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SFraser's Training Schedules for FM10

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The maximum clicks you can achieve using non-physical training areas is 152. So, assuming that 130 needs to be hit with 152, x >= 8.5526.....

However, assuming that the clicks are actually rounded up:

152x > 129 => x > 0.8486...


152x > 129.5 => x > 0.8519....

Depending on whether the rounding is a Math.Ceil() or a Math.Round() style rounding, respectively.

I know the numbers I arrived at are approximations, but they hold out enough for my training editor to work quite well:


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I came to the 0,85 after i took the average of those last 2 calculations you made, that is why i was using it, but i have changed it already towards the 130/152 calculation and it seems to be spot on this time with the calculations i made for the physical training part.

Will be working on the outfield players schedule now.

I will also see if i can upload some screen shots of the progress the GK's make in the schedules over the period of a year, currently holidaying FM to get some screens.

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Here are some screens of the GK schedules i have made, they are divided like SFraser made them, Developing - 1st Teamers - Veteran.

Picked Arsenal, unfortunately i could not get any GK in the Veteran Schedule.

Keepers whom where training in the Developing schedule:





PS: Underneath you can find the results of the 1st Team Schedule as i can not upload more than 4 pictures at a time in one post it seems.

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man ı downloaded this but my observation is that the strengt and aeorobic trainning should be recalculate because my players always have ab injury or at least they seem to be need some strengt in every match they became like old person :D can you check the trainning schedule ? or MEN WHO ARE IN THESE FORUM PLS SOMEONE ANYONE PUT A WORKİNG SCHEDULE FOR FM 2011 PLS :)))))))))))))))))))

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Regarding Eotinb's training schedules based on SFrater's, where am i supposed to put a 19-22 year older who is good enough for my League 1 Southampton's first team, but is still young enough to be developing? Is he a first teamer, or a developing one?

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Regarding Eotinb's training schedules based on SFrater's, where am i supposed to put a 19-22 year older who is good enough for my League 1 Southampton's first team, but is still young enough to be developing? Is he a first teamer, or a developing one?

I don't know about Eotinb's schedules, but when i used SFraser's in the last game i always put them them on developing. Part of his theory was that during that age, his physical attributes (which are extremely important) increased more than when he gets older. So even if he was playing first team football i still wanted to capitalise on the more fitness biased developing schedules. If you find he's not getting up to 95-ish condition by game time, rest him for a day or two during the week.

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Thanx ensar! But what it is the difference between them two, as positions i mean, like lukaku can be both? or lukaku can be only ST DLF?Some enlightenment needed.

For me DLF is the fast one, and FA the strong one. Ibra is on FA and Pato on DLF. I allways have one strong Striker and one fast. So look what do you want, i mean, do you want him to play as a runner or as a strong man how is taking defenders with him to let the other scores.

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Okay, I only found this thread today so haven't managed to get through it completely (i've been skipping from front to back trying to pick up the original theory and any recent updates at the same time and have consequently, not read much of the middle). I'll outline what I've picked up so far, please feel free to correct me at any point.

The most prominent principle I've picked up so far is the number of attributes for each training area being linked to the number of blocks you increase it by (strength goes up in 4s, aerobic in 5s etc) This made sense to me as did the idea of having specific schedules not just for positions (I already had this set up, 4 different CMs for example) but for different ages. Young players need to be focused on their key attributes for their position, developing players need this but to start developing the physical attributes needed as well, 1st teamers basically need balance, a schedule that won't exhaust them and will keep their stats up in the right areas and veterans need to be molly coddled and have a less rigorous physical regime with more focus on the attributes for their position. Now bear in mind I've patched this together from what I've read and having a look about at eotinb's adaption for FM11 (I don't have FM10 installed so can't check the originals) so please correct me where I've got my assumptions. Anyway I thought I'd test what I'd learnt by creating a developing DC schedule (below)


Now, allow me to explain it. I wanted the main focus to be defensive, hence 5 "blocks" for defensive training. Ball control and strength only had 1 attribute each (heading and strength) that I was really wanting to focus on as I felt staming, fitness and workrate weren't as important to the way I intend to play (as with touch, technique etc) hence those areas only having 3 blocks. I want my defenders to be able to jump and don't want them being left for dust by any half way speedy forward and I also wanted them to be positionally aware and make good decisions hence aerobic and tacics getting 4 blocks.

To simplify what I'm after for the DC, I'm looking for more of a ball winning defender than a ball player. My defenders will only be looking to play the ball to my midfielders in my tactic or hoof it clear and they won't need to stray too far from their positions, hence the focus being away from technique and stamina.

Now the questions. Firstly, please feel free to point out any glaring errors or just offer any advice that isn't covered by my questions. Okay, so does this schedule look like it might do what I'm after for a developing CB? I know the only way to really know is to try it but I though I'd get some opinion as well while the trials are ongoing. Apart from that, I noticed that SFraser spoke alot about focusing physically on developing players, would my schedule fit the bill or does it need more of a physical focus?

Any and all other comments and advice welcome

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i hope this is on topic, iv just been reading on the bbc football website about a fitness coach saying about individual specialised training is better, this is what SFraser has been banging on about:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/9239342.stm thats the link, also says about how less training is better, quite interesting


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i hope this is on topic, iv just been reading on the bbc football website about a fitness coach saying about individual specialised training is better, this is what SFraser has been banging on about:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/9239342.stm thats the link, also says about how less training is better, quite interesting


I think that's a no-brainer; the question is, are the extra benefits worth the extra time and effort to create and maintain separate schedule for every player in your squad?

Personally I compromise by using SFraser's positional schedules.

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at above, im useless at training, never even looked at it properly, i download schedules and do the same as you, just read that and thought it was interesting, if you had all the time in the world and new what you where doing then you could do that, and i guess in real life thats their sole purpose to concentrate on fitness, where in this game we have to do everything lol, thanks for replying.

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Ive just downloaded the FM2011 nidified version off this but ive noticed the are schedules for the !st team which i understand, also for Veterans which i also understand also the u17s which i also understand but what i dont understand is the is schedules like DEV gk...DEV cb etc, what are these schedules for ? ive noticed there a heavy workload....please someone tell me who i put in this catogery

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I have a very young squad with my first team's average age being 18; therefore, most of my first teamers go in the DEVELOPING schedules. Think of the terms as referring more to their ages than squad status.

Coolcup - he popped onto the forum once last week - he said he's very busy and not yet into FM11. He hopes to catch up in due course.

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Half of this thread is absolutely FALSE. There is nothing true about Double the intensity x number of affected attributes. Well it is logical that 8 is 2 times more than 4 in Strength but the same is true for 6 is 2x3.. Training is absolutely linear and every single click gives you a bit more chance on improving the affected attributes. That's all. Everything about players age and training I also agree.

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Half of this thread is absolutely FALSE. There is nothing true about Double the intensity x number of affected attributes. Well it is logical that 8 is 2 times more than 4 in Strength but the same is true for 6 is 2x3.. Training is absolutely linear and every single click gives you a bit more chance on improving the affected attributes. That's all. Everything about players age and training I also agree.

While I agree training is linear I am unconvinced that each category has the same effect per attribute regardless of quantity of attributes.

If you look at the schedules I produced there were massive differences in the category workload which never corresponded to massive differences in the rate of increase of attributes. My radically unbalanced shedules produced very balanced attribute growth. Indeed some minor mistakes early on in this thread produced some fairly obvious poor results, such as Strength gains for goalkeepers.

What I did for FM10 is what SI did for FM11, I balanced the training categories, so that the linear progression could be managed more accurately.

Half this thread is now irrelevant for FM11 because the training categories are now +/- one attribute relative to each other. Goalkeeping has been split into two groups and the rest have been reorganised so that the effect of X slider level is now equal across all attributes in all categories. It is X/4 for all, no balancing is required. The assumtpion that X level for all categories has the same overall quantitive effect on all attributes is now true.

That is the real major update to training in FM11. After 3-4 releases the basic assumption that everyone starts out with in regards to Training is now true ingame. There should no longer be such things as untrainable goalkeepers which marred every release and training theory over the past three years untill this thread came out.

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What I did for FM10 is what SI did for FM11, I balanced the training categories, so that the linear progression could be managed more accurately.

Half this thread is now irrelevant for FM11 because the training categories are now +/- one attribute relative to each other. Goalkeeping has been split into two groups and the rest have been reorganised so that the effect of X slider level is now equal across all attributes in all categories. It is X/4 for all, no balancing is required. The assumtpion that X level for all categories has the same overall quantitive effect on all attributes is now true.

That is the real major update to training in FM11. After 3-4 releases the basic assumption that everyone starts out with in regards to Training is now true ingame. There should no longer be such things as untrainable goalkeepers which marred every release and training theory over the past three years untill this thread came out.

So basically what you are saying is that your "tick" theory still applies to training its just that the categories are much more balanced in that they range from 3-5 stats trained per category. So for example 1 tick for tactics will be 5 clicks and one tick for shooting will be three ticks?

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I think there won't be a FM 11 training from SFraser. He developed a training theory on which we can build own schedules. Baseline x Focus = Clicks. Its working well!

I don't get it :S It looks simple but I've always avoided training and downloaded schedules, as it's tedious to death.

So what does that equation mean?

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In absolute nutshell terms, Baseline is the amount of Attributes affected by said category and Focus is how much emphasis you want to put on said category. Strength has 3 attributes and say I wanted to put 4x emohasis on 3 x 4 = 12. It's all explained in this thread.

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I can't get the schedule to work on my 2010 game.

where abouts is the schedule suppost to be saved

also after i have downloaded the file it is saved as a powerpoint file , surely this isn't right. how do i get it right haha , please help :)

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Here's a useful code by Jenko_EFC of what areas are affected by training. The number in brackets represent the number of attributes and then the attributes they affect.

Does this apply to FM11 as well or has it changed? Thanks

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I have this youth striker that has come through my ranks and i've decided to put him in my first-team for experience with being in the first team and also the odd game here and there. This is the best youth player i have ever had and i need some advice when it comes to training. What do i do with him? Here he is:-


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I just thought I'd post again in this thread as I feel it's my responsibility to say that I will no longer be using the Training Schedule Design Tool, posted earlier in this thread, for FM11.

I believe that the addition of the Attributes Development Graph to the training module provides all the information needed to modify training schedules for individual players and the default positional schedules which have been added are a good point to start from.

In the absence of SFraser for a while, I recommend mantralux's training thread as being particularly helpful for understanding the changes made to this year's training module.

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I just thought I'd post again in this thread as I feel it's my responsibility to say that I will no longer be using the Training Schedule Design Tool, posted earlier in this thread, for FM11.

I believe that the addition of the Attributes Development Graph to the training module provides all the information needed to modify training schedules for individual players and the default positional schedules which have been added are a good point to start from.

In the absence of SFraser for a while, I recommend mantralux's training thread as being particularly helpful for understanding the changes made to this year's training module.

Out of curiosity, do you actually think the mantralux approach is right? Iv done some basic and early stage testing and tbh I have still been able to use Sfrasers principles to shape certain players in certain attributes relative to their position where as using the linear theory simply more creates all round players, especially in the upper echelons of football where hidden stats are high. Thats fine if I want my striker to be able to fill in at the back but I dont, I want specialist players who are best in their position at what they do. It would be a real shame if the training aspect of this game reduced the impact we as coaches can have on moulding our future stars.

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Out of curiosity, do you actually think the mantralux approach is right? Iv done some basic and early stage testing and tbh I have still been able to use Sfrasers principles to shape certain players in certain attributes relative to their position where as using the linear theory simply more creates all round players, especially in the upper echelons of football where hidden stats are high. Thats fine if I want my striker to be able to fill in at the back but I dont, I want specialist players who are best in their position at what they do. It would be a real shame if the training aspect of this game reduced the impact we as coaches can have on moulding our future stars.

I think you've misunderstood Mantralux's theory. Linear schedules with equal focus on all categories should only be used as a test to see which categories a player as a default trains best in. After 3-4 months on Linear schedules you're meant to create positional or individual schedules based on the results of this test, the results being the training level progression bars. The idea is to adapt the schedules so that the players train the most in the attributes they are - as a default - most likely to experience attribute increase in, and thus maximizing their overall increase.

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