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  • 4 weeks later...

Could any moderater please Centre all the text in my last update post. A soccer for football and I believe it's post 230.

For some reason I can't centre it anymore. I posted the whole thing in a centre font, but it got somehow posted to the left. I couldn't edit the post after as the site won't allow me to. It says I don't have the authority to do so.

Very annoying

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I am going on holiday early on Thursday morning. I am sure people will be around, but if things aren't being done, i would recommend sending a PM to AcidBurn who is usually around here more than most.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys after failing to back my game up and buying a much better and faster pc i will have to start a new thread yes i know but i will back them up this time so could you delete my thread or close it as i will b starting a new one later on today please thank you this -

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