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How long does it take to finish a season?

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Usually a week - I'll finish one season and start the next over the weekend, and then usually get to around January by the end of the week... Not this weekend though, I have real life demands on my time :( Woking will just have to wait a little longer for championship glory!

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I would like to do this but I dont have the patience. I guess you could load every league in the world and have a fully immersive experience as speed would not be an issue.

Takes me a good solid 10 hours for me per season with about 15 leagues loaded and all continental players loaded. 1st season about 20hrs as there is a lot more to do.

My season takes as long as it does IRL brcause I play virtually in real time. My challenge is that I like to see if I can do better with the team I am managing than the real manager over the season and finish in a higher position
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For me it's usually 5 days to a week.

Really, the factors involved are the number of leagues you have loaded (and which ones they are - a 30 game season will be much quicker than a 46 game season) and how fast your computer is.

In the challenge I'm running over in CSE one guy managed to get through 5 seasons in about 3 days.

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If I've got enough time in the week, it'll take me around 20 game hrs to complete a season with around 40+ teams in it. That entirely depends on my days off and everything and my spare time. In real time, a season will take a week or so for me to complete, I think I play too much.

Depends on how many games in your league per season of course, as the guy said above me. I managed Sydney FC for 5 seasons and I could get through a season in around 12 hours. I left Sydney and went onto Telford and its taking me a lot longer obv because of the cup games and a bigger league. It's a bit weird seeing only 2 days of game time and I'm in 2016 heh.

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Finally a sane answer.

2 days to finish a season?! I wouldn't even enjoy that. It would just be a complete blur.

I watch my games on Full Highlights and take my time, so probably around 1-1.5 months for a season if i stick at it. I can't do more than 3-4 matches in a day or else my brain fries. Typically i'll manage two matches a day. But i don't always find time every day.

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Depends with work, plus havent been on much lately as awaiting 11.3 before starting new. If i sat here and played FM solidly in one big session, I'd do a season in about 6 and a half game hours. Thats with 'only commentary' highlights or 'key 3d highlights' and the leagues loaded are Belgium top league, England to League 2, France top 2, German top 2, Portugese top, Spanish top 2, Italian top 2, Scottish top, Holland top 2, Greek top 2 and large DB

Ordinarily with casual playing id do a season over 2 days roughly

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43.91 Hours :D

Based on my total gametime divided by how many seasons I've completed.

Someone is a math geek ;)

It usually would take me a week if not more to complete a season. But it's often more than a week to do that.

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For me, anything between 10 and 20 hours depending on how much needs doing. Once I have a settled team and tactic I can cruise through seasons in as little as 8-10 hours. But then I'm not one to watch all the highlights in games. I always do key and will speed them up if the game is going well. I remember the days on CM01/02 when you could easily do a season in 3-4 hours!

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What the hell? Are all you guys just constantly playing FM day and night?! Either that or you don't hang around to click 'Continue'/watch the match in super speed. I play it everyday for about 2-3 hours after/before work and it takes me about a 5-6 weeks to do a season.

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