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32 minutes ago, zigaliro said:

For possession tactics, what team shape would be better? Structured or Fluid? 

There is no 'better' team shape. Both are equally as good as the other. Maybe have a read of this 


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I tried to setup instructions to have my players do low, cutback crosses. 

- run to byline/near penalty area
- low cross at approx 45 degree angle, aimed at near post-ish

Something like this:

What I tried:
- TI low crosses
- PI cross from byline 
- PI aim near post

Didn't really work, they kept whacking random crosses anyway. Some went high, some went to the far post... 

Any advice on how I can setup for crosses as seen in the video?

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On 29/08/2018 at 07:51, Hovis Dexter said:

When you train somebody in a role you are training them in the attributes associated with that role so I invariably train strikers as complete forwards, midfielders as roaming playmakers and full backs as complete wing backs. I feel that this method should result in better rounded players and is especially important for youngsters. My question is what to do about players in other roles. If I train, say,  a natural central defender as a defensive midfielder in the role of a roaming playmaker but continue to play him as a central defender will his performance deteriorate because he is not being trained in his playing position?


On 29/08/2018 at 23:40, Snorks said:

Attributes-wise it shouldn't, unless the CD attributes are dropping due to not being trained. Possibly affects performance if his mentals are changing - ie: thinking like an RP when being asked to play DC  - but  I wouldn't know for sure.

That was pretty much what I was thinking but wondered if anybody had any definitive information. When I'm training youngsters I always look to improve their physicals, so I'm now training my AMs, wide players, and CDs in one of the positions where I can maximize the number of physical attributes being trained. This should also have the advantage of making them more versatile.

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On 31/08/2018 at 10:40, Footix said:

What I tried:
- TI low crosses
- PI cross from byline 
- PI aim near post

Didn't really work, they kept whacking random crosses anyway. Some went high, some went to the far post... 

Any advice on how I can setup for crosses as seen in the video?

Maybe your wide players are simply not good enough at crossing and therefore unable to execute your instructions. What ratings do they have for crossing and technique? Or passing, because this type of crossing is more of a pass than cross. Instructing them to pass shorter might help. I don't have enough information about your overall tactic, so I'm just speculating.

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1 minute ago, Bunkerossian said:

What does Adaptability actually do- if it doesn't affect the ability of a coach to train in a foreign country?

Adaptability (for players) is about how quickly they can settle into a new country.  For everyone else it's something I've never paid any attention to whatsoever nor noticed any tangible difference.  I'll send them on a foreign language course, but that's just a bit of roleplay more than anything else.

I'm sure it must do something otherwise it wouldn't be in the game but *shrug*.  I certainly wouldn't let it stop me employing a coach with great coaching attributes so I completely ignore it.

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46 minutes ago, herne79 said:

Adaptability (for players) is about how quickly they can settle into a new country.  For everyone else it's something I've never paid any attention to whatsoever nor noticed any tangible difference.  I'll send them on a foreign language course, but that's just a bit of roleplay more than anything else.

I'm sure it must do something otherwise it wouldn't be in the game but *shrug*.  I certainly wouldn't let it stop me employing a coach with great coaching attributes so I completely ignore it.

I think for players it helps with settling into a new team, new country etc - cohesion and all that.

Staff - I have no idea, EXCEPT when hiring foreign staff, some of them seem to learn the language a lot quicker than others - some become fluent others less so, I think that is connected to adaptability, although not sure how it impacts their effectiveness.

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39 minutes ago, plcarlos said:

Does training in Multiple postitions cost CA points? More a question driven by this guy who could in theory fill in at DC if needed.... It's U23\U18\International's that have played him there



It does, but not as many as you may think especially in this case.

However, the player is already quite competent in the central position so you could just carry on training him in his current role if you wanted to.  Perhaps work on his Anticipation a little as well.

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10 minutes ago, herne79 said:

It does, but not as many as you may think especially in this case.

However, the player is already quite competent in the central position so you could just carry on training him in his current role if you wanted to.  Perhaps work on his Anticipation a little as well.

OK, thanks - We can't train anticipation directly though, that's only through Role training, and Tactitcs? -Interested to know this actually, as it's a stat that comes in low far too often

I'm lucky enough to have a few good prospects in the DC role, This was just a question based on the player having some good stats for the role (Heading\Anticipation could be better yes), and other players out on loan who are annoningly being played in wrong roles (MC is being played as an AMC - He's on my recall list for Jan though)

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21 minutes ago, plcarlos said:

We can't train anticipation directly though, that's only through Role training, and Tactitcs?

Yup.  That's already a top quality player you have there, so I'd like to have 15+ Anticipation with that level of quality (although the difference between 14 and 15 is negligible).  I'd set his training to either Fullback or Central Defender until it hits at least 15.  If you use the CD role for training it'll probably bump up his positional ability in the middle to Accomplished, which you may or may not want.  It should improve his Heading as well though.  Keep an eye on how he progresses and change it once you are at a point you're happy with.

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On 07/09/2018 at 02:18, arsenal3459 said:

two stupid questions:


1. is there a way to improve a player's flair?


2. does it cost your club any cash to have players on trial?

1. Mezalla role trains flair, among other attributes.


2. No.

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8 hours ago, zZzZzZzZzZzZzZz said:

The curls ball PPM is meant to be trainable, isn't it? I can't find it as an option in any of the menus.

Some PPM's can't be taught if facilities aren't fully upgraded. 

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Adaptability is about settling into or being comfortable with a new country. This goes for both players and staff and has an impact on settling into a new (foreign) club, gaining knowledge of new parts of the world, learning languages, etc.

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On 06/09/2018 at 21:55, plcarlos said:

Does training in Multiple postitions cost CA points? More a question driven by this guy who could in theory fill in at DC if needed.... It's U23\U18\International's that have played him there



He's already competent there so it won't be a huge leap. His attributes are very good for a DC so the change in weightings will have an impact on him though. It's important to remember that attributes drive CA, not vice versa. His CA will not change at all based on a position change, but the attribute weightings may change and as such some attribute may be rebalanced to ensure CA remains constant. As he then progresses, attributes will improve and thus CA will rise to allow this.

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Question: Where is the difference between 2 roles if I set the same PI´s on both other than the hard coded instructions ? For example, if DLP and CM have the same instructions, will player act different with different roles ?

I hope this is understandable lol.

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1 hour ago, Alerion said:

Question: Where is the difference between 2 roles if I set the same PI´s on both other than the hard coded instructions ? For example, if DLP and CM have the same instructions, will player act different with different roles ?

Not 100% sure, but I think yes, they will act differently. For one, there wouldn't exist different roles otherwise. Thinking of that logically, a DLP should act with more creative freedom than an ordinary CM even if their PIs are completely identically set up, simply because a playmaker is by definition a team's main creative outlet.

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8 hours ago, Alerion said:

Question: Where is the difference between 2 roles if I set the same PI´s on both other than the hard coded instructions ? For example, if DLP and CM have the same instructions, will player act different with different roles ?

I hope this is understandable lol.

Depends on the roles. Some roles specifically attract the ball more - so if you give a CM the instructions of a DLP he still won't work exactly the same way as players won't be biased towards passing to him as much. So whilst the player in question might try to play the same way, the rest of the team won't.

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Runs with ball through centre - Is there any way to utlise this on a MC?

I like that the player can beat his man opening the pitch, but they run into walls (Everyone is defending deep), and don't pass the ball.

This is on a CM(S), who sits next to a CM(D) in a 4-2-3-1

I'm 90% the way to untrain it personally, but wanted to see if anyone has made use of it?

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7 minutes ago, Robson 07 said:

What do you see as the pros and cons of either combining:

A fluid shape with the TI more disciplined

or, a structured shape with the TI more expressive

Views welcomed...

Everything depends on what's your team like in terms of players' attributes, whom you are playing against... Formation can also play a part. Roles and duties too.

If my primary goal is to prevent the OP from scoring, I'd most likely combine defensive (perhaps even contain) mentality with (very) fluid and Be More Disciplined+Stick toP Position TIs. 

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6 hours ago, Sam Smith2 said:

Hi there, quick question if I may,


Does a scout always overestimate how good a player will become ?

Does he overestimate the player more, the worse his Potential Ability is ?



They don't. I use ScoutGenie to peek at players' PA. My scouts frequently state that kids coming up from academies have no potential, same as coaches with my own academy recruits.

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6 hours ago, Sam Smith2 said:

Does a scout always overestimate how good a player will become ?


6 hours ago, Sam Smith2 said:

Does he overestimate the player more, the worse his Potential Ability is ?

It is based on a few things, the key of which is age vs. CA. The better you are at a younger age the better the scout will believe you can become, and vice versa. There is a bit of PA and reputation in there too.

To this end scouts will often overestimate the potential of a player that has peaked at a young age. They will similarly often underestimate a player that is behind his peers.

The better the scout the less likely they are to make an error.

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2 hours ago, Seb Wassell said:


It is based on a few things, the key of which is age vs. CA. The better you are at a younger age the better the scout will believe you can become, and vice versa. There is a bit of PA and reputation in there too.

To this end scouts will often overestimate the potential of a player that has peaked at a young age. They will similarly often underestimate a player that is behind his peers.

The better the scout the less likely they are to make an error.

So this is where JPA/JPP comes in? This sounds to me like a scout would need both high scores in JPA/JPP wheN assessing youth. To judge their potential they need to be good aT judging their current ability?

Conversely, scouting senior players then probably only need JPA, right?

Moreover, to get a better world knowledge you could hire scouts from all over the world with no particular attention being pair to their JPA/JPP attributes and Just have your chief scout with 20 JPA/JPP follow up and scout anyone that seemingly looks good based on their rating and stats (not necessarily their attributes)?

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2 questions about watching my current tactic.

I play 4-1-2-2-1 and my midfield 3 are a DLP in the DM position and a midfield 2 of a BWM and an AP.  Is there any way to stop them all playing too close together, getting in each other's way, playing continual 3-yard triangle passes and all converging on the same opposition player?

I also play with R and LWBs on attack and wingers on support.  Is there any way to get them not to run beside each other when looking for an overlap.  The wingers particularly will ignore the overlapping WB and proceed to run virtually into him and beside him.

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2 hours ago, FrazT said:

I also play with R and LWBs on attack and wingers on support.  Is there any way to get them not to run beside each other when looking for an overlap.  The wingers particularly will ignore the overlapping WB and proceed to run virtually into him and beside him.

Overlaps generally work better if you use IF and/or APM in AMR/L positions, because they natrurally tend to cut inside leaving more space on the flanks for overlapping WBs. 

2 hours ago, FrazT said:

I play 4-1-2-2-1 and my midfield 3 are a DLP in the DM position and a midfield 2 of a BWM and an AP.  Is there any way to stop them all playing too close together, getting in each other's way, playing continual 3-yard triangle passes and all converging on the same opposition player?

I would first need to know a lot more about your overall tactic (not only the MF 3) to be able to give you some advice. A number of factors can affect the way players will behave on the pitch, including their PPMs for example.

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On 15/09/2018 at 13:20, FrazT said:

2 questions about watching my current tactic.

I play 4-1-2-2-1 and my midfield 3 are a DLP in the DM position and a midfield 2 of a BWM and an AP.  Is there any way to stop them all playing too close together, getting in each other's way, playing continual 3-yard triangle passes and all converging on the same opposition player?

I also play with R and LWBs on attack and wingers on support.  Is there any way to get them not to run beside each other when looking for an overlap.  The wingers particularly will ignore the overlapping WB and proceed to run virtually into him and beside him.

For the first question, where they move depends on their duties and it's worth nothing that playmakers tend to drift toward the ball. It'll also depend on whether they have other passing options and also on what your instructions are.

For the second, I wouldn't use a winger (who hugs the touchline as part of his role) if I want an overlap to happen. Atm, I'm using an IF/S as my "winger" and he's right footed and played on the right. For the most part, he's responsible for either picking out the overlapping player or crossing, though if there's an opportunity, he does cut inside.


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Another quick question or two, if I may.

What marking does the default settings for  a D C imply (no specific mark or tight  marking) ?  Is it a kind of a Zone keeping himself between the attacker and his goal at all times ?

If he gets Tight Marking ticked on his Player Instructions,does this mean he just reduces his "zone distance " and gets closer to the attacker ?

Im guessing with Specific Player ticked he follows that player around the pitch whenever his own team don`t have the ball ?

How does a players own Closing Down on his PI work,if he`s Tight Marking or marking a specific player ?


Its all a bif foggy,not clear atall..or is it me ?


Thanks again.

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59 minutes ago, Sam Smith2 said:

Another quick question or two, if I may.

What marking does the default settings for  a D C imply (no specific mark or tight  marking) ?  Is it a kind of a Zone keeping himself between the attacker and his goal at all times ?

If he gets Tight Marking ticked on his Player Instructions,does this mean he just reduces his "zone distance " and gets closer to the attacker ?

Im guessing with Specific Player ticked he follows that player around the pitch whenever his own team don`t have the ball ?

How does a players own Closing Down on his PI work,if he`s Tight Marking or marking a specific player ?


Its all a bif foggy,not clear atall..or is it me ?


Thanks again.

If you don't select either neither TM nor Mark Specific Player/Position (MSP/P) in your player's PIs, then that player will simply zonally mark within his area of responsibility. If you select only TM but not MSP/P, he will still mark his zone and tightly mark any player who enters his zone at the moment.

If you instruct a player to Specifically Mark an OP player (or position), he will look to mark (cover) that player (or anyone playing in the selected position). With TM, he will mark him more closely.

Closing Down defines to what degree a player will step out of his position when doing pressing (Closing Down = Pressing). So, for example, if you instruct a player to tight-mark an OP player and set his Closing Down to higher, he could get confused as to which instruction to follow in a given situation (to remain close to the OP player he is ordered to mark or to step out of position and press the nearby OP player who has the ball at the moment).

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1 hour ago, Armistice said:

It’s a bit off-topic and I don’t know where to ask so I’ll ask here. Anyone read the Inverted Pyramid? Should I buy and read it? I mean is it helpful with understanding tactics (not FM obviously)?

No it doesn't really have much details about  how the systems function, it's more about the history of tactics rather than systems. It lacks any real substance when it comes to actual tactical related stuff. So if you was using it to understand tactics I'd say no, there are far better books that discuss tactics.

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12 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

If you don't select either neither TM nor Mark Specific Player/Position (MSP/P) in your player's PIs, then that player will simply zonally mark within his area of responsibility. If you select only TM but not MSP/P, he will still mark his zone and tightly mark any player who enters his zone at the moment.

If you instruct a player to Specifically Mark an OP player (or position), he will look to mark (cover) that player (or anyone playing in the selected position). With TM, he will mark him more closely.

Closing Down defines to what degree a player will step out of his position when doing pressing (Closing Down = Pressing). So, for example, if you instruct a player to tight-mark an OP player and set his Closing Down to higher, he could get confused as to which instruction to follow in a given situation (to remain close to the OP player he is ordered to mark or to step out of position and press the nearby OP player who has the ball at the moment).

Thanks Exp Def 

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11 minutes ago, Pompey_Dan said:

Is it possible to get an MC to move out onto the wing both with and without the ball?

Ideally I want to create an 'overlapping' movement with the wide AM, however, I am struggling to find the right combination of roles/instructions to create a repetitive pattern.


Try AML as IF on support and MCL as MEZ on attack. In that case your LB should not be on Attack duty lest he and MEZ get too close to each other. You can additionally tell the AML-IFs to sit narrower.

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For negative personality types like unambitious, low determination and the like is it better to start off with a balanced tutor to slowly build them up to a better personality?  I ask because in my HSV side I had a lot of low end personality types in my first youth intake.  I paired them with my best personality types and they are failing, explained by the gulf of difference in their personality type.   

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9 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

Try AML as IF on support and MCL as MEZ on attack. In that case your LB should not be on Attack duty lest he and MEZ get too close to each other. You can additionally tell the AML-IFs to sit narrower.

Thanks, I have already tried this set-up but find the Mezzala drifts wide into the half space; rarely, if ever, does he move out on to the wing...

724178875_ScreenShot2018-09-20at07_28_48.thumb.png.2c8088772143ca79b3b46b082d39d974.png   999928932_ScreenShot2018-09-20at07_28_33.thumb.png.884ce92250f2d0ac82ab358474e90d55.png

Inside Forward (left) and Mezzala (right, from same game).

I'm playing a simple 4-3-3 (or 4-1-2-2-1 if you prefer); the Mezzala is set to "roam from position" by default and I believe this is why he spends a lot of time in the vacant AMC area.  With the AML set as an advanced playmaker he comes centrally more often than an IF but this doesn't alter the behaviour of the MC (also, I don't really want a playmaker in the AML position).

Try as I might I cannot get the rotation I am looking for (nb: this is different to having the MC run wide with the ball); has anyone else succeeded in getting the MC to play from inside to out effectively?  If so, can you offer some advice - applied as opposed to theoretical ideally. :thup:



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On 18/09/2018 at 10:37, Cleon said:

No it doesn't really have much details about  how the systems function, it's more about the history of tactics rather than systems. It lacks any real substance when it comes to actual tactical related stuff. So if you was using it to understand tactics I'd say no, there are far better books that discuss tactics.

Hmm okay, was about to buy it but I won't, can you suggest any books that I'm looking for?



Got a question aswell, if anyone can offer a suggestion, I'm currently using a 4-4-2 that looks like a lopsided 4-3-3, I'm going to transition to 4-1-2-3 when I'll get better wide players, but I was thinking, can a winger on attack become a goalscoring threat like an IF-A/Raumd would? I mean, I would probably use a IF-S on the other side so I don't think two inside forwards cutting in is the a good idea because of those long shots.

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45 minutes ago, Armistice said:

Hmm okay, was about to buy it but I won't, can you suggest any books that I'm looking for?



Got a question aswell, if anyone can offer a suggestion, I'm currently using a 4-4-2 that looks like a lopsided 4-3-3, I'm going to transition to 4-1-2-3 when I'll get better wide players, but I was thinking, can a winger on attack become a goalscoring threat like an IF-A/Raumd would? I mean, I would probably use a IF-S on the other side so I don't think two inside forwards cutting in is the a good idea because of those long shots.

There's lots really, it really depends what you want from them. There are a lot of book reviews about football up on my site;


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