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Scouting - Where do you send your scouts, and with what criteria?

7. Shevchenko

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Hi there guys,

I was just wondering what approaches you take towards scouting.

For example, i'm Liverpool and tend to take an 'Under 23' policy, I guess. Building for the future. So I assign scouts to the following places:-








UK & Ireland

South America


Eastern Europe

Southern Europe

Central Europe

All set with the criteria of Person Age under 23.

How do you go about scouting the worlds talent?

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I do the same as you really, except with Under 21 as the criteria, and an extra scout who I alternate between the various areas of Africa. I also have my scouts do more than one country each, for example, my French scout then goes to Belgium after completing France, then back to France etc. So I also end up scouting Holland, Switzerland, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey and Chile

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Yeah usually, I might take another look at a 2.5 star player if they have exceptional stats and a low CA, but really I look for 3 stars or above. Any young player rated 4 stars or above is a definite signing for me, 3.5 stars it depends on whether I need someone in that position, and 3 star and below is just looked at one a case by case basis. How about you?

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On FM10, I had a scout (greater than 18,18) for every one of the regions, isn't it about 14?

They would scout them looking for players under the age of 21.

Haven't really bothered on FM11 yet, as I wont start a long term save til the second patch.

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Once I have a good group of scouts in place I usually have a group who are set continually to scouting certain youth league competitions (Usually Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Belgium...plus the Brazilian and Argentinian youth leagues if I have a big enough network). Then I have another group who are rotated through scouting various countries and/or continents to expand our knowledge pool. And if I remember I might send one of them to the big summer tournaments like the World Cup or the Euros when they are on. Always try to keep one scout free to go and do a more in depth report on a player I like the look of.

At a smaller club I'll try and have one scout for the opposition and one scouting the local youth league, any we can afford beyond that will get sent out in rotation to wherever the club will let me send them.

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If I can be asked I'll go to the top nations or ones I know usually have good newgens i.e Nigeria, Mexico and then I'll go to their U21's or U19's or whatever they have and press Ctrl + A and then get scout report for all and then I can easily find the best youth

Atm though I've just set my scouts to regions and see who they highly recommend

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Do you set your scouts to 'Roaming' when scouting a region?

yes, and preferbly in regions that use to produce decent regens

normaly first chose would go something like this

central europe (i like playing in italy)

eastern europe

south europe

south america

additional scouts would be placed in suitable regions

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