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FM10: Romélu Lukaku


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Thats because he is a big lad. 6ft 3 and probs weighs quite a bit, he does look older then 16 not only him who is 16 and looks older. I think the belgian FA would have found out if he was older by now don't you think?

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I've NEVER seen a player that good at 16, never.

Simply the best player in the game by the time he hits 21, surely?

Get him in, get him tutored and playing. He'll be a machine. It's making me wana start over!!

Rooney was better than him when he was 16 in FM.

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Heyy where would you guys play him? Iv bought hiim in my milan save and I lpay him as a target man due to his size and strength but he has the finishing ability to be a good poacher i think too. I play him next to pato in the classic big man/small man strikers.

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Started a new game with Valencia and bought him immediately for €11M. Now David Villa will tutor him.

Who did you sell im starting with Valencia and a have like 1m of money for tranfers....

im in pach 10.3

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Heyy where would you guys play him? Iv bought hiim in my milan save and I lpay him as a target man due to his size and strength but he has the finishing ability to be a good poacher i think too. I play him next to pato in the classic big man/small man strikers.

I'd go with Complete Forward attack now...

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A beast. Simple as :)

A lot more expensive in 10.3 though, Anderlecht see you coming. 10m was a lot for me to spend at the start of a career save with Spurs, but I wanted my man or rather boy. 4 goals in 5 league games at 16 excites me greatly, if I can keep him for the next 10-20 years he'll fire his way into legendary status with ease.

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What role would you give to Lukaku?

I rotate him with Pavlyuchenko as a target man of sorts with Defoe or one of a couple of nippy young Brazilians I've got playing off them. Can't argue with the goals he is scoring.

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Just bought him for Fiorentina, £6m. Only played friendlies but he looks like the business. Playing him as Complete forward, got him on support because he's playing next to a TQ. Still scores for fun though.

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Anyone got a screenie of what he looks like after a year or 2 may be a bit soon after the release of the patch but thought I would ask anyway.

exactly what i was gonna ask for those of you who have completed a season any chance of a screen shot?

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in my save he has about 9 appearances half as a start and no goals yet lol im gonna have to play him as a complete forward on attack, got him as taget man on support now not a recipe for goals i suppose

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Alongside Adebayor. He has been the poacher role, purely due to Adebayor getting 1 or 2 goals a game from the Advanced Forward role.

Thanks i have Torres and Aguero both upfront as Poachers and have been rotating Lukaku in and playing him as poacher aswell but as am only 3 games in ill give him time and see if he does as good as he has for you

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Lethal infront of goal at the tender age of just 21, :thup: Definitely going to be ripping up Europe for whoever he signs for on my save.

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i had the belgium league loaded and they wanted 18 mil :O, better off not loadin them if you want him cheaper

A little 'trick' I use is to offer a LOT less than what is asked and make your offer non-negotiable. So many times I've had clubs negotiate my offer, but when I go back and tell them it's that or nothing they bite my hand off. Saved myself MILLIONS doing this.

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i got him for 9.5 mil in a different game. He looks tops in that screenie ! hope i can get him similar to that but more of a complete forward with all his stats like first touch and long shots 16 or more. HOPEFULLY

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Is there anyone who play him alone upfront? lone striker, with 2 attacking midfielders behind him?

Thats the way i used to play him before his ca/pa-update, and every time i got him, he rocked!!

Gonna start a new game with the patch this evening with anderlecht, and try him again as lone striker. With his current starting stats his goals should double in my tactic :))

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