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It would expose him and he too would move up field with the ball, so you wouldn't have a solid defensive screen. Could work in some matches, but not all.

The BWM's would still pass to the Regista.

I concur- I tried this with a 4-1-3-2 with the Regista behind 2 BWMs. It guarded my flanks pretty well as was intended, but the regista would get caught either pushed up a bit too much, or having moved too far laterally. It was okay against teams playing deep and defensive, but it was no bueno against 4-3-2-1 and other top heavy formations.

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I concur- I tried this with a 4-1-3-2 with the Regista behind 2 BWMs. It guarded my flanks pretty well as was intended, but the regista would get caught either pushed up a bit too much, or having moved too far laterally. It was okay against teams playing deep and defensive, but it was no bueno against 4-3-2-1 and other top heavy formations.

What if it were a roaming playmaker behind two ball winners instead?

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What if it were a roaming playmaker behind two ball winners instead?

I didn't try that one, but the problem was that any sort of roaming role behind the BWM will run you the risk of having him out of position when you need him not to be :). I found best success using a straight DM or anchorman, and once in a while even a HB. Your mileage will vary, of course, based on your players and opposition, so give it a try if it fits what you want to do but this is one setup that has some real risk attached to the reward.

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How literally should I take the instruction 'Exploit the left flank'?

I have a solid wing back in there and I want to get the ball out to him as often as possible as he can make things happen but my assistant advised me not to do that as he didn't think there was 'space there to be exploited'. He's right, the opposition is playing a full back, but that's not why I wanted to 'exploit the left flank'. I wanted my best player to see more of the ball.

Is this option only useful if there is a hole there with no full back (say in a three man defence) or is it okay to use the instruction just to get my best lad on the ball more? It unnerves me when the AI advises me not to do something when I think there is a logical reason to do it. Am I misusing it and is it not as effective as a tactic if they're playing a right back?


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My team instructions are to tight mark and close down the creative players in the opposition midfield mostly. This appears to work well, but they dont tackle, they just run up to the opponent and run with him. Apart from the obvious "get stuck in " TI, is there any way to instruct the defensive players to actually tackle the opponents, particularly as the opposition seems to be better at it that my team?

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My team instructions are to tight mark and close down the creative players in the opposition midfield mostly. This appears to work well, but they dont tackle, they just run up to the opponent and run with him. Apart from the obvious "get stuck in " TI, is there any way to instruct the defensive players to actually tackle the opponents, particularly as the opposition seems to be better at it that my team?

You can assign the hard tackle OI to the opponent as an alternative to the team-wide get stuck in shout, or you can also set your individual players to hard tackling if it isn't part of their role already.

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How literally should I take the instruction 'Exploit the left flank'?

I have a solid wing back in there and I want to get the ball out to him as often as possible as he can make things happen but my assistant advised me not to do that as he didn't think there was 'space there to be exploited'. He's right, the opposition is playing a full back, but that's not why I wanted to 'exploit the left flank'. I wanted my best player to see more of the ball.

Is this option only useful if there is a hole there with no full back (say in a three man defence) or is it okay to use the instruction just to get my best lad on the ball more? It unnerves me when the AI advises me not to do something when I think there is a logical reason to do it. Am I misusing it and is it not as effective as a tactic if they're playing a right back?


Ignore your assman at all times because he has no idea what you are trying to do :). The exploit shout will do as you want and try to focus play down that side more often. I wish it had a changed name and went back to he "passing focus" that it used to be, or to something like "attack focus" as it doesn't work quite like it used to when it was first named "exploit the . . ." Another option for you might be to have a playmaker role on that side of the field which could assist in getting your wingback a little more of the ball, but the exploit shout should do fine. Look at it this way, if your opponent is playing fullbacks and wingers, then either flank won't have as much space as against a narrow setup or a 3 man defense, but that doesn't mean it won't or can't work.

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Hoping for a little feedback,

Note* These are purely just thoughts atm as I haven't had the time to load up a save and give this a go although I am set on the team I wish to choose.

How would one go about getting the most out of a shadow striker? I was thinking something along the lines of a 4231 with a 'winger' on attack, 'Inside forward' on support, 'shadow striker' & upfront a 'deep lying forward' on support with PI's to mimic him being a 'target man' without actually setting him as one. The central midfielder's would just sit so my attacking play would need to come through these four guys.

Does these roles seem logical?

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Hi; I have question. I am playing a Defensive Forward which has fewer risky passes on by default. I want to keep this behaviour but also want him to make risky passes if opportunity rises. Can i achieve it by training attempts risky passes ppm? Or his default instruction overrides his ppm anyways? Thks

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Hi; I have question. I am playing a Defensive Forward which has fewer risky passes on by default. I want to keep this behaviour but also want him to make risky passes if opportunity rises. Can i achieve it by training attempts risky passes ppm? Or his default instruction overrides his ppm anyways? Thks

PPM will override player/role/team instructions.

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Ignore your assman at all times because he has no idea what you are trying to do :). The exploit shout will do as you want and try to focus play down that side more often. I wish it had a changed name and went back to he "passing focus" that it used to be, or to something like "attack focus" as it doesn't work quite like it used to when it was first named "exploit the . . ." Another option for you might be to have a playmaker role on that side of the field which could assist in getting your wingback a little more of the ball, but the exploit shout should do fine. Look at it this way, if your opponent is playing fullbacks and wingers, then either flank won't have as much space as against a narrow setup or a 3 man defense, but that doesn't mean it won't or can't work.

Cheers :)

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Is it a wise idea to set the central defenders closing down to less?

Playing with atletico madrid and want to get the most out of Koke, i have him as a wp a but thinking of putting him as a wm a instead. Ideas?

Thinking about switching from counter to standard as i feel not much is created in the offensive, will this have the effect of creating more chances? I know counter is meant to sitting back and counter but there is really not any good counterattacks happening for me. So to create more i switch strategy?

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Centre-backs instructed not to close down so much will stick to maintaining their Positioning and Marking opposing players. They won't ignore attackers running through when it's their man or anything too suicidal.

It's a good shout for defending deep when you don't want sudden gaps appearing due to opposition movement. Without support from your midfield, however, patient teams might take their time and work around you.

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I have a question about how the defensive line and team structure work.

For example, if you play with a 'fluid' structure then that makes the team more compact from top to bottom, and increases the focus on teamwork. Does that mean that if I set the team to be 'fluid' and then have a deeper defensive line it will also pull the striker and attacking midfielders back closer to goal in the same relative manner as it would the defensive line? Just seeking confirmation that I understand how this is working properly.

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Are there hidden attributes with regard to fitness? I ask because most games I have to withdraw Winston Reid because his levels are down in the 60's. His stamina and natural fitness are marked as ridiculously low from what it should be but other players with similar levels don't seem to tire as quickly as he does. Have tried training him stamina wise but it doesn't rise so not sure if it's an FMT training issue? Just gets very frustrating constantly subbing a centre back because he isn't fit enough!!

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Are there hidden attributes with regard to fitness? I ask because most games I have to withdraw Winston Reid because his levels are down in the 60's. His stamina and natural fitness are marked as ridiculously low from what it should be but other players with similar levels don't seem to tire as quickly as he does. Have tried training him stamina wise but it doesn't rise so not sure if it's an FMT training issue? Just gets very frustrating constantly subbing a centre back because he isn't fit enough!!

Injury Proneness might be leading to knocks that decrease his condition. Is he is closing down a lot or otherwise having to do a lot more running than his partner? Lots of corners to go up for?

"In the 60s" isn't a huge problem at the end of games imo.

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Injury Proneness might be leading to knocks that decrease his condition. Is he is closing down a lot or otherwise having to do a lot more running than his partner? Lots of corners to go up for?

"In the 60s" isn't a huge problem at the end of games imo.

Cheers for that. He dies pick up a few knocks but isn't listed as injury prone. I do play a higher line but that's the case for the rest of the defenders. I'll see how it goes in my new save with the new patch.

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I found lots of players, forwards, that suitable to play amost any role except the Complete Forward role.

For example, i bought Romero from Velez, and he has the little suitable role wheel almost all green to DLP, F9, AF, etc... but for Complete Forward he has only 3 bars on the red.

My question is, if i train him for the CF role, will eventually he will be suitable for the role, or that will never happen because he only have 3 bars atm?

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What TI's and roles would be effective for a fast paced attacking game, with decent defending. I can play either 442, 424 or 4231 in different ways. I am trying to develop a 442 though.

I play:

GK - D

FB - S

FB - A

CD - D

CD - D

W - S

W - A

CM - D


TM - A

DF - S

I have the following TI's: Control, Flexible, Higher tempo, roam from positions, Close down more, Stay on feet, More direct passing.

No PI's.

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I found lots of players, forwards, that suitable to play amost any role except the Complete Forward role.

For example, i bought Romero from Velez, and he has the little suitable role wheel almost all green to DLP, F9, AF, etc... but for Complete Forward he has only 3 bars on the red.

My question is, if i train him for the CF role, will eventually he will be suitable for the role, or that will never happen because he only have 3 bars atm?

Those bars and ratings don't matter. If you like the look of his attributes, and think a complete forward fits your tactical system & gameplan, then he should do fine in the role.

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In my save I am slowly making my way up through the English divisions and I am now in the Championship. My start this year was very slow and this generated two questions.

First, after a promotion does the game put any kind of temporary penalty on a team as they learn how to cope with a new division? I seem to always start slowly the season after promotion.

To start this season we had to play in another stadium as required improvements were made to ours. Does this lose home field advantage, does it play like a neutral park?

I was 24th after October but I have been playing better, home and away, after moving back to our home stadium and have moved out of the relegation zone. I am trying to figure out if one or both of these things contributed to my slow start.

It seems to me, as a newbie to the game, that the jump to the championship is a much bigger jump to handle than the move to league 1 or league 2.

One other question, I have been unable to loan players from any team outside of England. Is this ever possible?


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. . .

No, there isn't any artificial penalty on promotion and related to this, the Championship is a tougher jump generally because the teams are much bigger. You'll have a good number that were in the Prem in past years and many have a lot of money and loaded rosters because of that. If you had a good League One side, you should expect to have a tough time in the Champ for a bit until you can upgrade yourself a bit.

Playing "home" away still counts as home as far as I know.

On the work permit issue, do you mean you don't have the option or that they turn you down?

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I am new to the creating tactics thing and i read that its good to take your tactic to touch mode or whatever to test it. is it best to have 2 equal teams when testing or to go against someone who is much better?

In FMT, any changes you make to a tactic will always have 100% familiarity which is why it can be good for testing.

Don't pick a team of equal or greater (or lesser) ability to play against and just keep reloading, that won't help. Play several matches against different levels of opposition (competitive matches are better than friendlies).

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On the work permit issue, do you mean you don't have the option or that they turn you down?

The option does not show. I can put in a transfer bid but there is no loan option. The game, or the club, doesn't allow me to offer to take a player on loan from a Scottish or Irish side or seemingly anywhere in Europe (this is the first season I can scout Europe).

Thanks for the response

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Hey there, i have read in a few articals on counterpressing in the fm series that it goes hand in hand with a fluid - very fluid - shape (due to the defensive responsibilities of all teammates when it come to closing down high up the pitch)

is that a made rule? i might like using more specialist in my set up, but according to the way a team reacts to fluid shapes the one thing would rule the other one out wouldnt it?

example borussia dortmund:

spacial roles here:

hummels - bpd

gündogan - roaming/deep lying playmaker

mkhitaryan - wide playmaker

reus - raumdeuter

but the team itself is one of the best german counterpressing teams - emulating that in fm would be very difficult i guess? how do you go about solving this isssue?

using "normal" roles an tweaking them with player instructions?

example gündogan:

cm(s) - more risky passes, roam from position

thanks for your input

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Hi guys,

Just an easy question, I can see on my tactic here http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/453722-Fresh-Start that although it is still in the building stages Mirallas doesn't have the position/role familiarity to play there, although looking at his stats and the fact I've tried to tweak it to play like an IF from deep, would this potentially cause me issues with him playing there a bit as he isn't favoured there, one thing I noticed it says on his screen of positions is 'prefers the right' but at the moment I'm limited until new players arrive, if I decide to sign any.

The next part was, I haven't set the central midfield or ST yet, so I was wondering, would I be better having my runner from deep on the right? It's just I'm guessing, if he was on the left, could he potentially run into the same areas as Mirallas who is instructed to cut inside with the ball?

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Does Runs With Ball Often/Dribble More refer to carrying the ball up the field when in space or specifically trying to beat opposition players by dribbling?

I want my defensive midfielders bringing the ball out rather than playing early passes up field (to forwards who are then isolated and not fast enough to go alone), but equally I'm not keen on them losing possession in my own half by trying to Dembele/Wilshere their way through challenges.

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Quick question about ppms, what if I tell a player with the ppm "does not dive into tackles" to tackle harder using a pi?

I think the player's natural tendency (the ppm) will override the team instruction, or at least limit it significantly.

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Hey there, i have read in a few articals on counterpressing in the fm series that it goes hand in hand with a fluid - very fluid - shape (due to the defensive responsibilities of all teammates when it come to closing down high up the pitch)

is that a made rule? i might like using more specialist in my set up, but according to the way a team reacts to fluid shapes the one thing would rule the other one out wouldnt it?

example borussia dortmund:

spacial roles here:

hummels - bpd

gündogan - roaming/deep lying playmaker

mkhitaryan - wide playmaker

reus - raumdeuter

but the team itself is one of the best german counterpressing teams - emulating that in fm would be very difficult i guess? how do you go about solving this isssue?

using "normal" roles an tweaking them with player instructions?

example gündogan:

cm(s) - more risky passes, roam from position

thanks for your input

The issue with specialists in fluid systems is that players are automatically given more creative freedom than in structured, which leads to your specialists not focusing on their specific jobs.

Adding a Be More Disciplined shout could get your players more focused on their instructions while maintaining the closer-together mentality ranges. Perhaps check the closing down instructions of forward players (like the Raumdeuter) to make sure they're contributing to the press.

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Hi guys,

Just an easy question, I can see on my tactic here http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/453722-Fresh-Start that although it is still in the building stages Mirallas doesn't have the position/role familiarity to play there, although looking at his stats and the fact I've tried to tweak it to play like an IF from deep, would this potentially cause me issues with him playing there a bit as he isn't favoured there, one thing I noticed it says on his screen of positions is 'prefers the right' but at the moment I'm limited until new players arrive, if I decide to sign any.

Positional familiarity and side preference are small modifiers (the graphics in-game are far more alarming than they ought to be). If he's your best attribute fit I wouldn't worry.

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This might be a stupid question, What's the most common way to set up a back 3? I'm considering using a formation with 3 at the back but I've never used one before.

People often seem to use Stopper Duties for the outer DC's and leave the middle on on Defend. There are no set rules though.

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People often seem to use Stopper Duties for the outer DC's and leave the middle on on Defend. There are no set rules though.

I use Cover in the middle but not because of any observable difference in performance. Just superstition.

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Lets say your tactic works well at home but on the road it sucks. Whats the main reasons for this? And how do I fix it? I'm looking for general fixes and answers.

It's all about the context. You need to watch games and see what the reason is. That's about as general as we can advise because there could be thousands of different reasons why it's not working. But only you can find this out because only you have access to your game. There is no general rule because of all the different possibilities.

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Has anyone noticed just how broken the "cross from deep" instruction on fullbacks seems to be? It was in the last patch and still is. I have saves going with Espanyol (a middling team in La Liga), playing a defensive 4-3-1-2 with fb (s). Having watched the games, probably 80% of my goals have come off deep crosses from the fullback to my opposite-side striker or wide midfielder. With Manchester United, I play a 4-1-2-3 or a 4-2-3-1 with fb (a). Same deal. Whether it's to the cutting inside forward or my striker (who got instructions to roam from position explicitly to take advantage of crosses), deep crosses from my fullbacks always seem to end up ready for an easy tap-in at the far post.

I'm not complaining--it's awesome--but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed it.

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Has anyone noticed just how broken the "cross from deep" instruction on fullbacks seems to be? It was in the last patch and still is. I have saves going with Espanyol (a middling team in La Liga), playing a defensive 4-3-1-2 with fb (s). Having watched the games, probably 80% of my goals have come off deep crosses from the fullback to my opposite-side striker or wide midfielder. With Manchester United, I play a 4-1-2-3 or a 4-2-3-1 with fb (a). Same deal. Whether it's to the cutting inside forward or my striker (who got instructions to roam from position explicitly to take advantage of crosses), deep crosses from my fullbacks always seem to end up ready for an easy tap-in at the far post.

I'm not complaining--it's awesome--but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed it.

It's a very common complaint about this year's match engine.

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