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Off Topic Thread: Hey lurkers, post ffs!!


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Every time I "moderate" in the GD forum, I always end up having to deal with some utter tommy-tanker. I try to avoid if possible. :)

Last thread I closed, after it had been derailed so much, it turned into a train wreck of a thread, I got lot's of nice PM abuse from the OP for closing the thread. Bet they didn't "thank" those that derailed the thread... :rolleyes:

Was that the thread i was posting in? If it was, for once i didnt get any PM's from disgruntled posters!

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Was that the thread i was posting in? If it was, for once i didnt get any PM's from disgruntled posters!


I don't know what it is, but whenever I encounter an idiot, who wishes to engage in what I'd loosely term "dialogue" via PM's, they're usually from Leeds...

They accused me of being "a power hungry moderator with no life".

I sent them a photo of my house, with the swimming pool and the fantastic views of the snow capped Sierra Nevada mountains. I also attached an aerial image of Leeds... just as a comparison ;)

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Never seems to be any problems in T&T or GP&TG these days though, which are the places I visit most. Since we split the tactics forum into two sections, there's little to no friction between people who prefer to play the game in different ways.

As soon as I venture to do any "moderating" elsewhere if none of the other mods are around, that's when I encounter the prats...

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Never seems to be any problems in T&T or GP&TG these days though, which are the places I visit most. Since we split the tactics forum into two sections, there's little to no friction between people who prefer to play the game in different ways.

As soon as I venture to do any "moderating" elsewhere if none of the other mods are around, that's when I encounter the prats...

Yups post all the crap in the sub forum :D

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It's raining here in ilford Essex and I've got a 15 min walk ahead of me with no coat. And a bald head. Hope the weather is better for the rest of you.


Weather he is fine. Nice & dry :).

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I don't know what it is, but whenever I encounter an idiot, who wishes to engage in what I'd loosely term "dialogue" via PM's, they're usually from Leeds...

They accused me of being "a power hungry moderator with no life".

I sent them a photo of my house, with the swimming pool and the fantastic views of the snow capped Sierra Nevada mountains. I also attached an aerial image of Leeds... just as a comparison ;)

Enough of that! I may not originally be from Leeds, but i consider it to be my adopted city. Don't tar everyone from Leeds with the same brush just because of a few mongaloids here on the forums!

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It's raining here in ilford Essex and I've got a 15 min walk ahead of me with no coat. And a bald head. Hope the weather is better for the rest of you.

Essex? Gone down even further in my estimations now, which frankly i didn't think was possible.

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I like my sandbox. Except when feral cats crap in it. :(

A shotgun is your friend for that problem.

It's raining here in ilford Essex and I've got a 15 min walk ahead of me with no coat. And a bald head. Hope the weather is better for the rest of you.

Umbrella's do excist you know.

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Yeah well im halfway through my working day, forgot I had to do this walk. All done now. NF that sounds like a good days work, your going to have to rest after that bad boy.

I don't live in ilford, but I do live in Essex , much further north. Went to Nottingham once , to rock city. Heard the bloke/bird ratio was supposed to be favourable in our favour, didn't really see it myself.

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Essex if full of sl*ts & posers....more in the sl*ts favour so thats why everywhere else will seem like a sausage fest to you gechal.

And birthplace of "reality" show TOWIE - the single best argument in favour of abortion i have ever seen.

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Christ, lots of love for Essex! Let's get some things straight here -

All the ****s are in south Essex , with the horrible accent, where the tv shows get made. The rest is full of very sensible good looking and intelligent people.

nf - you can't count your breaks you lightweight, that's not work, the clue is in the name- lunchBREAK. I worked 16 hours yesterday if you include the fact it was my day off.

I'm not thick either, I got a C in history and English ill have you know.

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And birthplace of "reality" show TOWIE - the single best argument in favour of abortion i have ever seen.

If I was there Mother and you had any idea that some of the people I see in those adverts was ever going to come out of your womb I would have jumped off a cliff to be fair.

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Lightweight. I don't get paid for overtime often, so if I do a long shift like that, I have to take time back. Unless we get paid overtime. I think doing an 11 hour 15 minute shift is respectable tbh.

Oh and I got a C in History and English. Plus 7 other Cs as well and other certificates. I also went from a B in resistant material to a D after the exam :cool:. Only person to ever have done that from my school, so I've been told.

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Speaking of English

If I was their Mother and you had any idea that some of the people I see in those adverts was ever going to come out of your womb I would have jumped off a cliff to be fair.


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Christ, lots of love for Essex! Let's get some things straight here -

All the ****s are in south Essex , with the horrible accent, where the tv shows get made. The rest is full of very sensible good looking and intelligent people.

nf - you can't count your breaks you lightweight, that's not work, the clue is in the name- lunchBREAK. I worked 16 hours yesterday if you include the fact it was my day off.

I'm not thick either, I got a C in history and English ill have you know.


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My days of working 12 hour shifts are over. My exam grades have been of exactly no use in my life, there is no substitute for common sense and good work ethic. I've seen university graduates who havnt a clue how to deal with the real work environment.

Now, if you can combine a degree along with common sense, you may be on to a winner. Although I worry weather these days it's worth going down the degree route, all that debt, with the chance of no job at the end of it. Not a good start to you adult life. You can leave school early , start at the bottom, and work your way up, and be in a much better situation than the graduate a few years later.

This all makes me unsure what path to encourage my son to go down, he is very bright and if he keeps it up he will get good grades, but I don't know what is best for him anymore.

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My days of working 12 hour shifts are over. My exam grades have been of exactly no use in my life, there is no substitute for common sense and good work ethic. I've seen university graduates who havnt a clue how to deal with the real work environment.

Now, if you can combine a degree along with common sense, you may be on to a winner. Although I worry weather these days it's worth going down the degree route, all that debt, with the chance of no job at the end of it. Not a good start to you adult life. You can leave school early , start at the bottom, and work your way up, and be in a much better situation than the graduate a few years later.

This all makes me unsure what path to encourage my son to go down, he is very bright and if he keeps it up he will get good grades, but I don't know what is best for him anymore.

Uni :thdn:. My route :cool:.

How about letting him decide for himself? Don't try to force him to do something.

Expect to get some abuse from Ty soon gechal.

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I dunno, but I've had this debate with Ty about uni being useless unless you do something specific like a PGCE after or something that requires one extra than uni. Ty seems to think from his degree he'll walk into a really good job that pays well and that life will be great. When in reality, he'll probably end up working in a dead end job for 8 years because he doesn't have experience. Which is what employers are looking for now. Employers have the upper hand at the moment due to the way the financial world is.

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Your taking the uni route, as well as doing the supermarket thing?

No, I'm not. I never wanted to go to uni. I went to college, didn't particularly enjoy that, so at college I was part-time at work. I'm now full-time at work, having worked my way up from 8 hours to 19, to 30 and now to full-time. I'm also looking to progress into management over the next fews years and I'm already on the starting base for that. I just need a vacancy to come up now and I'll go for it.

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My days of working 12 hour shifts are over. My exam grades have been of exactly no use in my life, there is no substitute for common sense and good work ethic. I've seen university graduates who havnt a clue how to deal with the real work environment.

Now, if you can combine a degree along with common sense, you may be on to a winner. Although I worry weather these days it's worth going down the degree route, all that debt, with the chance of no job at the end of it. Not a good start to you adult life. You can leave school early , start at the bottom, and work your way up, and be in a much better situation than the graduate a few years later.

This all makes me unsure what path to encourage my son to go down, he is very bright and if he keeps it up he will get good grades, but I don't know what is best for him anymore.

How old is he?

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No, I'm not. I never wanted to go to uni. I went to college, didn't particularly enjoy that, so at college I was part-time at work. I'm now full-time at work, having worked my way up from 8 hours to 19, to 30 and now to full-time. I'm also looking to progress into management over the next fews years and I'm already on the starting base for that. I just need a vacancy to come up now and I'll go for it.

Sorry it's difficult to see those little icons on this phone. For what it's worth, I think your route is the best way to go right now.

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The only problem I have with Uni is that it is so difficult to get a job in what you have studied in. A lot of people end up doing jobs a million miles away from their subject area's. Also, I realised that if I wanted to get a decent job, not just a one working in a leisure centre or a gym which I didnt want to do, I had to go back to Uni.

Not when there's a newbie from Essex around.

SRL let out a smile at this :).

Yes, I did just speak about myself in third person.

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