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Son coming through the youth

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I'm more worried, unless he has been capped at full international level why he only has British as his second nationality, and not what other nation you have set as their second nationality. It should only become British after a full international cap, as well, there is no such thing as British in football :thup:

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English is different than Punjab, Italian. Practically everyone in Westen Europe(Where most of us manage) Under the age of 30 has some fluency in English. Couple that with it being your son+bags of money there is no reason why it wouldent be past the basic level

Practically everyone in Western Europe under the age of 30 is fluent in English? What a statement to make! :eek: Do you really believe that? :rolleyes:

I assume that you joking. Have you ever been to Europe? ;):D


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English is different than Punjab, Italian. Practically everyone in Westen Europe(Where most of us manage) Under the age of 30 has some fluency in English. Couple that with it being your son+bags of money there is no reason why it wouldent be past the basic level

Some English people i know aren't fluent in English :D

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Practically everyone in Western Europe under the age of 30 is fluent in English? What a statement to make! :eek: Do you really believe that? :rolleyes:

I assume that you joking. Have you ever been to Europe? ;):D


Yes I do, at least a higher level than "basic" Fluent is probably too heavy a word(except in Scandinavia and the Netherlands) but intermediate is fair.

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It's a pretty silly discussion but I'll bite anyway.

According to an EU study, 44%, of Europeans admits not knowing any other language than their mother tongue. That's not even taking into account those who feel that they have a basic understanding of a language and hold a conversation in a language different to their own.

Interestingly enough, the study found that fewer Italians have mastered another language. As expected, the UK is one of the worst countries for second language acquisition, with Italy actually not that far behind. 59% of Italians do not know any foreign languages according to this study.

Another interesting one - 38% of EU citizens state that they have sufficient skills in English to have a conversation. In Italy, the percentage falls to 29%.

So I think that we can say that your assertion is probably wrong. Add this to the fact that the person in question is a footballer, who is not necessarily well educated, may not have the motivation to learn the language and is perhaps not an active user of the language, and I think 'basic' is pretty good. In fact, basic suggests that he can in fact hold a conversation to some level.

Anyway, it's a silly conversation to have really, so I'll quietly withdraw now and agree to disagree with you. If you visit Europe sometime though, don't expect everyone to speak to you in fluent English because they won't! :p



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@Crouchaldinho- That study surveys everyone. If you read on, youngsters have a much higher ability in a second language than their adult counterparts, Since were talking about newgens, they definately fall into that demographic.

In 20-30 years, I would say 90% of the citizens of every developed country in Europe will have a very high ability in English. It's absolute nesscary these days, and that should be reflected in the game. That should naturally pass on to your son as well

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Not a bug at all. Where I live lots of Western guys marry Cambodian ladies. Where fathers spend time with their kids they pick up both languages. Where the father doesn't see too much of the kid they don't pick up much of his language. We all know football managers are notoriously busy and don't have time for their families.

The possibility of getting a son in your youth squad is in the game and was heavily discussed re. FM09. I'm sure nothing has changed. Be good to the boy but don't be soft on him - take away his pocket money if he behaves like a thug, shows disrespect or puts a horse's head in your bed.

quality there phnompenhandy. Mind you if he put a horses head in my bed I'd end up killing him not just stopping his pocket money.

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