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SRL - Will you be watching the new Superman film?

I won't be going to the pictures to see it but when it comes out on DVD I will probably get it. Never been a huge Superman fan.

It'll be one of those things that gets dragged out and we'll end up making a panic buy again.

With Madrid it is nearly always dragged out. I'm just annoyed with the way he is going on about being forced out the country. Well you have kind of brought it all on yourself really

I think you are being a bit naive with that response especially thinking there is something wrong with losing to Norway. They have a great u21 team. I think this is what's wrong with England/Britain in general, we all think we are better at football than we actually are and think we deserve to beat teams without turning up.
Yep, ten games in a row without defeat stretching back to November 2011 and no goals conceded for nine of them in a row leading up the the Championships. It's all Pearce's fault, definiely.
England U21's are like Spain's national team used to be like. Great at qualifying but **** poor in a tournament.

I don't think it is a case of the players. It is just that we are so far behind tactically. With the bigger nations like your Spain's, Germany's, Holland's etc they are a step ahead of us. We can beat any team in the world when we want to, but the negative tactics we always play when up against the bigger nations limits our players. The players are good enough to beat anyone. It happens every tournament with us too. France in Euro 2012 is an example against France. Score, sit back.

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How did the poker tournament go?

Got there 2 hours early as I thought it was a 2pm start rather than a 4pm start and ran pocket 10s into AA with him hitting a 3rd Ace on the turn so it turned out that I was waiting around for longer than I was in the tournament :(:D .

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Got there 2 hours early as I thought it was a 2pm start rather than a 4pm start and ran pocket 10s into AA with him hitting a 3rd Ace on the turn so it turned out that I was waiting around for longer than I was in the tournament :(:D .

Sounds painful :D

When is the next one?

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Late one tonight Cleon?

Yeah only managed 1 hour sleep today :(

So thought I'd tie up a few loose ends before I set off to Scraborough later today for a few days.

How come your up/still up?

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I've been unwell since Monday. To be fair, everyone in the house has been ill. I went to sleep about 3 o'clock until 8ish so I am wide awake. That was probably the most sleep I have had since Saturday too :thdn:.

1 hours sleep? Ouch :(. Is it just you going down to Scarborough or the other half and Lily too?

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I've been unwell since Monday. To be fair, everyone in the house has been ill. I went to sleep about 3 o'clock until 8ish so I am wide awake. That was probably the most sleep I have had since Saturday too :thdn:.

1 hours sleep? Ouch :(. Is it just you going down to Scarborough or the other half and Lily too?

Do you have work in the morning too or are you off? Is it cold you all have?

We are all going. It's the only time my brother/sisters and mam and dad get to see Lily really :)

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Well Kacey (step-daughter) has been to the doctors and they said she has a bug, which I suspect has been passed on between the three of us. All of us are being sick whenever we eat, constant bad stomach, headaches. I had taken a flexi day on Monday, and I don't work Tuesdays so that was OK. I rang in sick today, but I am going to see how I feel in the morning. Just taking it day by day. I am hoping to go in though.

Ah right cool. Nice for you all to get away sometimes. Anything else on the house search?

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Well Kacey (step-daughter) has been to the doctors and they said she has a bug, which I suspect has been passed on between the three of us. All of us are being sick whenever we eat, constant bad stomach, headaches. I had taken a flexi day on Monday, and I don't work Tuesdays so that was OK. I rang in sick today, but I am going to see how I feel in the morning. Just taking it day by day. I am hoping to go in though.

Ah right cool. Nice for you all to get away sometimes. Anything else on the house search?

Ah it sounds like what we all had last month. It's really not nice, I feel for you :(

No nothing new on the house search yet. Gemma isn't in a hurry to move and would gladly wait until after little'un is born. But I don't really think that's practical and want to move before. As that means sorting things twice, which doesn't make sense to me. So we'll just see what happens between now and then. If we find something though that we like and think can be a long term family home then we'll go. Ideally I want to go back on the coast though.

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If it looks like you will be staying up here, then surely Tynemouth is shouting out to you :p.

I'm hoping she can be persuaded to go back to Scarborough, I think it's only a slim chance though. Failing that, then it will more than likely be Tynemouth. Saying that though, I've seen some lovely properties in and around county Durham the last few days.

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You mentioned Stanley. Anywhere else you have looked at? Foster lives nearby as well doesn't he?

Barnard Castle, Hutton Magna and Witton Park I think were 3 areas we saw nice houses in. Not sure of what the areas are like though, Barnard Castle looked nice.

And Foster lives like 2 mins from me, just at top of the hill.

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Barnard Castle is lovely. Quiet place, not far from Darlington if you wanted to go shopping or anything. Witton Park is near Bishop Auckland too. I prefer Barnard Castle myself. Can't comment on Hutton Magna.

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I've finally found a decent accountant. One that'll do what you need and when you need it. Makes life a hell of a lot easier. If only HMRC were as efficient. Take so bloody long to process anything, unless they're chasing for tax, then they're pretty quick!!

Miserable bloody day.

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Just checked out some of the places mentioned above.

That's five hours drive from me, and you literally get twice the house for the money that you do down here. Mental.

Looks bloody miles away on a map, and it's only half way up to where my mum lives. Even more mental.

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Where I'm from a decent sized one bedroom flat will set you back around £200k if you're lucky. There are smaller ones if you're okay with that for less.

In fact, the BBC has a good site for finding this out: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/in_depth/uk_house_prices/html/houses.stm

Where I live:

Detached £426,980

Semi-detached £334,840

Terrace £321,584

Flat £215,136

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Just checked out some of the places mentioned above.

That's five hours drive from me, and you literally get twice the house for the money that you do down here. Mental.

Looks bloody miles away on a map, and it's only half way up to where my mum lives. Even more mental.

At the minute I am renting a terraced house. It is a lovely house, absolutely massive inside. If, if I wanted to buy it I could for around £66k.

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And where is it that you are from? I'm assuming not Manchester?

Currently in the south, but hoping to be in America when this contract finishes next year.

That does sound ever so slightly pretentious.....

It was for effect. I don't have a £60k car. I was just shocked and envious at that price, having only ever seen properties sell for over three-times this price

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Schurrle to Chelsea it seems. As the rumours were there last season, is this a Mourinho decision or does someone else make the transfer decisions at Chelsea?

Look the success they have had over the last ten years.......I don't think it matters who buys the players there.

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Sounds painful :D

When is the next one?

Whenever I qualify through the Nuts Poker league as £100 for a poker tournament is well above my limits normally so it'll be a while yet.

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Where do you play poker typically? Online or live?

Online mostly seeing as it's convenient but play every Thursday (and any tourneys I qualify for) live .

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I wasn't selected for cricket this weekend originally. I have just found out today that my skipper has been trying to get hold of me since Wednesday but as his phone broke he's struggled to get my number. He finally has and I'm playing tomorrow. He said he'll try and give me a game depending on whether we bat or bowl first. I've asked him to let me open the batting :D. I also said I was ill on Wednesday, well my mum and dad are now ill today. So hope I don't get ill again.

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Outstandingly well. Finished third in our first season back in La Liga, and currently joint top with Real after five wins from six. Also won 2-0 away to Schalke in our first Champions League game.

Check out the OTF Football Manager thread. Posted a few pics in there recently, most notably Bernardo Corradi's stunning La Liga season. :cool:

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What's everyone up to this weekend?

I'm going to watch the new Superman film, I didn't like the last one but this one is directed by one of my favourite directors so I might as well give it a go. On the night I'll be having a dinner party at my parents house with my sister her fella, me and my missus and my mate and his missus. This usually means we go to my mum and dads have some extremely nice food and get pissed, I'd rather drink with my parents than the people that I end up drinking with when I go out, they're more of a laugh.

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