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Can anyone please help me solve a problem for some kids with learning difficulties?

Mr Useless

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Really a touching thread.

So how did their match against arsenal go?

As mentioned in the opening thread, we try to play week by week, in conjunction with the week we are up to in real life. So the 2010 Carling Cup Final against Arsenal won't take place for a few weeks yet.

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I am truely warmed by this story and have been searching ebay to find FM 05 brand new. I have found it and wish to buy it for you and the boys.

If you would accept my gift, please PM me your address.

That is so kind of you. I can't tell you how genuinely touched I am.

However, I am delighted to say that I was recently able to obtain an unused copy of FM 05, so I won't put you to the trouble of following through of your very generous offer. But thank you so very much

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That is so kind of you. I can't tell you how genuinely touched I am.

However, I am delighted to say that I was recently able to obtain an unused copy of FM 05, so I won't put you to the trouble of following through of your very generous offer. But thank you so very much

If you want a copy of FM09 anytime just let me know. Have one sitting on the shelf here doing nowt. Also FM07.

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Guys I really can't thank you enough for all the kind comments and offers. I don't want to take things that I won't get the chance to use, but I will certainly bear them in mind. Thanks so much. Makes me feel very humble.

I wonder if I might ask a technical question. As mentioned above, I have now obtained a new version of FM05. I haven't used it yet because I wasn't sure on this point. I recall at the time I got the original one that I downloaded a patch. This question may seem very silly to most of you, but please bear in mind my ignorance of all things re computers. If I use the new disk, do I need to re-download the patch, or will the fact that I'd already downloaded it suffice?

Would be grateful if anyone knows the answer.

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Best Thread Ever.

Mr Useless Using FM is genius, so many decisions can be made. What you do is fantastic and you deserve all these great comments. I myself had speak and language problems and it is people like you which make the World a better place and accessible.

I hope it goes well with the save you got going. I will follow this thread and help solve any problems you may come across.

Well done to the community for being the best online.

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Bit of an update for those who requested it. We've had a bad stroke of luck.

The boys had just played a league game, which they won 2-0. (No complaints about our luck there. Both goals were penalties, and on both occasions the computer commentary said "That was a dubious decision!") I am about to go on holiday for 10 days, and when I do return the boys are facing their biggest ever week. They have a 5th round FA Cup match on the Saturday, an away European last 16 match in mid week, and then the Carling Cup Final the following Sunday - three big cup matches in a week!

As is our practice, we continued through to when the next match is due. But unfortunately on the Monday following the league match they received the news that both their first choice wingers had been injured in training, and both would be out for two weeks, so missing all three matches. The boys were devastated, particularly as they have 5 other first teamers who, each time they play come up with a message saying they are in need of a rest, even though we have been rotating their appearances so they miss every other match.

When they saw the news about the two star wingers having to miss the Carling Cup Final, one of them asked if we could just quit the game without saving it, then play the league match again, in the hope that the training injuries wouldn't be repeated. Having heard the suggestion, the others then all said "Yes, let's do that." I can't really blame them. The idea of quitting without saving came initially from me last year, when a glitch in the system resulted in an error, so on that one occasion we had quit, and then started again from a week earlier, and got around the problem. That's how they realised if you do that, events do not all repeat themselves. However, that was to overcome a problem caused by a systems error. I had to explain to them that to quit and go back a week now, in these current circumstances, would be cheating, and that we must not cheat.

I could see they were disappointed with my decision, and I very much shared their disappointment in getting two players injured at such an exciting time. But I'm sure my decision was the correct way to teach them that life is full of disappointments, and cheating is not a solution. I also felt this might set a precedent, and if we reloaded the game to get around injuries, next time they might want to reload the game without saving when we lose a match. That's not what I want them to learn from playing the game.

Or should I have let them?

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Bit of an update for those who requested it. We've had a bad stroke of luck.

The boys had just played a league game, which they won 2-0. (No complaints about our luck there. Both goals were penalties, and on both occasions the computer commentary said "That was a dubious decision!") I am about to go on holiday for 10 days, and when I do return the boys are facing their biggest ever week. They have a 5th round FA Cup match on the Saturday, an away European last 16 match in mid week, and then the Carling Cup Final the following Sunday - three big cup matches in a week!

As is our practice, we continued through to when the next match is due. But unfortunately on the Monday following the league match they received the news that both their first choice wingers had been injured in training, and both would be out for two weeks, so missing all three matches. The boys were devastated, particularly as they have 5 other first teamers who, each time they play come up with a message saying they are in need of a rest, even though we have been rotating their appearances so they miss every other match.

When they saw the news about the two star wingers having to miss the Carling Cup Final, one of them asked if we could just quit the game without saving it, then play the league match again, in the hope that the training injuries wouldn't be repeated. Having heard the suggestion, the others then all said "Yes, let's do that." I can't really blame them. The idea of quitting without saving came initially from me last year, when a glitch in the system resulted in an error, so on that one occasion we had quit, and then started again from a week earlier, and got around the problem. That's how they realised if you do that, events do not all repeat themselves. However, that was to overcome a problem caused by a systems error. I had to explain to them that to quit and go back a week now, in these current circumstances, would be cheating, and that we must not cheat.

I could see they were disappointed with my decision, and I very much shared their disappointment in getting two players injured at such an exciting time. But I'm sure my decision was the correct way to teach them that life is full of disappointments, and cheating is not a solution. I also felt this might set a precedent, and if we reloaded the game to get around injuries, next time they might want to reload the game without saving when we lose a match. That's not what I want them to learn from playing the game.

Or should I have let them?

I'm sure that you can use this to your teaching advantage. Explaining that sometimes life is about making very tough decisions when its easy to take the soft/cheat route. In the adversity another player may stand up and be counted!

Taking the tough route can be just that, but is ultimately more rewarding.

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You made the right decision, Mr U. Showing them that cheating is wrong will help them in later life, when it could be more than a game that's at stake. For example, if you encourage cheating at the game, they might think it's perfectly acceptable to cheat at a test, and we all know it ain't. ;)

I hope you win your match, even if you have a few injuries. :thup:

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In my opinion, you made the correct decision Mr Useless. (Useless? I don't like that. Useless you are not! I prefer Mr Selfless :thup:)

The main part I enjoy about this story is that you are using FM as a way to help the children develop their 'life skills'. Allowing them to cheat in order to get what they want does not set a good precedent for the future.

The more I think about it, the more sure I am that you took the correct route; life is not fair at times, and I believe this is a good way of showing them that.

Good luck with the upcoming cup matches, and tell the kids they have the support of a forum behind them :)

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Definitely the right decision. Very noble. By the way this thread really made my day, I wish you and the lads every success. A current game thread or at least a couple of screenshots would be marvellous if you can find time in your undoubtedly busy schedule. I also find it slightly embarrasing that a committee of young lads could probably completely destroy me on FM.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You thought the Carling Cup Final took place yesterday between Man U and Villa? Nah! It took place yesterday between Wolves and Arsenal. A number of you asked me to write an update after it had been played, and here it is.

In our league, Arsenal are Champs and running away with it again this season, averaging over 3 goals per game. We have tried playing defensively against them in the past, but although this has been partially effective in keeping them at bay for much of the game, they get so much possession and pour so many players forward that they have always found a way to get a couple of goals in the end. We decided that in the Final we would try to stop them having so much possession by trying to play a moderately attacking game ourselves, in the hope that this would prevent them being able to throw so many players forward. The match proceeded like this:

15 mins: Arsenal have been constantly on the attack, but we finally get a nice passing move going between several players. The ball is transferred to our striker, Luke Moore, and to even our surprise he slips it past Almunia. We are 1-0 up!

44 mins: We have had a few decent attacks ourselves, but overall Arsenal have continued to dominate. We manage to stop them at the edge of our area, and sweep a clearance upfield to our tall striker, Karadas. Arsenal have not got many defenders back as he runs towards their area. They seem to have caught him up, but at the last moment he switches it sideways to Luke Moore who blasts it home. To the boys delight, we go in at half-time 2-0 up.

64 mins: We have maintained the same tactics, but it has become increasingly difficult and desperate. We had kept Reyes (the top player in the league) reasonably quiet in the first half by man-marking him with our right back, but the latter was taken off injured after 50 mins, and our sub is not coping so well. Reyes has been putting over a string of dangerous crosses. We finally break away and get in a cross of our own. Karadas gets up and heads it in a strange loop in the opposite direction to which you would expect, and it catches Almunia unawares and sneaks in the corner. The commentary states: “He didn’t mean that!” One of the boys exclaims, “Who the f**k cares if he meant it!” Amazingly, we are 3-0 up.

78 mins: We are just discussing whether we should now take a slightly more cautious approach to make sure we hang on to our lead when Arsenal’s Toure trips Karadas in the centre circle. It’s a second yellow card for him. Good old Rob Styles sends him off! We are now 3-0 against 10 men. We all agree there is no need to become more cautious now as we are heading for certain victory.

80 mins: Reyes crosses again from the left. They only have Thierry Henry in the area, surrounded by four of our defenders, but somehow he gets above them all to head it in. It’s 3-1. We decide that perhaps we should switch to a slightly more cautious tactic after all.

86 mins: Reyes sends Robinho down the left. His cross is met by Henry again, and despite being marked, he heads in a second. This is ridiculous. I recall Henry completing 100 goals for Arsenal IRL, and not one of them had been a header. How come he’s so good in the air in FM??? It’s 3-2 now, virtually all our players nearly exhausted, and we have already made three substitutions. The boys elect to switch to a totally defensive tactic to try and hold on.

90 + 2 mins: We are into four minutes of injury time when, despite our blanket defence, Robinho is put through with only our keeper to beat. You could hear a pin drop in the room. He blasts it towards the corner….....but our super-duper goalkeeper dives across and pushes it away. Thank goodness I came on here and got your advice as to how to keep him. We manage to get through the final two minutes without any more heartache, and win the Carling Cup.

After the cheering in the room had subsided (which took several minutes) we continued on and read the messages. The boys thought this one was hilarious:

“The Board of Directors revealed to the gathering journalists that they were pleased to have won.”

Well, that’s nice to know!

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Spent the last 30 mins reading every post in this thread. Great job Mr U! Good luck with the kids. Have a 'delinquent' littre brother and ever since i hooked him up to FM and music production he doesnt leave his PC anymore, which is far safer than roaming the streets doing what i dont know!

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Congrats on the League Cup win, how did you fare in the FA Cup and Europe?

Thanks for the interest, kieron In the FA Cup we had an excellent 2-1 win at Spurs. Will be at home to Everton in the sixth round.

In Europe, we played the first leg in Valencia and lost only 1-0. That sounds better than it is, as we were playing against only 10 men for 60 minutes (it was 0-0 when they had a player sent off). Second leg of that comes up shortly

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