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Hi, I was just wondering how others on here deal with squad discipline (i.e. fining a player one weeks wages for getting sent off).

In the game I'm currently playing I've had two players sent off relatively early in the season, and fined them both one weeks wages, both players were unhappy about this. Both players had received a yellow card first, so I knocked their tackling down to easy, both players went on to receive a second yellow and as I said I fined them for getting sent off, both were then unhappy.

Any advice regarding squad discipline for poor performance, bans from build up of yellow cards, sendings off and going awol would be appreciated, thanks!

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Generally a warning for the first offence then a fine there after.

Normally they complain, but apologise after about a week.

Could this reduce a players dirtiness or aggression? I've been searching for a way to reduce dirtiness, but haven't been able to find a way so far..

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i would recommend if they get sent off once, dont do anything. if it happens again soon after warn them. then if it happens soon after again warn them again. and so on. give them 3 warnings then fine and do that for a bit. hopefully it wont get that far and they will learn. if its happened once for one player like ogogo then dont d anything and leave him it could have been one bad match. in regards to thurgood, hes going to pick up yellows and reds cos of his position, just warn him a bit and see if it works. if it doesnt then change his tackling thing to normal but then he may not be the same in terms of how he plays.

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