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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Here's a Stupid Question. I've been wondering about Technique lately and was talking about it to a mate via PM who didn't really understand what it did. I told him that it is Technique + Passing for the accuracy of the pass for example but I thought this to be a rather inaccurate description. Why have two attributes contributing to the same thing. They might as well just get rid of Technique.

However, my idea is that, for example, Passing defines the accuracy of the pass and Technique defines how much curve he can put on it. Therefore Passing 20 and Technique 1 would make him be able to play easy and difficult passes but they'd be easier to intercept because he can't get the curve on it. Do you think this idea would be better? Is it correct or is the first one?

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I'll have a go at explaining this.

I believe Technique is how a player strikes a ball, etc using his laces at appropriate times, and sidefooting the ball to make simple passes. Without Technique, a player may just use his preferred style of striking a ball and end up making a imprecise pass due to the weird angle the ball is struck. (Even with a good passing attribute)

Experts, correct me if I'm wrong! :D

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But does Technique effect the accuracy of the pass? I think not, I think Passing, Free-Kick Taking etc. do and Technique varies the curve and, well, Technique in which he strikes the ball. I.e. a player with high Free-Kick Taking and low Technique will be able to shoot right in the top corner from a free-kick but he won't be able to curve it around the wall or make it dip; he can get them accurate but won't be able to d odifficult things with the ball.

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Right, these are surely discussed somewhere and some of them are not strictly tactics. Actually none of them are, some are strategy and some are "how-to-read-numbers", but this seems like a good place to ask:

1. Scout/coach reports (specifically star rating/recommendations: I suppose these are relative to your current squad? Meaning that a player could be ** or **** depending on your squad? Also, are they position related? Meaning, if they are squad related, is the comparison only made in relation to quality of your players in the same position, or in relation to your whole squad? (Squad building isn't tactics, but there's no strategy forum...)

2. Attributes: I've read innuendos that two-footedness/being an utility player/few other similar things affects attributes. Crystal clear in real-life, absolute mystery in the game.

Difficult to explain, but I'll give you an hypothetical example: two players, exactly same attributes. One is strictly one-footed, one is naturally two-footed. Now how does it work? Are they f.ex. equally capable of striking a long shot, but the the two-footed guy can do it with either foot? Or, as I've (maybe wrongly?) read between the lines: two-footedness kind of "eats" attributes, and the two-footed guy actually has 2 or 3 steps better long-shots attribute, which just seems lower (because game calculates a value for his two-footedness, which then "steals" numbers from his attributes?)?

3. What do players learn (and think?)? Of course they learn attributes and PPM's, and team learns formations etc. But do they learn to play with each other, as in learn to play with certain players? And do they learn to play in certain role (or whatever is proper name for this poacher/advanced forward/complete forward/etc -thingy)?

3b) I have suspicions that players notice when I sign a player for the same position, and start to perform much better just because there's competition now. Do they actually realise that or is it only my imagination? Sort of thing I'd like to keep as a mystery, but then again I'm curious to know...

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1. Scout/coach reports (specifically star rating/recommendations: I suppose these are relative to your current squad? Meaning that a player could be ** or **** depending on your squad? Also, are they position related? Meaning, if they are squad related, is the comparison only made in relation to quality of your players in the same position, or in relation to your whole squad? (Squad building isn't tactics, but there's no strategy forum...)

The "stars" are based on your team's Repuatation relative to the CA/PA estimeated by your Assistant's JPA/JPP attributes. If you have an Assistant with high in these, the more accurate the estimate and therefore the more accurate Star Rating.

2. Attributes: I've read innuendos that two-footedness/being an utility player/few other similar things affects attributes. Crystal clear in real-life, absolute mystery in the game.

Difficult to explain, but I'll give you an hypothetical example: two players, exactly same attributes. One is strictly one-footed, one is naturally two-footed. Now how does it work? Are they f.ex. equally capable of striking a long shot, but the the two-footed guy can do it with either foot? Or, as I've (maybe wrongly?) read between the lines: two-footedness kind of "eats" attributes, and the two-footed guy actually has 2 or 3 steps better long-shots attribute, which just seems lower (because game calculates a value for his two-footedness, which then "steals" numbers from his attributes?)?

In the Editor, player's have an Attribute out of 20 for each foot. This attribute takes up CA, therefore the higher the attribute is for these, the lower the other attributes will be. Two players set to have identical attributes but one has 20/20 and one has 15/1 for their foot, for example; the player with 15/1 will have higher attributes elsewhere because he has more CA to distribute whereas the other player doesn't have as much CA to distribute so won't have as high attributes elsewhere.

3. What do players learn (and think?)? Of course they learn attributes and PPM's, and team learns formations etc. But do they learn to play with each other, as in learn to play with certain players? And do they learn to play in certain role (or whatever is proper name for this poacher/advanced forward/complete forward/etc -thingy)?

They "blend" with each other but that just affects Morale really. They don't "learn" a Role, only what they "learn" in the Match Preparation.

3b) I have suspicions that players notice when I sign a player for the same position, and start to perform much better just because there's competition now. Do they actually realise that or is it only my imagination? Sort of thing I'd like to keep as a mystery, but then again I'm curious to know...

Depending on the player's Personnality, they may think of the Competition for Places as a bad thing or a good thing. If they're Determined they'll strive to doing better than them and get in the team but if he has a "weak" Personality, he may think it's too hard a challenge, and simply give up. This affects their Motivation though.

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Where the hell do i cross the god damn ball???I'm playing a 4-4-1-1, with supporting fullbacks that hug the touchline, but i haven't saw 1 goal from crosses yet. I'm playing my ML/MR more like inside forwards that move into channels, so i don't expect them to do much crosses, but when they get to a great position and cross the ball it never hits any of my players. I tried all settings many times and none worked. The best thing about it is that i usually have my striker, amc and one of the ML/MR in a very good position, mostly they all end up (that's another stupid thing in this game) centrally infront fo the goal, so should i set it to centre? When i do it's still horrible.

Also how do i improve my tackling? It's always way too low. I'm playing a high up (16) def.line and my lowest mentality is 14, highest 18. My attacking players have tackling on high, the rest on normal. High closing down, about the same as the mentality of the player. So why is my tackling so horrible? I have maybe around 25% succesfull tackles.

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Right, these are surely discussed somewhere and some of them are not strictly tactics. Actually none of them are, some are strategy and some are "how-to-read-numbers", but this seems like a good place to ask:

2. Attributes: I've read innuendos that two-footedness/being an utility player/few other similar things affects attributes. Crystal clear in real-life, absolute mystery in the game.

Difficult to explain, but I'll give you an hypothetical example: two players, exactly same attributes. One is strictly one-footed, one is naturally two-footed. Now how does it work? Are they f.ex. equally capable of striking a long shot, but the the two-footed guy can do it with either foot? Or, as I've (maybe wrongly?) read between the lines: two-footedness kind of "eats" attributes, and the two-footed guy actually has 2 or 3 steps better long-shots attribute, which just seems lower (because game calculates a value for his two-footedness, which then "steals" numbers from his attributes?)?

2. you have to take into account that if a one footed player that does not have the PPM "avoids using weaker foot" will use his crap foot in the game and in that case the attribute for passing will be reflected by his attribute for his crap foot.

for example if you have a 20/1 player with 17 in passing then when he uses his strong foot his passing attribute is 17 but when he uses his weaker foot then his attribute is 1 for passing with the weak foot

if you have a player with 20/8 with 12 for passing then the passing attribute for passing with his weaker foot for him will actually be 8/20 = 0,4 * 12 = 4,8 for the weaker foot, that is why two footed players are so much better because one footed players are so much worse in a lot of segments of the game when using their weaker foot and they do use their weaker foot if they don't learn that PPM "avoids using weaker foot"

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This is probably a really stupid problem I have, but I cant work it out and its starting to drive me mad!!

I'm trying to set up my own training schedules for my team, however when I'm toggling the various bars across for strength, aerobic, tactics etc the Shooting one which I assume would be at the bottom is missing, and I can find no way of scrolling down to find it. Therefore I cant actually set any shooting training on any of my schedules. Ive included a link to a screenshot, and its clear on there I have no players actually training to shoot- quite a problem!!

Can anyone help??


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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I right in thinking that team blend on the match preperation screen, will end up getting my players more accustomed to my tactic, and thusly make my tactic more effective over time?

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I have a question about training a DM to MC:

(I'm still playing FM10 if it matters.)

I have a trialist who is a "natural" DMC and "accomplished" MC. My coach rates his potential as 3.5 stars as DMC, but only 2.5 stars as an MC. My formation, though, is a flat 4 man midfield with one defensive role MC and one attack role MC. I actually think he'd be better as my attack role MC.

So, if I train him at MC, would his ability at MC improve from "accomplished" and would his potential ability at MC improve to match his potential as a DMC? If he could become a 3.5 MC, he'd be useful to me.

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I have a question about training a DM to MC:

(I'm still playing FM10 if it matters.)

I have a trialist who is a "natural" DMC and "accomplished" MC. My coach rates his potential as 3.5 stars as DMC, but only 2.5 stars as an MC. My formation, though, is a flat 4 man midfield with one defensive role MC and one attack role MC. I actually think he'd be better as my attack role MC.

So, if I train him at MC, would his ability at MC improve from "accomplished" and would his potential ability at MC improve to match his potential as a DMC? If he could become a 3.5 MC, he'd be useful to me.

personaly I would not bother if he is already accomplished, since he will constantly lose 10% training (you need to keep training the new role to maintain it at natural)
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, the crossing setting on the TC.

Drill crosses - send to near post. Good for shorter and quicker players getting in front of their men and getting a touch on it to put it in the back of the net? Right? So probably best for when you don't have much of an aerial threat?

Float crosses - send to far post. Good for your Peter Crouch beanpole types to nod it in at the far post? Correct? So best for when you have an aerial threat?

Mixed - best for when you have a mixture of aerial threat and quick forwards.

Have I got this right? Thanks in advance. :)

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Hello All.

Here is my dumb-ass question. I am a computer buffoon and have tried to download tactics that others have uploaded. However, when I do so my computer doesn't recognise the .tac file type, so it will not download. Can someone give me a clue as to how to overcome this.


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But does Technique effect the accuracy of the pass? I think not, I think Passing, Free-Kick Taking etc. do and Technique varies the curve and, well, Technique in which he strikes the ball. I.e. a player with high Free-Kick Taking and low Technique will be able to shoot right in the top corner from a free-kick but he won't be able to curve it around the wall or make it dip; he can get them accurate but won't be able to d odifficult things with the ball.

This is kind of true. My understanding of it is that the Passing attribute affects the actual accuracy/placement of the pass while the Technique attribute affects the players ability to play DIFFERENT TYPES of passes (i.e. backheels, flicks, one-time passes, etc.). So a player with 20 Passing and 1 Technique could hit the same spot over and over again with a nice sidefoot pass but wouldn't be able to execute anything other than this while a player with 10 Passing and 20 Technique wouldn't be nearly as accurate but could perform many different "styles" of pass.

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The question is why is there this float/drill crosses option if you can instruct all you players where to cross. Is there any difference?

"Float" crosses to the far post while "drill" crosses to the near post. I don't think there is any difference to choosing "Float Crosses" and setting all of your players to cross to the far post manually, if that is what you are asking :)

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Would this system be possible to replicate in FM? I'm not sure how I'd go about getting the "sweeper" and centre backs to change positions when the team is in possesion.

Lots of people have tried to get this behavior (try looking in the "Tactics and Training" sub-forum) but I don't think there has been much success...

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  • 2 months later...

Here's a stupid question.

I'm trying to create a classic tactic but i've encountered the horrid 'Gap'

I can't remember if it's 'Creativity' or 'Mentality' that i need to adjust to sort this, i've asked this before years back but my memory is awful.

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Another question regarding this gap i keep getting, i tweaked mentality and for some odd reason the Assistant is still saying there is a gap, a few screenies to show mentality and Ass mans feedback.



As you can see the midfielders and the strikers all have identical mentality, yet there is a gap between then, needless to say i'm rather confused why my Assistant is giving me this advice, am i missing anything ? like creativity ?

Any advice gratefully appreciated.

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Another question regarding this gap i keep getting, i tweaked mentality and for some odd reason the Assistant is still saying there is a gap, a few screenies to show mentality and Ass mans feedback.



As you can see the midfielders and the strikers all have identical mentality, yet there is a gap between then, needless to say i'm rather confused why my Assistant is giving me this advice, am i missing anything ? like creativity ?

Any advice gratefully appreciated.

If your tactic is 'working' and doing what you want it to do, ignore the assistant.

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In terms of pre-match advice...how would you approach the game if you assistant manager tells you that your team has better flair, speed and height; but bad dribbling? I mean what kind of tactical tweaks (or play types) would that involve)?

More Direct passing, Pass Into Space Shout and Get The Ball Forward shout, maybe even More Expressive Creativity Freedom.

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I have a few things swirling about at the moment, but if I could get some advice on this first one for starters that would be appreciated.

My trequartista is continually occupying the same space as my midfielders. From what I can see it doesn't seem to matter whether it is the left or right side.

What it does create is two players standing on each other, which limits options for receiving a pass.

It gets far more annoying when the MC has the ball and not only is he being crowded by the opposition, but, my trequartista is whispering advice in his ear he is that close.

My understanding is that this could be due to a squad gelling issue, but the players have been together for over a couple of seasons.


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I have a few things swirling about at the moment, but if I could get some advice on this first one for starters that would be appreciated.

My trequartista is continually occupying the same space as my midfielders. From what I can see it doesn't seem to matter whether it is the left or right side.

What it does create is two players standing on each other, which limits options for receiving a pass.

It gets far more annoying when the MC has the ball and not only is he being crowded by the opposition, but, my trequartista is whispering advice in his ear he is that close.

My understanding is that this could be due to a squad gelling issue, but the players have been together for over a couple of seasons.


Post in the bugs forums. Regardless of settings/gelling etc. I'm fairly certain two players shouldn't be standing on top of each other as ften as you say it happens to you.

Tactically roaming, mentality/runs from deep differences. Also assigning a player as playmaker will bring him towards the ball more often which may see him coagulate with team mates.

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Guest nik1313

2 questions from me:

1)how much of an impact has the "Preferred Formation" of every coach to the formation my squad plays. How better a 4-3-3 coach trains a team that uses 4-3-3 formation? and if its not the same?

2)aggression in the only visible attribute of a player that will never increase?

these two question pretty much sum what i dont know in FM after reading quality posts in the forum, so any crystal info appreciated


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Hi, I have a quick question about training. I worked out some training schedules for the different positions and they all required a 'Heavy' workload. After a while in my Backroom Advice meetings players started to complain about the heavy workload and my coaches recommended placing them on lighter schedules. However, when I looked at the effects of the training it was clearly having a positive impact (green arrows pointing up). After I switched the players to a lighter (Medium) schedule, they stopped improving (no green arrows and even a couple of red downwards arrows).

So my question is this... is it better to have players improving but complaining? Or should I stick to the medium workload / lighter schedule and accept they won't improve as much or as fast?

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Does anyone have a good 11.3 4-2-3-1 tactic I could possibly use? I created one from the default options and changed the team instructions/player instructions to what I felt my players could possibly achieve. The thing is my team have been under-performing for large periods of the season. I have played well in some games and played absolutely shocking in other games leaving me 12th with Aston Villa so I feel it's time for a change but keeping the same formation. The formation is 2 central midfielders, 2 attacking wingers, 1 attacking midfielder central and a striker so if anyone does have any tactics I could possibly use for the 11.3 patch with this formation then I would like to use it ;).

I have a question as well if I have a really good regen who as similar attributes to players such as Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard but he can only play in the central midfield slot and not the attacking midfield central slot how could I make him perform by scoring goals and assisting from the centre of midfield? He's been struggling to perform in my team so far, he's had pretty good ratings nevertheless but never seems to score or get vital assists.

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