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Mr Hough 10.3 Tactics

Which Tactic Do You Think Is The Best Version.  

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where would you guys play lukaku i'm thinking on the left or through the middle?

Mr Hough

I have to say i have had ups and downs with both classic and new 10.3 for Celtic, but then i am in a relatively poor league but i think a massive well done needs to go out to you here.

An excellent tactic that seems to work for a load of users and to fit the time in to help others certainly deserves a round of appluase.

Keep up the good work this certainly makes the game more enjoyable

i'm using the wizard with my celtic and i'm cleaning up with it, only thing i strugle with is motavation and complancy but thats got nothing to do with the tactic. the main problem with it is that fortune has 31goals in 35games thats too a bit to unrealistic for me infact i think all my strikers have around 20goals each. sammy 21, keano 24 and kammy 21. keane has the most assists ive mainly been playing fortune either in the middle or on the left and keane in the middle or on the left. ive been using kamara mainly on the left he's amazing there but not been in the team recently i roatate alot.

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Team: birmingham

Yr: 3rd

Media expect: 9th

Came: 2nd

FA CUP winner, beated Man City in the final

Euro Cup winner, (won league cup previous yr), beated Milan 4-2

Defensive-wise, ok, however my back 4 added up costed me less than 1M because I free transferred them in. Paid 850k for 1 centre back.

Attack-wise, didn't spend money on strikers though, got Jo from Man City on 1.1M, my top scorer now!

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Hey Mr Hough,

Used your tactic with some good success so far but just had a couple of queries... firstly are there any tweaks or anything you do with the classic version? I've only used tactic creator systems in this match so don't quite know how to react if things aren't going well.

Also due to injuries in my Man City team I'm left with Adebayor, Dzeko and Young as my only fit forwards... how would you line them up? I've tried playing Dzeko in the middle but he's been a bit hit and miss, especially with his headers (he just keeps heading it over)... Any suggestions?

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Hey Mr Hough,

Used your tactic with some good success so far but just had a couple of queries... firstly are there any tweaks or anything you do with the classic version? I've only used tactic creator systems in this match so don't quite know how to react if things aren't going well.

Also due to injuries in my Man City team I'm left with Adebayor, Dzeko and Young as my only fit forwards... how would you line them up? I've tried playing Dzeko in the middle but he's been a bit hit and miss, especially with his headers (he just keeps heading it over)... Any suggestions?

The classic tactic is the beta, i wanted to make it better defensivly but i struggled soi changed it to classic as i know the sliders better.

My strikers seem to hit the ball outside the box on an angle across the goal so maybe the best position is to have your strikers in the right position, Like left footed striker in the left slot and right footed striker in the right slot.

i have been thinking about the 3 striker slots and i think having 3 strikers might upset the balence of the team slightly so i might have a look at a 4-1-2-1-2 with the middle striker pulled in to the attacking position.

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Mr H, I have a question,

I followed the creater to put my striker, however the middle one, should be a great passer to feed the other 2 with goals. I put one liked that but he doesn't do much there, infact keeps getting less than 6 in rating.

Then I remember once with your older version of this tac, either 10.1 or 10.2...you said that put your best striker in the middle, which i tried just now, and it works out better overall for the whole team. That means, the mid and the right striker don't have stats that they should have, but they fit well in the system. Whereas the left one, needs to have header and flair, doesn't cause me any problem.

Is it the same to you and to the others?!

Take Man U as example, if Anderson can play in FC role, you should put him in the middle as he is good passer, however he may not feed as many as he does, and also gets ****** rating, however if you may put rooney or babatev there, they get good rating and score many.

Am I right or wrong?!

I had Poloschi as my mid striker in your older version, his passing and creativity are crap, but he scores millions for me. If I put him on the right, or left, he does **** all...

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Mr H, I have a question,

I followed the creater to put my striker, however the middle one, should be a great passer to feed the other 2 with goals. I put one liked that but he doesn't do much there, infact keeps getting less than 6 in rating.

Then I remember once with your older version of this tac, either 10.1 or 10.2...you said that put your best striker in the middle, which i tried just now, and it works out better overall for the whole team. That means, the mid and the right striker don't have stats that they should have, but they fit well in the system. Whereas the left one, needs to have header and flair, doesn't cause me any problem.

Is it the same to you and to the others?!

Take Man U as example, if Anderson can play in FC role, you should put him in the middle as he is good passer, however he may not feed as many as he does, and also gets ****** rating, however if you may put rooney or babatev there, they get good rating and score many.

Am I right or wrong?!

I had Poloschi as my mid striker in your older version, his passing and creativity are crap, but he scores millions for me. If I put him on the right, or left, he does **** all...

It's a strange one because if the middle striker was in the AMC position the he would need passing creativity but because he is a striker and because the other 2 strikers move out wide and create crossing oppurtunties for the middle striker.

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It's a strange one because if the middle striker was in the AMC position the he would need passing creativity but because he is a striker and because the other 2 strikers move out wide and create crossing oppurtunties for the middle striker.

but do u get what I meant?!

If I have a forward with decent passing there...dont' work...

If I have a real striker there, hit a few goals, no problem...

Who do you put as your strikers?!

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but do u get what I meant?!

If I have a forward with decent passing there...dont' work...

If I have a real striker there, hit a few goals, no problem...

Who do you put as your strikers?!

I know what you mean yes, It might be a 'role' thing because i have the role as deep lying forward but i have changed the settings so i'll have to have a look at it and maybe change the OP

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Started off the season with Classic but swapped to Wizard Beta later. Haven't noticed that much difference, but i beat Everton and Chelsea with the Wizard Beta.

I have found that the beta wizard to be loose in defence but trying to tighten it up is proving very hard.

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I play my AMC in the middle ST position and they always do well, dropping into the hole and spreading thru balls, and when the left or right ST pulls into the channels, he gets into the box to try and score. A AMC like Anderson probably wont fit so well because of his poor finishing, the mid ST needs to have good finishing and composure aswell.

Another suggestion is to just change the Mid ST's role from a DLF into a trequatista, since his instructions are all ticked, he wont change at all and the team will look for him when they get the ball as often as possible, making him the main play maker. Need to have good technical player here tho, with high creativity,decision and flair. Berbatov should work fine, as he is playing this role for Utd IRL, or at least trying to play this role =P

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Hi Mr Hough, 1st of all I want to thank you for creating such a good tactic, when I started FM10 and started using it, I initially thought it was diablo tactic, as I was winning pretty easily, but after further experimenting, like you said, you need the right players in the right positions really.

Touching on your defensive issues, which is not a big issue, your current tactic defends pretty well imo. I've indeed made some tweaks, and experienced better results with them. What I did was I looked and tried a tactic Zico10 created in this forum - Italian defence, in this thread:http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=192634

I thought he did a great job in setting up his defense and it is really solid. I then implemented his defense setup into your tactic. Basically combining both your tactics into one, and so far I find it going very well.

The major tweaks are such as the way the two DC's are set up, instead of 2 limited defenders on defend, 2 ball playing ones are used, one as stopper and the other as cover/sweeper - which i find very useful as i was noticing a large number of my goals are from thru balls and quick forwards getting behind my DC's. I've also notched the DC's and FB's mentality up to normal to better suit the team as a unit. This certainly dont mean that the DC's go roaming around and FB's bomb forward too often. It just put the defense in better relation the rest of team's mentality (as the rest of the team are attacking) to ensure the team's mentality is not too disjoint. If the gap between player's mentality is too far, the play would be disjoint too.The D-line remains the same tho.

I've also changed majority of the team's passing to short to keep the ball better, including the midfields, which were on direct. I noticed that the produced better results as the team will knock a few more passes around before the right moment to release a thru ball. The midfields and forwards in your tactic are set to release thru balls quite often, so players wont just knocking the balls sideways. Tempo is already slow on your tactic so that works fine with short passing.

And as I mentioned before, the 3 forwards are working wonders, with the mid ST dropping deep to look for the ball. I've just changed his role to trequatista, but not changed your settings, as I see their fine, just making sure he gets the ball more often as he will by default be the playmaker if he is set on trequatista. And I find player this role as a ST is better for me than AMC, as you suggested a couple post earlier to balance the formation. I find that the player in this role get more goals and as effective in the assist department in the ST position.

Overall, the tweaks I've made to your already wonderful tactic resulted in better defense for me (really the right players need to be used as stopper and cover), and better possession for my team, not much, but slightly better. I also want to take the chance to thank Zico10, for creating his mean solid defence for me to study and copy!! LoL.

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It's a strange one because if the middle striker was in the AMC position the he would need passing creativity but because he is a striker and because the other 2 strikers move out wide and create crossing oppurtunties for the middle striker.

rooney and berbatov are both class in the central striker slot using this tactic. i am using the wizard tactic and not the classic one. with regards to the other strikers i have had a decent return of goals from all of the following in either the left or right forward slots: macheda, owen, lukaku, welbeck, djalo, muniain, forlan, salvio.

this is from 2 saves i used this with. one with man utd and one with at madrid. yet to try with a lower level but probably will over the weekend so see how it goes with strikers who are not quite as good as these

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Hi Mr Hough, 1st of all I want to thank you for creating such a good tactic, when I started FM10 and started using it, I initially thought it was diablo tactic, as I was winning pretty easily, but after further experimenting, like you said, you need the right players in the right positions really.

Touching on your defensive issues, which is not a big issue, your current tactic defends pretty well imo. I've indeed made some tweaks, and experienced better results with them. What I did was I looked and tried a tactic Zico10 created in this forum - Italian defence, in this thread:http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=192634

I thought he did a great job in setting up his defense and it is really solid. I then implemented his defense setup into your tactic. Basically combining both your tactics into one, and so far I find it going very well.

The major tweaks are such as the way the two DC's are set up, instead of 2 limited defenders on defend, 2 ball playing ones are used, one as stopper and the other as cover/sweeper - which i find very useful as i was noticing a large number of my goals are from thru balls and quick forwards getting behind my DC's. I've also notched the DC's and FB's mentality up to normal to better suit the team as a unit. This certainly dont mean that the DC's go roaming around and FB's bomb forward too often. It just put the defense in better relation the rest of team's mentality (as the rest of the team are attacking) to ensure the team's mentality is not too disjoint. If the gap between player's mentality is too far, the play would be disjoint too.The D-line remains the same tho.

I've also changed majority of the team's passing to short to keep the ball better, including the midfields, which were on direct. I noticed that the produced better results as the team will knock a few more passes around before the right moment to release a thru ball. The midfields and forwards in your tactic are set to release thru balls quite often, so players wont just knocking the balls sideways. Tempo is already slow on your tactic so that works fine with short passing.

And as I mentioned before, the 3 forwards are working wonders, with the mid ST dropping deep to look for the ball. I've just changed his role to trequatista, but not changed your settings, as I see their fine, just making sure he gets the ball more often as he will by default be the playmaker if he is set on trequatista. And I find player this role as a ST is better for me than AMC, as you suggested a couple post earlier to balance the formation. I find that the player in this role get more goals and as effective in the assist department in the ST position.

Overall, the tweaks I've made to your already wonderful tactic resulted in better defense for me (really the right players need to be used as stopper and cover), and better possession for my team, not much, but slightly better. I also want to take the chance to thank Zico10, for creating his mean solid defence for me to study and copy!! LoL.

I have had a look at Zico10's tactic but not implemted anything.

Some changes i've made so far are chnaging the philosophy to rigid and counter. Made the fullbacks run from deep to try and stop my strikers moving into the winger position. made my fullbacks really high closing down but my central defenders really low. Changed the strikers settings so they don't run from deep and keep there position up front.

These changes are really simple but if they work can be very effective

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I have found that the beta wizard to be loose in defence but trying to tighten it up is proving very hard.

I've played 33 league matches sofar with Nothingham Forest, which are predicted 17th. I only conceded 24 goals (and scored 102). Even though my defence/gk aren't the best in the league i rank first in the team goals conceded table, that's pretty tight compared to the tactics i usually manage to produce. ;)

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As I've said before this tactic is just amazing!

Switched back to the 'wizard' one after not being totally convinced with the 'classic'. I know I'm Rangers but some of the football this tactic has the team playing is brilliant.

As far as the defence goes, while there can be lapses, I generally find that because I'm attacking so much it pretty much seems to take care of the defense. (as the old saying goes I suppose!)

Just beat Dundee United 8 - 1 at Tannadice (don't use corner bug) and they have always been a team I have struggled to beat.

Great job Mr Hough!

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gcs can you upload your tactic which you have tweaked to get the better defence? I'm very impressiv of your results ! Sorry for my English ;)

I will upload it in the eveing, also i tried "ball playing defender" role (zico10 like) and it is working briliant with low tempo.

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Hi Mr Hough, 1st of all I want to thank you for creating such a good tactic, when I started FM10 and started using it, I initially thought it was diablo tactic, as I was winning pretty easily, but after further experimenting, like you said, you need the right players in the right positions really.

Touching on your defensive issues, which is not a big issue, your current tactic defends pretty well imo. I've indeed made some tweaks, and experienced better results with them. What I did was I looked and tried a tactic Zico10 created in this forum - Italian defence, in this thread:http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=192634

I thought he did a great job in setting up his defense and it is really solid. I then implemented his defense setup into your tactic. Basically combining both your tactics into one, and so far I find it going very well.

The major tweaks are such as the way the two DC's are set up, instead of 2 limited defenders on defend, 2 ball playing ones are used, one as stopper and the other as cover/sweeper - which i find very useful as i was noticing a large number of my goals are from thru balls and quick forwards getting behind my DC's. I've also notched the DC's and FB's mentality up to normal to better suit the team as a unit. This certainly dont mean that the DC's go roaming around and FB's bomb forward too often. It just put the defense in better relation the rest of team's mentality (as the rest of the team are attacking) to ensure the team's mentality is not too disjoint. If the gap between player's mentality is too far, the play would be disjoint too.The D-line remains the same tho.

I've also changed majority of the team's passing to short to keep the ball better, including the midfields, which were on direct. I noticed that the produced better results as the team will knock a few more passes around before the right moment to release a thru ball. The midfields and forwards in your tactic are set to release thru balls quite often, so players wont just knocking the balls sideways. Tempo is already slow on your tactic so that works fine with short passing.

And as I mentioned before, the 3 forwards are working wonders, with the mid ST dropping deep to look for the ball. I've just changed his role to trequatista, but not changed your settings, as I see their fine, just making sure he gets the ball more often as he will by default be the playmaker if he is set on trequatista. And I find player this role as a ST is better for me than AMC, as you suggested a couple post earlier to balance the formation. I find that the player in this role get more goals and as effective in the assist department in the ST position.

Overall, the tweaks I've made to your already wonderful tactic resulted in better defense for me (really the right players need to be used as stopper and cover), and better possession for my team, not much, but slightly better. I also want to take the chance to thank Zico10, for creating his mean solid defence for me to study and copy!! LoL.

Thanks, tried to change liked you said. 3 strikers start scoring again! Thanks! My Birmingham team scores 4 goals every game, unless playing against the Big5. However conceding few goals as well changed the back 4 as you said too!

How you do the OI?!

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If only you were a woman :(. Got bored of my Swindon town game so starting a new one with my beloved Chelsea will use the 10.3 (wizard). Will let you know how it goes, 10.2 was awesome! signed: Dzeko, montolivo and Robbie Savage so far.

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sorry but this tactic stinks!!

played all day with it and totally unrealistic

if people are just trying to cheat the match code it is not a game anymore!!

How do you mean? In what way does it try to cheat the match engine? I ask this question seriously as i've not tried this tactic yet.

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i mean would u start off playing overload away to arsenal or man u ??

Sure, why not? You can play ultra defensive trying to hold a 0-0 draw but you usually get outclassed and still lose. Going all out attack from the start might surprise your opponent. They might not be able to cope with it because they are used to making the game.

I have to agree that using this tactic is slightly unrealistic though. I mean, i beat Chelsea and Liverpool and won the League cup in my first season with Nottingham Forest. Doesn't take away the fact that it's a hell of a lot of fun, it's still a game after all.

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Hey guys do you think this tactic will work with R. Madrid ?

someone earlier in this thread has been using it with real madrid so yes it can. this tactic has proven from the feedback it can work with any side providing you have the right players with the correct attributes which real madrid certainly do.

might be a little easy with real madrid but i agree it is only a game and if people want to have a save game where they dominate football for years then great. i do both personally.

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my biggest problem is to get a good result in 2nd leg of a cup where u just dominate the first game

anybody has a solution for this?

otherwise great tactic so far

also in pre-season friendlys i had one crazy game where i was 6-3 behind at half time :D

were 5 goals in 6 min and other team even missed a pen in those 6 min :p

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Mr H, I have a question,

I followed the creater to put my striker, however the middle one, should be a great passer to feed the other 2 with goals. I put one liked that but he doesn't do much there, infact keeps getting less than 6 in rating.

Then I remember once with your older version of this tac, either 10.1 or 10.2...you said that put your best striker in the middle, which i tried just now, and it works out better overall for the whole team. That means, the mid and the right striker don't have stats that they should have, but they fit well in the system. Whereas the left one, needs to have header and flair, doesn't cause me any problem.

Is it the same to you and to the others?!

Take Man U as example, if Anderson can play in FC role, you should put him in the middle as he is good passer, however he may not feed as many as he does, and also gets ****** rating, however if you may put rooney or babatev there, they get good rating and score many.

Am I right or wrong?!

I had Poloschi as my mid striker in your older version, his passing and creativity are crap, but he scores millions for me. If I put him on the right, or left, he does **** all...

I didn't know on SI, now they delete ****, or everything to do with ****...

how about poo?!

vitoco77 - That's called the swear filter. The forum software automatically puts stars in the place of certain, not so nice words.

You don't have to use foul language to get a point across. Also, trying to get around the swear filter can get you infractions. Just be a little bit more careful. :)

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Finished 3rd with Derby and beat Brizzle City in the Play-Off final, no new signings, played Hulse in the Central striker role.

I'm still quite confused as to the exact players we should be looking for in the 3 striker positions. Can anyone enlighten me?

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Finished 3rd with Derby and beat Brizzle City in the Play-Off final, no new signings, played Hulse in the Central striker role.

I'm still quite confused as to the exact players we should be looking for in the 3 striker positions. Can anyone enlighten me?

The players Positions are in the opening post of the thread

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I know but I'm reading other suggestions such as an AMC in the middle and there doesn't seem to be attributes for the poacher. For those of us using the classic could you just describe left centre and right striker attributes?

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I'm using the Classic tactic and find it absolutely amazing.

Valladolid - first season - used another tactic for just over first half of season - was struggling in 15th! Switched to classic tactic and ended up 9th - with the run of results we had if I'd used it all season I would have been top 4!

Just started 2nd season and 5 games in going grand - 4 wins and 1 draw - 2nd in league! This is with a decent, but not world class, squad.

So definitely going to stick with this and see how it goes.

Also...I use Zero Sea's training - is that still okay for 10.3 (seems to be doing a decent job) - just wondered what training most people used?

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yup, thats why i call this with zico10 name too, i borrow few ideas from his tactic (f.e CB roles)

edit; i used assistant ois, but u dont need to. Dont think it improve it much? correct me if im wrong

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