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Putting it that way, it does seem a good idea to just bring back the death sentence. However, what if a person wasn't guilty. I know now, with all the technology and the resources available. It should be easy to find the guilty party. But what would happen if one was given the death sentence, killed and then found out to be not guilty? There'd be outrage. Also, who would be willing to carry out the death penalty? I know there would probably be some advanced ways of doing it. But some if not most would feel uncomfortable with a job like that.

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Ian Huntley

You are thinking of Ian Brady who comitted the Moors Murders and is in a mental hospital.

Ian Huntley is locked up in Frankland Prison which is in Durham and is regularly attacked by prisoners. He has had boiling water thrown over him on several ocassions. He comitted the Soham Murders.

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That is a fair point and one that is often used to argue against the death penalty. There is outrage now if someone innocent is jailed for 20 years so it doesn't change much at all in my opinion. As for someone carrying out the sentence I highly doubt there would be a shortage of applicants.

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Why shouldn't they AB? Of course it makes sense. Because the prison could charge over inflated fees for the luxuries which would make them more money. Think of it as a prison tax.

So people with rich parents should get an easy ride in jail, xbox's, Sky TV etc. It should be the same for everyone no luxuries no matter who your parents are.

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Regarding the debate, I am all for the death sentance. Everyone keeps saying there are to many people in prison and its overcrowded. They whinge that its expensive to keep people in prison so thats why they get light sentances. Get rid of them then. The people who do the most brutal crimes such as your Ian Huntley's, Ian Brady, Fred West (I know he is dead now), Rose West etc. What use is it having them? They know they arent going to get out at all and they will spend their entire lives behind bars. Why keep spending money to keep them in prison when you could just sentance them to death and have rid of them. Makes a lot more sense.

A lot of prisoners though see prison as a holiday camp. They prefer to be inside because on the outside they have to work for a living. They have houses to pay for etc, but inside they have a roof over their head, they are fed everyday for free, they dont have to work and they get TV's and on some ocassions, games consoles in their rooms. Of course they dont want to leave prison.

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Regarding the debate, I am all for the death sentance. Everyone keeps saying there are to many people in prison and its overcrowded. They whinge that its expensive to keep people in prison so thats why they get light sentances. Get rid of them then. The people who do the most brutal crimes such as your Ian Huntley's, Ian Brady, Fred West (I know he is dead now), Rose West etc. What use is it having them? They know they arent going to get out at all and they will spend their entire lives behind bars. Why keep spending money to keep them in prison when you could just sentance them to death and have rid of them. Makes a lot more sense.

A lot of prisoners though see prison as a holiday camp. They prefer to be inside because on the outside they have to work for a living. They have houses to pay for etc, but inside they have a roof over their head, they are fed everyday for free, they dont have to work and they get TV's and on some ocassions, games consoles in their rooms. Of course they dont want to leave prison.

Two lads I know went to prison only for 6 months one of them is the others brother in law, they got put in the same prison cell and had access to sky and an xbox 360.

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You are thinking of Ian Brady who comitted the Moors Murders and is in a mental hospital.

Ian Huntley is locked up in Frankland Prison which is in Durham and is regularly attacked by prisoners. He has had boiling water thrown over him on several ocassions. He comitted the Soham Murders.

I hate that Ian Huntley I mean they tried to kill him in prison but it didn't work, the bloke that did it got another sentence because he did it. Yeah by moral rights and human rights it was wrong but if I was in there with him I'd do the same. Wouldn't want to be near anybody that could do that.

He'll be killed whether that be in prison or when he is released. Someone will do it and get away with it.

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I hate that Ian Huntley I mean they tried to kill him in prison but it didn't work, the bloke that did it got another sentence because he did it. Yeah by moral rights and human rights it was wrong but if I was in there with him I'd do the same. Wouldn't want to be near anybody that could do that.

He'll be killed whether that be in prison or when he is released. Someone will do it and get away with it.

Yeah he is a ******, but at the end of the day, even though what he did was completely wrong and sick, there are people in there who have probably done a lot worse but sadly it hasnt been news headlines so people dont want to go after them as much if you know what I mean.

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Yeah he is a ******, but at the end of the day, even though what he did was completely wrong and sick, there are people in there who have probably done a lot worse but sadly it hasnt been news headlines so people dont want to go after them as much if you know what I mean.

Yeah I understand where you are coming from, he's a headliner for what he did and there is more people out there that has done worse but just not made front pages.

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Yeah I understand where you are coming from, he's a headliner for what he did and there is more people out there that has done worse but just not made front pages.

Taken from Wikipedia

[size=3]Huntley in Prison[/size]

On 14 September 2005 Huntley was scalded with boiling water when another inmate, Mark Hobson (serving life for a 2004 quadruple murder in Yorkshire), attacked him. A prison service spokesman said that due to the nature of high-security prisoners, "it's impossible to prevent incidents of this nature occasionally happening", but Huntley alleged that the prison authorities failed in their duty of care towards him, and launched a claim for £15,000 compensation. Huntley was reportedly awarded £2,500 in legal aid to pursue this claim, a move strongly criticised by the Soham MP James Paice, who insisted on tight restrictions on the use of public money for compensation, and said, "The people I represent have no sympathy for him at all". Huntley's injuries meant that he did not attend the hearing at which his minimum term was decided.

On 5 September 2006, Huntley was found unconscious in his prison cell, thought to have taken an overdose. He had previously taken an overdose of antidepressants in prison in June 2003 while awaiting his trial. He was under police guard in hospital for two days, before being returned to Wakefield prison, prompting much reaction from many present at the scene as well as making the front pages of many of the UK newspapers the next morning. Following this attempted suicide his cell was cleared and a tape was found which was marked with Queen on one side and Meat Loaf on the other. This tape is thought to contain confessions from Huntley on what he did and how he did it. It is believed that Huntley made the tape in return for antidepressants from a fellow prisoner, who hoped to obtain and later sell the confession to the media upon his release. On 28 March 2007, The Sun began publishing transcripts of Huntley's taped confession.

In April 2007, Huntley confessed to have sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl after dragging her into an orchard in 1997. His victim won the right to damages against Huntley. Huntley was believed to be insolvent so unlikely to pay any damages, but she claimed to feel "a massive sense of relief" at his confession. This followed repeated denials by Huntley that there had been a sexual element in the Soham murders, which the sentencing judge described as likely but not proven, and which if proven would have led to Huntley receiving a whole life prison term.

On 23 January 2008, Ian Huntley was moved to Frankland prison near Durham.

On 21 March 2010, Huntley was taken to hospital, with media reports stating that his throat had been slashed by another inmate; his injuries were not said to be life-threatening. The prisoner who wounded Huntley was later named as fellow life sentence prisoner and convicted armed robber Damien Fowkes. Huntley applied for a £20,000 compensation payout for his injuries. On 11 June 2011, the Daily Mirror reported that Fowkes may not be tried over the attack on Huntley amid concerns about his mental health. However, in October 2011, Fowkes pleaded guilty at Hull Crown Court to the attempted murder of Huntley, as well as the manslaughter of Colin Hatch, a repeat child sex offender then imprisoned for murdering a seven year old boy, at Full Sutton prison in February 2011. Fowkes received a second life sentence for the two attacks.

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I think it's both of them tbh. I was reading something in one of the papers that Huntley has also tried to kill himself as well. Either way, if they want to die, keep them alive and make their lives hell.

Which is a waste of mine and your money!!!

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Oh and another thing. If you go into to prison, I've heard all your debts are wiped clean. Not sure how true it is though.

Yeah something like that because while you are in there you won't be able to keep up payments, depends on length of sentence though.

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No, because any rich person in jail would have their assets frozen if they were deemed to have made the money through crime. How I mean, is magazines, nice luxuries that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. If a prisoner wanted it, the family would pay for it. If they weren't willing to, then no luxuries.

They already do this in prisons so not sure what else you are asking for?

Prisoners get like £10 a week spending money and they spend this on things like magazines, sweets, cigs, shaving gel etc. And they'd don't get much for the £10 believe me.

As for the people on Xbox's and stuff and Sky plus. That is true but they don't get long on them in all honesty and its dependant on what crime you have committed and what wing you are on.

Whether its right or wrong they still need stuff to do while inside, or they'll never change and be 10x worse when they leave. They'd be more dangerous and more of a threat due to sheer boredom. A lot of people actually do change their lives in prison and come out a better person, even some who commit the most horrendous crimes. Not all but a large propotion do.

Prison needs to be more about changing the mindsets of prisoners and reeducating them a lot more. This also includes staff who don't give a **** and have no interest in helping those who actually do want help. I mean a few of them on that Ramsay programme are complete arses and jump off the deepend for something so silly. Plus they admit they don't have time for them. So imo **** off and work elsewhere.

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Oh and another thing. If you go into to prison, I've heard all your debts are wiped clean. Not sure how true it is though.

No there not, that's bollocks. You still have to pay them when you leave prison.

Back in the day you either got a fine or prison time, nowdays you get both. and still have to pay your debts.

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No there not, that's bollocks. You still have to pay them when you leave prison.

Back in the day you either got a fine or prison time, nowdays you get both. and still have to pay your debts.

Well it was like I said further up about 6 years ago, someone I knew got sent down for about a year and half and his debt's got wipped clean (Step-Dad who is now dead)

But still if it's changed then that's even better. I always thought because of what I said if it's a sentence that is over a year it get's wipped clean but you still get a black mark against your name.

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Putting people to death is simply going down to their level.

Make the worst of them live in unbearable conditions, give them just enough nourishment to stay alive, make them suffer for the restof their lives.

I don't care how much it costs, prioritise the country's finances and make it happen.

Don't waste money on things like Olympics, while the whole country goes down the gutter.

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Haha beg pardon?

You said;

Cleon/Heath/whoever, ban him - he's used that ugly thing at the end of his sentence!

then getchal said;

Actually I take it back. Too harsh. He only said lol.

Forget which account you was typing from? :(

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Cleon/Heath/whoever, ban him - he's used that ugly thing at the end of his sentence!

You really are a pr*ck at times:applause:. If you don't like how I type read someone elses!

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You really are a pr*ck at times:applause:. If you don't like how I type read someone elses!

While tom can be an arse at times, he was having 'banter'. However calling someone a ***** is personal abuse......

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Forget which account you was typing from? :(

Terrible effort Cleon, even by your standards. :brock:

You really are a pr*ck at times:applause:. If you don't like how I type read someone elses!

Goodness me.

Keep the name calling in a PM to me in future. The rest of the thread don't need to see you making a fool out of yourself.

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And how am I making a fool out of myself when all I am is a Username? All you can see is what I want you to see :) I'm just words buddy!

No, calling me a ***** is personal abuse................yes I sail close to the wind at times, but I don't blantanly abuse people.

And no, I'm not your "buddy".

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I'm not smart enough to keep up with two accounts.

That always reminds me of when you see a show like Coppers or Speed, Camera, Action etc and they catch a joy rider and the first thing he says is 'I can't drive officer'

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I'm guessing you're not taling abut my apparent "alias" there? :D

But I do agree, hence why I immediately said to keep it to PM's.

I knew I should have used the quote tags but just cba.

But we should all carry this gechal is tom alias thing on. I mean we saw concerete proof.

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I know there aren't as many regular posters as there used to be. Even when I first joined up. But would it be worth having our own prediction league thread for this forum?

We could do a number of leagues. Have an overall leadership board. Then individual leagues for each division. Purefun seems to be great at them. So it would be good to knock him off his perch :D.

Speaking of Perch's. It's rumoured that James Perch is coming back to the club. He has been rumoured to have been seen at The City Ground and in the City. Load of rubbish if you ask me.

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