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Is Individual focus fixed at 10%?

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I have a few players who have reached their potential and would like them to solely concentrate on individual training. However, I after adjusting their training schedules the individual focus always stays on 10% even when training schedules are set to none.

Is there no way of adjusting training so at least individual focus is at 50%?

Seems like an awful long time for player to increase their individual focus attribute by 1 point set on 10%

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Don't think so, but no player would stop regular training altogether and just practice 'huuging the left wing' or something. Remember, without regular training, your player who's reached his potential will lose attribute points by not training.

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You just have to change their normal training.

To squueze a bit out of my players, I try and go to extremes. Like my strikers do 0 defensive training, and my defenders do 0 shootng training

And you will end up with strikers with no concentration and defenders with no composure.

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