways yes but on the other hand, the money they will make from just their names will be amazing and pay for any increasing loan payments and still have some left over to play with

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I think the interesting thing to observe is how well Real Madrid perform as a team, rather than just a group of superbly talented individuals.

Arguably, Manchester United without Cristiano Ronaldo could be stronger for his sale, given that it's understood that part of SAF's agreement to the deal was that he has all the proceeds to spend as he sees fit on new players. So in the long run, it could be the case that although United have doubtless lost a superb player, it's still one player and he'll have the funds to sign players who can strengthen the squad as a whole.

All in all, I believe the deal favours Manchester United, regardless of where the money has come from on Real Madrid's behalf.

In respect of FM2010 though... fully expect to see CR's "Loyalty" attribute dropped significantly ;)

First up let me say I cant stand Ronaldo, hes an overpaid prima-donna...

However that said I think unless Man U make a super signing they will sorely miss him. I remember at least 4 games towards the back end of last season when Liverpool hit their best form that C Ronaldo single handedly saved Man Utd's arses with a wonder goal or a freakish free kick.

Without him Liverpool would have won the EPL and they might not even have got to the CL final. And the final were Barca outplayed them he was the one Man U player who looked like he may score.

I hate the guy but players like him are hard to replace. Is he worth 80mill... nobody is, but he is possibly one of the best footballers of his generation (sadly, cause hes a dick)

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Di Stefano and Puskas are no longer playing - it's not ambitious to go and play for a team that has been nowhere near the pinnacle of Europe in the past few years, and has definitely not been the team in Spain to head for if one aspires to greatness.

If it were ambition, he'd ask to go to Barca.

He's going to Rea because:

he's a fan, they'll treat him like a celebrity, it's warm, they'll pay him a load

As for the government/king thing, unless they put forward the argument of sheer incompetence verging on retardation, there is no explanation for the purchase of Real's training ground at a hugely inflated price by the City of Madrid, other than that it was an underhand subsidy to clear their debts.

If you think the failure to win European throphies (because the league has been won) has made the status of Real Madrid as one of the most attractive clubs in the world fade, you are sadly wrong, which is evident by the signing of Kaka (who refused city, so the "only money matters" argument is null and void) and the highly likely signing of C Ronaldo, the top player atm, as well as the rumored signing of Villa.

It is pretty simple deciding what is most prestigious to play in Real Madrid or Man Utd: Look at at the transfers between the two clubs, to mention the most prominent: Beckham, Nistelrooy, and now most likely C Ronaldo. The other way?

In regards to the sale of the ground the, excuse my language, idiocy is staggering: The city of Madrid used that 15 hectar plot in the MIDDLE of the city, to change it into a commercial disctrict, selling it at very high prices, 4 45-story skyscrapers now take up most of that space and it has been a huge financial success. Stop making accusations in connection with situations you obviously know nothing about.

Infact the European Union investigated the sale due to the sheer amount of accusations, but has come up with nothing.

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lol (no other way to express what I'm doing right now)

Real finished second in la Liga, true that in respect to Real Madrid's ambitions and expectations it was a failure, but it's funny to hear that coming from someone else (that isn't affiliated with Real Madrid, or IS Real Madrid).

Betis did poorly this season. Real Madrid did fine.

Like I said, I admit that there has to be some sort of debt in every organization, but in Real's case, it barely hinders the club, hence it's ignored, as we can pay it, unlike some clubs that can't pay their debts, that means they're in big pile of poo.

For the last time, before going about accusing Banks of Spain that they give People's money to Real Madrid - back yourself up, hey, there's an idea, show me a bank statement.

Just because Banks help Real Madrid doesn't mean it's something illegal or morally wrong, it's pure envy coming from you.

How about you go whine about Cristiano Ronaldo and how horrible he is now that he's left UK ? You do that well over there.

Leave Real Madrid's business to people who care about the club.

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The fact of the matter is that Real Madrid still won't be a really top class team.

They are so far off being a really world class team at the moment that these 2 players won't make that much of a difference.

Barcelona walk all over them in the Spanish leagues, they have got nowhere in the Champions league for the past few seasons and I just can't see how these 2 players are going to completely revitalise their team.

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The fact of the matter is that Real Madrid still won't be a really top class team.

They are so far off being a really world class team at the moment that these 2 players won't make that much of a difference.

Barcelona walk all over them in the Spanish leagues, they have got nowhere in the Champions league for the past few seasons and I just can't see how these 2 players are going to completely revitalise their team.

Then who qualifies to be a "really top class team" ? The sole winner of last year's Champions League ?

The club with most domestic titles in the past five years ?

The club that produces the best players ?

Opinions aside, it's unquestionable that Real Madrid are a world class club, they're very well known, rich and have great players.

There are many clubs like Real Madrid, I'm not saying that Real Madrid are the best, far from it, personally I'm not happy about our performance last year, but that hardly means we're not "world class".

Barça can walk all over us a million times, we still have more titles in the bag than they ever will.

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Then who qualifies to be a "really top class team" ? The sole winner of last year's Champions League ?

The club with most domestic titles in the past five years ?

The club that produces the best players ?

Opinions aside, it's unquestionable that Real Madrid are a world class club, they're very well known, rich and have great players.

There are many clubs like Real Madrid, I'm not saying that Real Madrid are the best, far from it, personally I'm not happy about our performance last year, but that hardly means we're not "world class".

Barça can walk all over us a million times, we still have more titles in the bag than they ever will.

Real Madrid have a top reputation. That is all. We all Kmow how the last "galactico" era ended, something that i think Real never really recovered from. I wonder if Perez has factored the global financial crisis into his merchandising figures? Possibly, but with Spain having one of the highest unemployment rates in Europe, and one of its biggest banks and sponsor of the league, BBVA, putting staff "on leave" with only 33% pay, its only a matter of time before a downfall im sorry to say. Money cant continue to flow around like this. Platini (or Pratini as i call him) always picks on the money flowing around the EPL, i would suggest he takes a closer look at his southern european counterparts!

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What's your point, mate ?

Summarize, do you want to say that Real Madrid are a mediocre club ? That we'll go bankrupt ? That Barça are better at handling money ? That EPL are financially safe ?

That Platini is smoking bad crack ? That Spain will suffer because Real Madrid bought C. Ronaldo ?

The end of the world is coming ?

I love a good arguement but it seems as if there's nothing more to argue about :D

So let's call it a night and enjoy FM for the rest of this night ? :)

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TBH i think Madrid will be no better next year, at least on Fm, as their squad players (not CR7 or Kaka) will be worse than last year.

And as for finances, they are dodgy, but no worse than Chelski or Man City, or AC for that matter.

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What's your point, mate ?

Summarize, do you want to say that Real Madrid are a mediocre club ? That we'll go bankrupt ? That Barça are better at handling money ? That EPL are financially safe ?

That Platini is smoking bad crack ? That Spain will suffer because Real Madrid bought C. Ronaldo ?

The end of the world is coming ?

I love a good arguement but it seems as if there's nothing more to argue about :D

So let's call it a night and enjoy FM for the rest of this night ? :)

Im saying that the maerchandising may be down and not what was expected. At the end of the day, people are losing their jobs and wont spend on frivalous things like football. Real Madrid are a big club, of course they are, but is that because of a rake of recent trophies? No its because of what they done previously, in the past if you will. The EPL is not safe, in fact IMO its only a matter of time before a bigger team struggles, especially if they manage to not qualify for the champions league. Platini has aften digged at the English clubs in Europe saying that the money getting spent by those teams is evil. I was just suggesting he may want to take a broader view, outside of England, on things before introducing his transfer caps, salary caps, domestic player rules or whatever.

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The signings of Real Madrid irl show how flawed the transfer system is in fm. Someone quoted a 50mil exchange deal for Villa, when i went Madrid and tried to buy him, i couldn't get him for less than 115m. Milan have also asked for over 100mil for kaka, what did he go for in real-life? Less than 60? Didn't even attempt to try to buy Ronaldo but there is no way you would get him for 80mil! FM has had this problem for years and it never gets sorted, look at fm08 and let's take Dani Alves for example he would have cost at least 30mil unless he singed a new contract with a minimum fee release clause and in the summer he went for what 16ish? Ibrahimovic is another classic example the money Inter would want to sell him is ridiculous compared to what he would go for irl.

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The signings of Real Madrid irl show how flawed the transfer system is in fm. Someone quoted a 50mil exchange deal for Villa, when i went Madrid and tried to buy him, i couldn't get him for less than 115m. Milan have also asked for over 100mil for kaka, what did he go for in real-life? Less than 60? Didn't even attempt to try to buy Ronaldo but there is no way you would get him for 80mil! FM has had this problem for years and it never gets sorted, look at fm08 and let's take Dani Alves for example he would have cost at least 30mil unless he singed a new contract with a minimum fee release clause and in the summer he went for what 16ish? Ibrahimovic is another classic example the money Inter would want to sell him is ridiculous compared to what he would go for irl.

Agree, its also irritating when you have an obscene offer rejected, 100 million for example, yet the AI will accept much less from an AI team. The same applies to wages IMO.

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Agree, its also irritating when you have an obscene offer rejected, 100 million for example, yet the AI will accept much less from an AI team. The same applies to wages IMO.

Yeah, and it's not even as if they're rivals or that and Milan and Valencia aren't really in positions to turn down they sort of offers are they?

Going back to an earlier point doesn't a team start with a good transfer budget even if they have spent big in the summer, aslong as you tick the 'allow transfer budgets in first window' thing. If so then it will be good playing with Madrid as Perez has sorted out the attack and you could use the money to buy 1 or 2 quality defenders, or that could turn out very easy actually.

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Yeah, and it's not even as if they're rivals or that and Milan and Valencia aren't really in positions to turn down they sort of offers are they?

Going back to an earlier point doesn't a team start with a good transfer budget even if they have spent big in the summer, aslong as you tick the 'allow transfer budgets in first window' thing. If so then it will be good playing with Madrid as Perez has sorted out the attack and you could use the money to buy 1 or 2 quality defenders, or that could turn out very easy actually.

Yeah, it will be like Man City, but less of a challenge as you'll have a great team anyway.

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Someone commented about CRonaldo having ambition before.

I have ambition, too. It's my ambition to live in an amazing city, being paid a bucket-load and having a (most like) key to the city. Who said anything about football, what? :)

The way firms are run these days (and let's not be fooled into thinking that football clubs are solely about football any more, that attitude went out in the 80-90s with the restructuring of marketing/television rights), is to maximise profit. The costs of bringing in quality players will probably be offset by the revenue in shirt sales and marketing. Real Madrid want exciting players, because only with an exciting brand of football will they be able to snag that coveted India / Asian market. Imagine putting a Real Madrid shirt on a billion fans? Win win, in my opinion. But also a big gamble, because if they fail then they've butchered themselves with a debt they can't service. Besides, I think Barcelona are infinitely more entertaining to watch and they'll probably recruit more fans even with modest spending: they're established as a wonderfully attacking football side, that is easy to adore. I mean, heck, don't they PAY unicef to advertise on their shirts?

P.s. from a purely socio-cultural aspect, who would want to live in Manchester when Madrid is an option?

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if FM is to stay true with their motto - to keep it REAL with this game, then i can see Perez is going to have a lot of says on FM2010, probably will be telling the manager who to buy who to sell. And if you can't win everything on sight, you are going to get sacked. well, at least i think that will be the case with whoever is going to manage the REAL Real Madrid next season.

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They signed Pellegrini (Chilean coach) from Villarreal. He's always been a cautious spender. He took a professional but mediocre team, nurtured them and turned them into a real European and domestic force a la SAF at Man Utd.

Real Madrid has always seemed to adopt the blunt force approach of just buying glory (reminds me of Chelsea, really), so this type of manager may be doomed to fail from the beginning. It seems like he'd be the perfect manager for Real Madrid, IF he was given three or four years to cull the dead-weight, foster his own players and then have them performing as he wants them to. Then again, how can you lose with such a line-up? It'll depend more on his ability to get the team working on the same wave length as opposed to developing them as players.

My 2c

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I imagine Real will do really well in fm2010. In my current game Man City bought: Srna, Zhirkov, Barry and Love in the first transfer period and they were one of the three in form teams from the first game of the season. It doesn't seem like gelling is such a problem with good enough players...

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Telefonica, Audi, Estrella, La Caixa, Televisio de Catalunya and Nike, these are Barcelona's sponsors

It will be like the Galactico v1, failure. Perez doesn't let the manager do his job, he dictates everything from purchases to lineup, he may as well leave training to the manager because he's too rich to come so early to the club's facilities.

It still doesn't mean that we won't win anything, it's not as if "money" will buy us a title, it's just that with certain players you just can't lose, untill mentality comes to play, but I guess first season the players will be happy and "pumped" so to speak.

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I wouldn't take the Real job if my life depended on it, even in a football manager game.

They are a corrupt bunch of people who for years have been able to dominate spanish and european football due to the spanish government and FEF (Spanish football federation) allowing them to bend the rules or just ignore them completly. In the dictatorship years people were forced at gunpoint to sign for them, or had wives and children threatened until they signed for Real. Yet the foreign media especially in Britain seem to hold them up as some shining light of world football. They are a cesspool.

I hope to god that the Galacticos II is as succesfull as Galacticos I.

So no it isn't my dream job (even in a fake world).

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Madrid will be no fun to manage, only when you first manage them you will realise that you will only be able to spend money on defenders as, the midfield and striking area will be too hard to improve.

After you win everything in the first season you will soon become bored and want a new challenge.

I cant wait for all the "I am the best manager ever" and I have just won everything in my first season, Please praise me, btw, I am managing Real Madrid" threads.

IRL, Madrid won't perform straight away, mainly down to the vast array of individual talent, who seek glory themselves, rather than simply pass the ball.

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