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Off Topic Thread: Hey lurkers, post ffs!!


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There is nothing to be gained from drinking. You are all caught in the alcohol trap and it is slowly destroying you, bit by bit.


Here's to another week, lets attack it with all we have. Seize the day.

Shut up you.

Has anyone ever done nights? How easy did you find it to sleep during the day and did you go to sleep as soon as you got in?

I do nights every weekend. I usually come home by 6 or 7 in the morning and fall right asleep till about 9.30.

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I don't drink... well, odd glass of Rioja if I'm out for a meal, but otherwise, that's about it.

Used to drink like a fish when I was in the RAF, especially when out with the rest of the lads. They'd call me and one of my mates "The Diesel Brothers", because we'd sup anything. :D

Can't say what happened really. I never had a drink problem and never drank beyond my limits. I'd always reach a point where I knew enough was enough. I guess I just went off the taste, especially for spirits. I might have the odd beer now and again these days, but because I need to drive everywhere I go living here, that's perhaps another factor why I don't drink.

I'm happy enough these days with a coffee, or a glass of pop. I still get free tapas at any bars I go to with either, so that's a :thup:

I seem to remember you being very drunk when iirc Granada went up or something like that last year?

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Shut up you.

I do nights every weekend. I usually come home by 6 or 7 in the morning and fall right asleep till about 9.30.

Somebody is in denial about their drinking habits.....

The problem with doing nights is society is not geared up to help shift workers, society seems to think everybody does 9-5 Monday to Friday , which is why you get people mowing lawns, hammering, kids screaming etc at the crack of dawn, which is no good for someone who has finished work at 7am.

Inconsiderate twats.

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The days will all mesh into one another , you will wake up and the clock will say 8:30, you won't know If that is am or pm, you will be deprived of sleep and your mood will become angry and confused, your relationships with everybody will become strained, you will age at least 2 years during that week.

You are about to spend 7 days living on the edges of society and you will be a different person by the end of it. You won't be able to put your finger on it, but you will feel like something has gone missing within you, and replaced by something....darker.

But at least you have a nice haircut.

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I'm not saying I won't sleep. I probably will. But considering how I plan on doing it, I hope to sleep at least once. I'm only on it for a week. I'm sure I can cope.
We should have a poll on the new user name for "mr forest". ;)

Put a request in to change it and we will all sign a petition.

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Yeah Im sure the name change has to go through Neil Brock. We should all PM him saying please change Nottingham Forest's name to Mr.Forest because its damn cool :cool: (you have to put the cool face on though).

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Daft thing is, I use the same username on pretty much every forum I use. Only because "heath1974" wasn't available on the first few forums I joined and I simply thought "feck it... xxx will do!"

And I'm not gay... I'm a lesbian in a man's body. ;)

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You drink more than these students in here, tut tut.

Or the students don't come on here when they're drunk. :D

Has anyone ever done nights? How easy did you find it to sleep during the day and did you go to sleep as soon as you got in?

I sleep whenever, however, wherever. It's a talent.

The days will all mesh into one another , you will wake up and the clock will say 8:30, you won't know If that is am or pm.

Sounds familiar.

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You looked it on the picture of you at the Grenada game :D.

I think you're mistaking Grenada for Granada there... ;)

To confuse even more, a "Grenada" is usually a thrown explosive device in Spanish (Grenade), whilst "Granada" also means pomegranate... hence its appearance in the coat of arms for the province and city, along with the football club badge. :p

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Couldn't watch it as my Sky Go wasn't working :mad:

Did the game live up to it's hype or was it just your classic boring 1-0?

It was never going to live up to the sky hype, it's so over the top it's embarrassing.

Man u went for the draw, which was reflected in their team selection, and old purple nose was too late in changing anything. They were very poor.

Was a good game though, entertaining enough.

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