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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Hi guys. Quick query. I often read it as one of the givens of LLM that your players can't cope with sophisticated tactics. My Curzon Ashton team have done well with a narrow, direct 4-3-3, and in part I think it works because of its simplicity. However, I'd love to try something off the wall, like a Brazilian box or a strikerless, with a new Curzon save. Is this simply impossible with players that have Positioning 7, Anticipation 6 etc? Or will it just require a lot more fine tuning? Thanks

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When defining your manager profile. Does setting your preferred formation for example to 442 mean that the team you pick to control are more accomplished in familiarity with that formation rather than if you choose 352? Or doesn't it matter?

No, I don't believe it has anything to do with it. You are familiar with it, but your players won't be.

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Hi guys. Quick query. I often read it as one of the givens of LLM that your players can't cope with sophisticated tactics. My Curzon Ashton team have done well with a narrow, direct 4-3-3, and in part I think it works because of its simplicity. However, I'd love to try something off the wall, like a Brazilian box or a strikerless, with a new Curzon save. Is this simply impossible with players that have Positioning 7, Anticipation 6 etc? Or will it just require a lot more fine tuning? Thanks

It is not a given with LLM at all. Any tactic can work at any level if you have the right players *for the level* for it. You will see more mistakes, of course, but you see those anyway. The thing to bear in mind is yes, you might have a positioning, anticipation of 5-8 or thereabouts, but what kind of players are they up against? Equally as poor so there is a relativity at work.

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I have spent a lot of time to get the right youth setup and the best HOYD I can find. I was excited this year to find 3-4 newgens who look like real prospects. But when I checked the coach reports two of them could have real problems with injuries and one might have......it certainly ruined my excitement.

Is this just luck of the draw or does something in the club setup influence newgens injury tendencies? And does the injury tendency every change or will they have a real problem with injuries when they are 25, not 15?

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I have spent a lot of time to get the right youth setup and the best HOYD I can find. I was excited this year to find 3-4 newgens who look like real prospects. But when I checked the coach reports two of them could have real problems with injuries and one might have......it certainly ruined my excitement.

Is this just luck of the draw or does something in the club setup influence newgens injury tendencies? And does the injury tendency every change or will they have a real problem with injuries when they are 25, not 15?

Nothing due to the academy influences it and it can't change.

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If i'm playing with a big team, and usually my opponents play very denfensly and compact in the back... does it make sence to use the "pass into space" shout?

Or is it a shout more useful to play when adopting a counter ou defense tactic?

If your opponent is deep and compact, where is the space to pass into? :brock:

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Is there are bug with crosses? Almost always conceede because of a cross. Often my fullbacks dont take out (misses interception) the crosser. Play 442

The way defenders position themselves and react to crosses looks a bit ropey at times, but the absolute number of goals stemming from that source is in line with real life.

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Is it possible to unlearn the PPM, Gets Into Opposition Area? I can't find that option.

Yes it's in the same exact same place you learnt it. Or in that list of PPM's. It's just the wording will have changed now and will say something like 'ask x to stop getting into the oppositions area' rather than the usual 'ask x to get into the oppositions area'

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I was wondering of anyone can help me, when you select the option for your u21s to use your tactics does this mean they use the same mentality, shape, roles/duties and instructions? Or do they simply use the formation. I developed a tactic and tired it out with the u21s and the amount of ccc's and goals was spectacular and the football played was fantastic. Yet when I use it for my 1st team it isn't anywhere near the "joga bonito" of the reserves. Any thoughts?

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Can you find it with the editor provided with the game? Or the In Game Editor?

Yes the editor that come with the game allows you to see that- I just fired it up. I feel dirty now . . . :D

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As far as stupid questions go, this is a good one. Its rather long so bare with me.

I have been playing FM for over a decade, yet i dont think ive watched the sport for more then 5 minutes in real life. I dont dislike it, I just dont watch it. Here in the states its not on as much as it is elsewhere. here is my stupid question....

Ive always downloaded tactics to use, I am now tired of that and want to use my own but i have really no understanding of roles and what each does etc. I couldnt tell you the difference between a deep lying forward and a false nine to save my life. I was wondering if anyone could suggest some reading so that i may better understand what each does and to better understand whats happening in a tactic so that i can make good choices when i try to create one from scratch. Keeping in mind that im not well versed in even the most basic of tactic understanding and knowledge.

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Am I better to put my talented youngsters into the U21 squad or keep them in the U18 team? Assuming they are under 19 years old and if the coaches are equally good? Do they develop more quickly or have different volumes of training or is it pretty negligible?

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As far as stupid questions go, this is a good one. Its rather long so bare with me.

I have been playing FM for over a decade, yet i dont think ive watched the sport for more then 5 minutes in real life. I dont dislike it, I just dont watch it. Here in the states its not on as much as it is elsewhere. here is my stupid question....

Ive always downloaded tactics to use, I am now tired of that and want to use my own but i have really no understanding of roles and what each does etc. I couldnt tell you the difference between a deep lying forward and a false nine to save my life. I was wondering if anyone could suggest some reading so that i may better understand what each does and to better understand whats happening in a tactic so that i can make good choices when i try to create one from scratch. Keeping in mind that im not well versed in even the most basic of tactic understanding and knowledge.

It'll be good to start in the game itself. Take a look at the descriptions of the roles. You also have Key Attributes, giving you an idea of what's needed in the role and what the role will focus the player on doing. Then there is the PI screen where you can see what he's asked to do within the role as well.

Lastly, nothing beats watching a few minutes in full of the role in action.

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Say you're primarily a 'counter-attack' side and when playing teams that you are superior to technically/ability wise... what should you look to change? Especially if they set-up like a Pulis side.

In what ways 'in-game' do say a Simeone's Atleti and say a Palace counter attack side manifest themselves differently?

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So I been getting some good results now, when my team is fluid on my formation 442 and roles. Still a bit vulnerable against crosses but still better then earlier. I have a question about a problem: often my cd let the oppositions striker score without any marking(losing marking) very easy, I have my cd marking tight but still they often lose the marking, why is that and what can I do? Even with two cd around the striker they often seem to be just looking at the striker and let him score

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So I been getting some good results now, when my team is fluid on my formation 442 and roles. Still a bit vulnerable against crosses but still better then earlier. I have a question about a problem: often my cd let the oppositions striker score without any marking(losing marking) very easy, I have my cd marking tight but still they often lose the marking, why is that and what can I do? Even with two cd around the striker they often seem to be just looking at the striker and let him score

Marking tight? Any other instructions such as tackle hard and etc? The defender issue could be down to his own attributes, concentration and etc. He may have as seen another player Un marked? Definitely need to see some screenshots or something mate.

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Say you're primarily a 'counter-attack' side and when playing teams that you are superior to technically/ability wise... what should you look to change? Especially if they set-up like a Pulis side.

In what ways 'in-game' do say a Simeone's Atleti and say a Palace counter attack side manifest themselves differently?

I'd change it to an attacking side with the defence dropped deeper to prevent the long balls, put more pressure on the opposition.

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So I been getting some good results now, when my team is fluid on my formation 442 and roles. Still a bit vulnerable against crosses but still better then earlier. I have a question about a problem: often my cd let the oppositions striker score without any marking(losing marking) very easy, I have my cd marking tight but still they often lose the marking, why is that and what can I do? Even with two cd around the striker they often seem to be just looking at the striker and let him score

Sounds like its players attributes (lack of marking / concentration) unless they're trying to play offside and someone plays them on.

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Would low teamwork have an impact on a CF-S's willingness to get involved in link up play?

I say it would have a minor effect. Linked up play would be different. I'd say he'd want the ball more but will be a lot more greedy to score rather than make a simple pass.

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I'd change it to an attacking side with the defence dropped deeper to prevent the long balls, put more pressure on the opposition.

But when I play 'Counter' then I'd have a 'Slightly Deeper' setting anyway, will changing mentality to Attacking still allow me to play in a counter-attack way as if I'm closing down more against a poor side or they're playing long ball/direct themselves then the opportunity to counter-attack the space wouldn't be there...?

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stupid question 2: in the match when your ass man gives you advice and there is a small "make changes" button under it, If i click that will it make that change for me or is that just to clear it off the screen and i still have to manually do it?

It will make the changes that are indicated when you hover over the suggestions

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Some questions.

1) In a setup like this :






...is it tactically correct to think that i should use this as my "Defensive/Control" tactic with (Highly) Structured philosophy and a Standard mentality, and use exactly the same formation with generic roles (same duties) for my Attacking one with (Very) Fluid and Control / Attacking mentality?

2) What difference Very Fluid and Very Structured will make in the above formation/roles/duties (same Mentality) in a few words?

3) Is Raumdeuter the most demanding role for a player to be good both foot?

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A couple of questions from a long absent returnee..........

1. Approximately when is the best time in a youths career to learn a) a PPM on it's own, not as part of being tutored? b) another position? c) a different foot? The reason I ask is I seem to remember something about those things using up part of the 'training allowance' which could be better utilised by the player just developing attributes instead, until a little older.

2. In the team/pre-match training schedule I think I should allow a rest before and after matches - is that correct or not necessary??

Thanks for any help folks.

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1. As soon as possible really due to the time it takes. That's my preference anyway but there is no right or wrong.

2. That's far too much rest time. One is more than enough, no need to rest before and after.

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I mean seriously, how are you meant to stop these pinpoint accurate wonder crosses that go through about 5 of your players!??



This is driving me to distraction, when I'm seeemingly getting the **** taken out of me by the AI. :lol:

I'd upload the comedy 3rd they scored but I'm turning in for the night :)

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I mean seriously, how are you meant to stop these pinpoint accurate wonder crosses that go through about 5 of your players!??

This is driving me to distraction, when I'm seeemingly getting the **** taken out of me by the AI. :lol:

I'd upload the comedy 3rd they scored but I'm turning in for the night :)

So is there is a serious question in here, or are you just ranting? If it is the latter, then you need to take it to the GD feedback thread, not in here. If it is a serious query, then please frame it as such and you will get a serious answer.

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Are crosses an issue to everyone or is it because of my tactic? I generally use a WB on the flank I consider it should be more offensive and a FB on the other, both on Support duty. My CB pair are both standard. I concede similar goals like in AllRed videos and it is frustrating at times.

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Thought it was pretty clear.

What tactical am I missing here that I consistently have bang average fullbacks putting in pinpoint perfectly accurate balls, even when I ask my wide players to close down and show onto weaker foot, whilst 3 defenders in box can't deal with 1 striker.

It's a theme of the type of goal that I concede in different saves I've had, regardless of the measure I take.

You can read the guides and take all the wonderful advice on tactics to prepare a side but when you constantly get done by balls/moves even world class fullbacks wouldn't conjure up on a regular basis then I'm dumbfounded on how to deal with it.

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You can read the guides and take all the wonderful advice on tactics to prepare a side but when you constantly get done by balls/moves even world class fullbacks wouldn't conjure up on a regular basis then I'm dumbfounded on how to deal with it.

As has been commented elsewhere, it is a limitation of the current Match Engine. To be clear, even when the module which determines how players react to these balls is rewritten, these goals will still be conceded. What will change is the way defenders react and move and try to deal with the crosses - the representation will change so the attacker will seem to have to work harder for the goal, but the chance itself and its conversion rate is in line with real life.

It is arguable that frequency / accuracy of crosses is too high so that may need to be addressed separately.

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What is the difference between an Inside Forward and a Raumdeuter? I'm guessing the Raumdeuter roams more and is less niclined to track back - is this correct?

If you select the position and compare with the IF you can see that the RD roams and moves into channels, but sits narrower to start, and also gets further forward but doesn't cut inside with the ball regularly. And of course no support duty, so along with the further forward instruction it is a very attacking role. I think you'll see him track back as much as an IF on attack, though, which is not to say a lot, but it isn't necessarily useless defensively.

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Anyone got an answer for this? It got lost in the crosses discussion

So if I recall correctly, the first one is the the one to address the PPM and the other one is to add a new PPM to not shoot from distance.

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Cheers dr. Does it have any impact on how easy it is to learn? Surely the 'new ppm' version must remove the original ppm so would it have a smaller chance of success?

Well what happens I think (it's been some time since I did it) is first you have to remove the PPM shoots from distance, then learn the new one to reduce long shots, but again I can't recall exactly. It would have been nice had I just done it and could tell you for sure :). What happens if you select either one? Same effect?

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