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Mr Hough 4-1-1-2-2 FM11.1 Tactic

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Dear God, please can you upload your tactic before 7pm, i have to watch the lord of the rings on blu ray that my wife got me for xmas, if you upload before then, i can make an excuse not too watch the film lol

please please help me out lol

cheers mate

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Dear God, please can you upload your tactic before 7pm, i have to watch the lord of the rings on blu ray that my wife got me for xmas, if you upload before then, i can make an excuse not too watch the film lol

please please help me out lol

cheers mate

If this isnt the best reason to realise it now then I don't know what is!

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Personally I think the Tactics forum is falling apart.

Its a bit sad to see thread after thread of "tactic in progress" which are then constantly filled with people asking them to release the tactic. I'm afraid this thread is just the latest to succombe to this.

I would like to see a ban on any thread containing "work in progress" and "sneek previews". I wonder just how much actual tactical discussion there is now in this forum?

No offence to the OP. I'm sure he's working hard on his tactic and some will appreciate it. Its just that the thread has collapsed into people asking for a download.

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Personally I think the Tactics forum is falling apart.

Its a bit sad to see thread after thread of "tactic in progress" which are then constantly filled with people asking them to release the tactic. I'm afraid this thread is just the latest to succombe to this.

I would like to see a ban on any thread containing "work in progress" and "sneek previews". I wonder just how much actual tactical discussion there is now in this forum?

No offence to the OP. I'm sure he's working hard on his tactic and some will appreciate it. Its just that the thread has collapsed into people asking for a download.

If you dont like the progress update and feedback threads then feel free to stay off them.

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I quite agree with the above post. It seems that these 'work in progress threads' are becoming nothing more but self fawning exercises which then turn into bloody messes as the impatient trample all over it in demand of the tactic being released at once. Far different from when I first joined years ago. Tactics threads should only be created on release of a tactic and not beforehand. I appreciate this thread is a genuine tactic - but there are and have been others on this forum that have been guilty of the aforementioned.

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Personally I think the Tactics forum is falling apart.

Its a bit sad to see thread after thread of "tactic in progress" which are then constantly filled with people asking them to release the tactic. I'm afraid this thread is just the latest to succombe to this.

I would like to see a ban on any thread containing "work in progress" and "sneek previews". I wonder just how much actual tactical discussion there is now in this forum?

No offence to the OP. I'm sure he's working hard on his tactic and some will appreciate it. Its just that the thread has collapsed into people asking for a download.

hello, stone cold is king lol im guessing you didnt see his other thread, people have done well on this thread, it hasnt collapsed at all, he's worked very hard on this tactic, and u'll find when he puts it up for download EVERYONE will appreciate, my post was intended as a joke not a serious download request, although what i said about lord of the rings is true xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Why do people say he is attention seeking and saying this is a work in progress, sneak peak thread etc the guy posted a tactic at the start of this thread and hasnt opened a new thread about his latest tactic because it isnt ready. Its not his fault that he mentioned he was creating a better one and people cant wait and keep asking for the tactic.

This thread was about a tactic that he did release and its just gone off topic.

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I quite agree with the above post. It seems that these 'work in progress threads' are becoming nothing more but self fawning exercises which then turn into bloody messes as the impatient trample all over it in demand of the tactic being released at once. Far different from when I first joined years ago. Tactics threads should only be created on release of a tactic and not beforehand. I appreciate this thread is a genuine tactic - but there are and have been others on this forum that have been guilty of the aforementioned.

Spot on. I've been on the SI boards for over 10 years and I remember when we could have quality discussions. I have however given the tactics forum a miss for a while due to my description above. I came back in today hoping it had changed. More fool me.

Oh well back to my all conquering Bolton game. :D

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what makes you laugh is the people that are actually moaning about it not being released yet or about the thread going a little off topic are probably one of the first to download and use the tactic, why else would they be on this thread unless they were waiting on it????

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If you didn't mean any harm, why say it at all?

Because I can. Sorry mate, but what I said is somewhat true. WIP threads are bullcrap really.

When I joined these forums SI was popular for making Championship Manager games ;). When I asked for help I was given one, when I released tactic it was tested and people actually had knowledge about what to improve and HOW to improve a tactic.

Now you lot just wait for miracle tactic from Mr H just because he is Mr Hough. That's quite childish. :)

And no, I will not dl his tactic as I like to make tactics on my own, secondly you lot should have at least tried Franky Blitz tactic. It's probably the best one posted on those forums, but no-one gives a damn about it, cos he is called Franky not Hough.

See the pattern?

Plus I will add something which will happen on his new thread. People will whine that tactic is not at all successful for them without KNOWING and LOOKING into why it doesn't work! People nowadays just don't read threads, have absolutely no need to learn about game they are playing, have no tactical knowledge.

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Because I can. Sorry mate, but what I said is somewhat true. WIP threads are bullcrap really.

When I joined these forums SI was popular for making Championship Manager games ;). When I asked for help I was given one, when I released tactic it was tested and people actually had knowledge about what to improve and HOW to improve a tactic.

Now you lot just wait for miracle tactic from Mr H just because he is Mr Hough. That's quite childish. :)

And no, I will not dl his tactic as I like to make tactics on my own, secondly you lot should have at least tried Franky Blitz tactic. It's probably the best one posted on those forums, but no-one gives a damn about it, cos he is called Franky not Hough.

See the pattern?

I don't see the pattern. I create my own tactics, and download many different others in order to learn what others are doing, not just Mr. Hough. I combine what I feel is the best from all and go from there. On a side note, this tactic already has a version out and has been tested by many, leading others to want to try it as well, with many good comments and constructive criticisms within (as you say you want).

I concede that there are a few here that are only begging for a tactic. However, if that is how that want to play the game, who am I and you to tell them otherwise? Since you say that you will not be downloading his tactic and have not used your posts in any sort of constructive manner, the rest of us can only assume you are a troll that loves the sound of their own voice.

I'm happy you found the way you like to play. Good for you. I have found what works for me. The difference is that I don't admonish or ridicule others for their different styles.

Use the tactic you want, make your own, or use tactics to learns how to make your own. There are good comments in these posts in the midst of bad ones. Please try to not add to the bad ones.

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^ lol defeated. and i have to add that cerud put a very good point across. Everyone is appreciative of Mr.Hough's tactics whether they actually use it in the game, or use it to learn from it to make their own. Lets hope little squables like these and impatient posts dont discourage people like Mr Hough from continuing to release great tactics

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I can't even remember how many pages back the actual tactic this thread was started about was discussed! Has anyone had any more success with the 41122? Any tweak recommendations? Lets get back to talking about this tactic and not extend this thread to page 10 of tactic begging or discussing the issues of starting WIP threads. YAWN!

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hopefully this will make you all laugh, my lovely wife says that everyone who plays footy manager needs to get a life, she cant understand why we talk tactics in our sleep lol funny how people that dont play the game dont realise how addictive it is......

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hopefully this will make you all laugh, my lovely wife says that everyone who plays footy manager needs to get a life, she cant understand why we talk tactics in our sleep lol funny how people that dont play the game dont realise how addictive it is......

Tell her to get back in the kitchen (jokes)

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hopefully this will make you all laugh, my lovely wife says that everyone who plays footy manager needs to get a life, she cant understand why we talk tactics in our sleep lol funny how people that dont play the game dont realise how addictive it is......

somewhere in these words lies the answer...

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hopefully this will make you all laugh, my lovely wife says that everyone who plays footy manager needs to get a life, she cant understand why we talk tactics in our sleep lol funny how people that dont play the game dont realise how addictive it is......

My missus says the exact thing mate,

Tactic will be up in the next 20 Minutes

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hopefully this will make you all laugh, my lovely wife says that everyone who plays footy manager needs to get a life, she cant understand why we talk tactics in our sleep lol funny how people that dont play the game dont realise how addictive it is......

Thats funny cos while I play FM my husband plays call of duty in the same room. One night after a day of trying to create my own tactic and him shooting people on the PS3 I dreamt that I came up with the perfect tactic...when the opposition got the ball I instructed my players to shoot them :) crazy mind!

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My missus says the exact thing mate,

Tactic will be up in the next 20 Minutes

I appreciate all you hard work mr hough. So i wondered if you are gonna give a brief description of the players stats? even if you could say 'think fabregas for this position' for example, especially in the midfield. Thanks

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Thats funny cos while I play FM my husband plays call of duty in the same room. One night after a day of trying to create my own tactic and him shooting people on the PS3 I dreamt that I came up with the perfect tactic...when the opposition got the ball I instructed my players to shoot them :) crazy mind!

thats sooooooo funny, maybe thats a challenge to mr hough.... can you make a tactic that does this.. im glad people hav a sense of humour lol

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Thats funny cos while I play FM my husband plays call of duty in the same room.

This :thup:

It adds 10 years onto any relationship when you both game, you don't have to look at each other or speak all night! ;)

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This :thup:

It adds 10 years onto any relationship when you both game, you don't have to look at each other or speak all night! ;)

Worst was when we use to both play World of warcraft and we'd be on Teamspeak with the guild, id forget i could just talk to him in the room and kept talking to him only through teamspeak :)

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