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4-2-2-2 "Il Devasto"

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These are my tactic settings


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team mentality, creative freedom, passing style, tempo, closing down, are the same of devasto like personal instruction of wings and forwards; other role, only difference is mentality... knap, i'm sorry, but this is the truth!!! you have only modified some aspect of my tactic like width and defensive line

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Mentality - Not Same

CF - Mr H Piledriver

Passing - Mr H Piledriver

Tempo Not Same

Width - Not Same

CD - Not Same

DL - Not Same

The problem is that you may have copied Mr H Piledriver tactic


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Knap, i believe Satox´s tweaked tactic by Sir Alex was released much before hough´s.

I´m not saying that anyone has copyed from anyone but Il devasto tweaked by sir alex was released be4, and hough´s made a change in his original tac, wich made the Hough´s piledriver much like satorox´s.

But again i know that ur tac was based in hough´s, mate u would never copy any tactic, u´re a legend.


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Knap, i believe Satox´s tweaked tactic by Sir Alex was released much before hough´s.

I´m not saying that anyone has copyed from anyone but Il devasto tweaked by sir alex was released be4, and hough´s made a change in his original tac, wich made the Hough´s piledriver much like satorox´s.

But again i know that ur tac was based in hough´s, mate u would never copy any tactic, u´re a legend.


yes defo agree with that

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This is your original tactic, and I believe Mr H relesed his piledriver before your updated tactic.


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hey knap... this isn't my original tactic

my original tactic is:


and my tactic, if you watch date of release, you can see that is older than piledriver!!!

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You will need to sort this out with Mr H as my tactic, as credited in title, uses the piledriver as a base.

Your tactic


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like i said mate, ur is based in hough´s wich is very much like storox´s. And Satorox released his much be4 hough´s.

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You will need to sort this out with Mr H as my tactic, as credited in title, uses the piledriver as a base.

Your tactic


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knap, you are taking all tactic that aren't mine... my tactics are: "il devasto" and "il devasto parma version"

the tactic that you are posted is "il devasto modern"... my tactics are in first post of this topic

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tatox i have a quistion for you about this tactic with palermo you are using.

i play with palermo, but can't get this tactic to work with them.

are u win the serie a first season or what?

plz help me, i get angry because can't get it work with them!

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tatox i have a quistion for you about this tactic with palermo you are using.

i play with palermo, but can't get this tactic to work with them.

are u win the serie a first season or what?

plz help me, i get angry because can't get it work with them!

i've released the tactic before patch 11.3, so the results was referred at 11.2.1... i'm working on some innovation tweaks that improve the tactic on the new patch!!!

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tatox i am trying your tactic for last patch and it work really well for the moment...9 games 6w 3d against inter,fiore and catania(second in A...2015...)

try to switch amr/l to cd/s with attacking movement to often(scorribande offensive,non so come sia tradotto)...

do you have any suggestion for the defence?

i passaggi filtranti centrali sono micidiali...

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tatox i am trying your tactic for last patch and it work really well for the moment...9 games 6w 3d against inter,fiore and catania(second in A...2015...)

try to switch amr/l to cd/s with attacking movement to often(scorribande offensive,non so come sia tradotto)...

do you have any suggestion for the defence?

i passaggi filtranti centrali sono micidiali...

are you italian???

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I am using the "4-2-4 devasto_defense" in the 11.3 patch with my Inter squad and it's just demolishing teams apart. Fiorentina (2nd place and by far 2nd best team in Serie A atm) lost 7-0 vs my team, just incredible.

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I am using the "4-2-4 devasto_defense" in the 11.3 patch with my Inter squad and it's just demolishing teams apart. Fiorentina (2nd place and by far 2nd best team in Serie A atm) lost 7-0 vs my team, just incredible.

You mean this one?

4-2-4 devasto_defense (Louletano, Mai 2013).tac

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You mean this one?

4-2-4 devasto_defense (Louletano, Mai 2013).tac

Yes, that one. I got it on a portuguese forum. I remembered the 1st devasto (that I got from this thread) wasn't really working. Gave that one (devasto_defense Louletano etc..) a shot and it's really working.

Beautiful football, loads of goals and super tight defense. My squad is good but not super excellent and my wingers suck as I was using sherica before.

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Interesting, thx, I'll give it a try, managing Inter as well :)

Note that I'm on 2015/16 season, although some players are the same, most of the squad is different from the 2011 one.

lobsman What OI, match preparation and pitch size?

No OI. I only use OI's when my assistant manager's tactical knowledge is above 15, when it is I ask him to do them. Pitch size I don't really recall, but I think it is the normal size. Not biggest nor smallest.

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4-2-4 devasto_defense (Louletano, Mai 2013).tac

Are you doing anything additional to get the tactic working? It's rubbish with Liverpool. We just concede constantly but rarely score. Even bottom teams are averaging upwards of 30 shots against us.

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Are you doing anything additional to get the tactic working? It's rubbish with Liverpool. We just concede constantly but rarely score. Even bottom teams are averaging upwards of 30 shots against us.

I've just started using it and it works great, maybe lobsman can give u better insight

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Are you doing anything additional to get the tactic working? It's rubbish with Liverpool. We just concede constantly but rarely score. Even bottom teams are averaging upwards of 30 shots against us.

Nope, everything as it came. Maybe I'm getting lucky, but I doubt it.

Games with devasto: http://i.imgur.com/Zz1FK.jpg

Stats vs Fiore: http://i.imgur.com/Ug2ge.jpg

Stats vs Catania: http://i.imgur.com/MEDXJ.jpg

Typical starting eleven: http://i.imgur.com/edOOj.jpg

Tactic: http://www.duckload.com/download/3722921/4-2-4_devasto_defense_Louletano_Mai_2013_.tac

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First of all i wanna say this is good tactic but have some problems with defence and middlefields like fabregas, yaya, moussa sissoko, kaka and other good players will not play in best form (scoring) ...im not using things tactic but i saw a lot of post so i wanted to help...I start new season with birmingham and playing friendly`s i saw some problems so i modify it...



Defence is much better

CB scores a lot from corners and free kicks...but must have good jump 16+ and heading 16+ (put your best CB on Right position)

Middlefield in standard version have a lot of assistance but i modify so they can also score from distance. Considered goals from distance is minimized but you must understude that you must have good CB especially SPEED AND CONCETRATION couze with good concetration they will have less mistakes in defence.

Wingers in this modification have very very important role...they will roam a lot and when middle of field is blocked for CF`s they will try to find space from side with high rate by running around and trying to hand off they keepers. WIth standard things that your wingers must have to be good try find with good Pace.

Corners attacking: is set for cross far post so your Right CB attack far post and your Right CF will stand on far post...put RCB with good jumping and heading skills and RCF same. and you will see your CB score 10+ for season

In this version you will not maybe score like in standard a lot of goals but you will still score and minimize your considered goal. And you will get less cards.

And now most importand thing: Oposition Instruction and TEAM TALK

Dont use OI

Dont use Target Man

Team Talk: For Funs ...always on start

if you have good result use: encoruge or i dont expect your ...to drop

if its draw on half use : im dissapoiting or im angry

if your losing use: Im angry

if your losing after using IM ANGRY wait 10 min in game and see if your players ration rises ...if some players rises ration they your team talk was sucesses and they morale is high so let that player still play...but if some players dont rise ration or even got lower then they moral is bad and replace them...THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT

with Birmingham on first season i finished 2nd ...no new players

2nd season i finished 2nd and lost in semi final Champions Cup on away goal....only loaned Aaron Ramsey from Arsenal. So this statics is not so bad with Birmingham players couze they dont have good bench

So if you focus buying better and better players from season to season you will have a lot sucesses...if you already playing with good team i garantue good resault over season if you do all things i sayed

Give time for this tactic especially if you buyed a lot of new players (my sugestion buy only 1-3 new players over season and for start use them like substitution till you see if they gel in team - have good ration and made little mistakes)...best if you use this tactic from start of season with friendly matches so your team gel in :)

My english sux but i hope i helped


from fm-base

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Yes, that one. I got it on a portuguese forum. I remembered the 1st devasto (that I got from this thread) wasn't really working. Gave that one (devasto_defense Louletano etc..) a shot and it's really working.

Beautiful football, loads of goals and super tight defense. My squad is good but not super excellent and my wingers suck as I was using sherica before.

I think alot of the succsess is down to the fact your playing as inter with some very good players, I doubt you would achieve anything like that with a team that is not expected a top 6 finish.

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Nope, everything as it came. Maybe I'm getting lucky, but I doubt it.

Games with devasto: http://i.imgur.com/Zz1FK.jpg

Stats vs Fiore: http://i.imgur.com/Ug2ge.jpg

Stats vs Catania: http://i.imgur.com/MEDXJ.jpg

Typical starting eleven: http://i.imgur.com/edOOj.jpg

Tactic: http://www.duckload.com/download/3722921/4-2-4_devasto_defense_Louletano_Mai_2013_.tac

Can you upload in another server? in this the download never starts... keeps waiting and waiting...

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TATOX I've been using your devasto euilibrium for 11.3 with some great matches but one of the biggest problems was when the opposition defense gets the ball, when they put it out after a cross from my wingers, or long ball for my forwards - the 2 CM's just get left too forward and the opposition attackers get the ball too easily, so I put one of the CM's to DM and also changed his mentality to full fefensive, changed his tackling to hard and also did that(regarding tackling) for the other CM.

The DM covering now is just GREAT ! He's great for cover and getting loose balls, concedeing much less goals now.

Another change I did was putting my wingers cross balls to often and to cross to mixed, and also to cross from mixed. Why? Because you want them to put many crosses in, they are wingers after all, and a good cross which is catched by a striker is always a dangerous situation right? :D

Many times with my teams scoring goals I noticed that crosses before byline are also veery dangerous, not deep crosses but something between deep and byline, the winger crosses and the other one scores, expecially working well in counters.

And the last thing I did was moved the CM to AM because I have Sneijder there and changed a couple of his individual settings, and the result is also great, he positions himself in the holes between opposition defense and midfield and gets all those balls which would be lost when sometimes your defenders send long ball to the head of strikers, this way they give the ball to him.

So now I have 2 formations, one with DM CM and the other with DM AM . Both are working great, still can't say which one is better


Add this is what I did to Valencia away in my last match :D (with the AM formation)


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I forgot to mention , only changes I made to team instructions - ticked off target man, ticked counter, and that's pretty much it I think, below are team intructions, on the right AM individual settings, and below wingers settings


If someone ask later for an upload no problem but only after tatox gives his permission

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I've been away a bit 'of time because of college and I found this version(ON FMBASE) that seems to promise great things


...I want to say thanks to my friend zizou for these changes!!!

I will do everything possible to try it as soon as possible and post it in the main post

and remember that "il devasto""is the only way to pave the opponents... BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!!!

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TATOX I've been using your devasto euilibrium for 11.3 with some great matches but one of the biggest problems was when the opposition defense gets the ball, when they put it out after a cross from my wingers, or long ball for my forwards - the 2 CM's just get left too forward and the opposition attackers get the ball too easily, so I put one of the CM's to DM and also changed his mentality to full fefensive, changed his tackling to hard and also did that(regarding tackling) for the other CM.

The DM covering now is just GREAT ! He's great for cover and getting loose balls, concedeing much less goals now.

Another change I did was putting my wingers cross balls to often and to cross to mixed, and also to cross from mixed. Why? Because you want them to put many crosses in, they are wingers after all, and a good cross which is catched by a striker is always a dangerous situation right? :D

Many times with my teams scoring goals I noticed that crosses before byline are also veery dangerous, not deep crosses but something between deep and byline, the winger crosses and the other one scores, expecially working well in counters.

And the last thing I did was moved the CM to AM because I have Sneijder there and changed a couple of his individual settings, and the result is also great, he positions himself in the holes between opposition defense and midfield and gets all those balls which would be lost when sometimes your defenders send long ball to the head of strikers, this way they give the ball to him.

So now I have 2 formations, one with DM CM and the other with DM AM . Both are working great, still can't say which one is better


Add this is what I did to Valencia away in my last match :D (with the AM formation)


mmm... could you send me this two variants of "devasto"???

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so,It is to fit the unfamous club,and where I can put it?I am a beginner.Thank you very much.

put here: My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\tactics

opps,what's OI ?

OI - Opposition Instructions

btw. this zizou's version is realy good , the only working tactic for me so far.

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TATOX I've been using your devasto euilibrium for 11.3 with some great matches but one of the biggest problems was when the opposition defense gets the ball, when they put it out after a cross from my wingers, or long ball for my forwards - the 2 CM's just get left too forward and the opposition attackers get the ball too easily, so I put one of the CM's to DM and also changed his mentality to full fefensive, changed his tackling to hard and also did that(regarding tackling) for the other CM.

The DM covering now is just GREAT ! He's great for cover and getting loose balls, concedeing much less goals now.

Another change I did was putting my wingers cross balls to often and to cross to mixed, and also to cross from mixed. Why? Because you want them to put many crosses in, they are wingers after all, and a good cross which is catched by a striker is always a dangerous situation right? :D

Many times with my teams scoring goals I noticed that crosses before byline are also veery dangerous, not deep crosses but something between deep and byline, the winger crosses and the other one scores, expecially working well in counters.

And the last thing I did was moved the CM to AM because I have Sneijder there and changed a couple of his individual settings, and the result is also great, he positions himself in the holes between opposition defense and midfield and gets all those balls which would be lost when sometimes your defenders send long ball to the head of strikers, this way they give the ball to him.

So now I have 2 formations, one with DM CM and the other with DM AM . Both are working great, still can't say which one is better


Add this is what I did to Valencia away in my last match :D (with the AM formation)


Could you please upload the tactics ???

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