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Tutoring *CAN* help a youngster a lot. And I mean a lot. First thing to keep in mind about tutoring is that it doesn't ALWAYS work. And sometimes, it can be negative too because if the two players don't get along, it'll mean a rift between the two of them which could possibly disrupt the harmony in the squad. And in many cases, the only answer is to sell one of them.

But that's not as bad as it sounds. It doesn't happen always, just sometimes. The positives of tutoring are plenty. The two biggest ones are -

1. Learning new moves

2. Improving mental stats

Tutoring allows your youngster to learn some new moves off the tutor. You can ofcourse also do this through the interaction button and ask the youngster to learn a new move. But you can only ask him to learn 1 at a time. In tutoring, if you tutor has say 4 PPM's, the youngster can potentially pick up ALL of them in the 6 months time he's being tutored.

Secondly, mental stats. MANY youngsters have extremely poor mental stats. I don't mean only the ones you see on the screen, but also hidden ones. Tutoring can effect these very positively. For example, if a youngster has all the potential in the world, but unfortunately his "ambition" stat (hidden) is very low, it's very unlikely he'll ever achieve his true potential. However, with tutoring, that stat could go up a lot if the two players get along and the youngster might suddenly turn out to be a world beater. Maybe the youngster is not very determined. This will effect how he reacts during a match. If your team goes a goal down, his shoulders are likely to drop. But a determined guy will probably be charged up and go all out to pull the game back for his team (Steven Gerrard anyone?!).

There are a whole host of other stats which effected as well. So yes, tutoring is a great, great help. These mental stats have NO OTHER WAY of going up except by tutoring. They can experience the odd increase here and there but it won't be substantial.

All this culminates in one thing - choose your tutors VERY carefully. Because although good tutors can improve your youngster immensely, a bad tutor can have an adverse effect on him as well. Guys like Xavi & Fabregas are great tutors. Guys like Mertesacker & Recoba are not.

Having said that, if you notice, there are 3 different options when you want to get a player tutored:

1. Ideal role model

2. Approach to the game

3. Can learn from

All the 3 options do different things. If I'm not mistaken (and correct me if I'm wrong):

1. Youngster will only pick up mental stats.

2. Youngster will pick up some mental stats and some PPM's.

3. Youngster will only pick up PPM's.

If you pick option 3, the mentality of the tutor doesn't come into question. In that case, if he has good PPM's, he is still a good tutor. Mertesacker would be a good tutor because he has the "does not dive into tackles" PPM which, imo, is good for a CB.

Hope that helped a little.

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That is brilliant Hulk:thup: Nice one!

I wondered what each of these did for ages.. Glad you cleared it up!

Having said that, if you notice, there are 3 different options when you want to get a player tutored:

1. Ideal role model

2. Approach to the game

3. Can learn from

All the 3 options do different things. If I'm not mistaken (and correct me if I'm wrong):

1. Youngster will only pick up mental stats.

2. Youngster will pick up some mental stats and some PPM's.

3. Youngster will only pick up PPM's.

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I think idea role model picks up PPM's and mental stats, and approach to the game only mental stats.

Thats what I thought because that makes more sense but I'm starting to think otherwise since recently a youngster learned a move from a tutor while I'm pretty sure I asked him to learn from the tutors approach to the game.

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Well judging from the in-game wording, 'ideal role model' should involve PPM and mental stats:

"[...] if Player X worked closely with Player Y then his performances on the pitch and attitude off it, would be greatly improved."

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