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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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Hi Rascanuvols - if you open your own thread here, detailing your team, instructions and problems - we can help recommend changes or show you what might not be working. :)

I didn't want tu clutter the forum with such a especific thing. I was just hoping that some of you had the same problem, or maybe some general directions. But, yeah, if nothing comes up, I'll take the time to detail everything with screenshots and stuff and implore for your help.

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I didn't want tu clutter the forum with such a especific thing. I was just hoping that some of you had the same problem, or maybe some general directions. But, yeah, if nothing comes up, I'll take the time to detail everything with screenshots and stuff and implore for your help.

Oh don't worry about cluttering, as if it's a specific issue it is better to keep all the replies and assistance in 1 place.

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Since the full game was released, my strikers have just stopped working.

They score no golas, they get 0 chances, it's like they aren't playing at all. The few goals I score come from the second line and never involve them.

I tried everything I think. Different tactics, roles, duties, instructions. I tried the same match DOZENS of times to see how the different modifications affect their behaviour. THEY. DON'T. PLAY. I'm going crazy, I don't know what to do.

They are Negredo, Rodrigo and Alcacer. They were doing fine in the beta. Even when they didn't score, you could see them participating in goals and goal chances.

Can somebody help? I've been playing this game 14 years and never felt so frustrated.

Same thing here, for me, they still have chances, but shoot wide

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Since the full game was released, my strikers have just stopped working.

They score no golas, they get 0 chances, it's like they aren't playing at all. The few goals I score come from the second line and never involve them.

I tried everything I think. Different tactics, roles, duties, instructions. I tried the same match DOZENS of times to see how the different modifications affect their behaviour. THEY. DON'T. PLAY. I'm going crazy, I don't know what to do.

They are Negredo, Rodrigo and Alcacer. They were doing fine in the beta. Even when they didn't score, you could see them participating in goals and goal chances.

Can somebody help? I've been playing this game 14 years and never felt so frustrated.

Same thing here, for me, they still have chances, but shoot wide

I am getting great results from my strikers at F9.

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Put another way, does PA ever increase? If I use FMEL to look at the player's hidden attributes, CA and PA are about the same. If PA never increases, that's a bit depressing as it means I essentially need to cull everyone who has reached their potential at below, say, "leading" for my league.

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Put another way, does PA ever increase? If I use FMEL to look at the player's hidden attributes, CA and PA are about the same. If PA never increases, that's a bit depressing as it means I essentially need to cull everyone who has reached their potential at below, say, "leading" for my league.

PA never increases.

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Thanks. That's a bit sad. I wish there were some uncertainty or randomness to this.

There is uncertainty. Actual Potential vs Perceived Potential. You will never know a person's actual potential unless you go into the editor or use genie scout. But there will be a perceived potential which is measured on the star system and not a numeric value. And your scout's ability to scout them properly will play a role.

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It is changed in much the same way as it always has been? I am not sure what the problem is? On any previous version if you made changes to your save tactics without saving then you couldn't go back to it.

In the past say you have 442 V1 as your main tactic. It appears on the formations screen and "442 v1" appears on a tab in your tactics and under manage tactics.

If in a match you play around with TI's and PI's obviously things change however if you wanted to load the default saved tactic 442 v1 then in the past you just go to the tab and click on 442 v1 and that saved tactic will load.

On this version if you start with 442 v1, tinker but want to go back to 442 v1 it doesn't appear on the tab. If you click manage tactics it doesn't appear under saved tactics it only appears under archive so you have to bring it back from archive, change to another formation, then change to the 442 v1 you have loaded from archive.

Out of the match screen in the normal football week 442v1 appears on the dropdown tab in tactics. In match it doesn't?

Hope I have explained that well enough!!

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There is uncertainty. Actual Potential vs Perceived Potential.

I hear you. But once a player has played with my team for a year, and all of my scouts and the assistant manager (who has Judging Player Potential of 20) says they're playing at their current potential, some of the excitement of the hunt for improvement goes away. I'd love for this 2o year old to improve, and find it a bit sad that he's peaked 5-7 years before other players.

Anyway, it is probably realistic, and I appreciate the answers.

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You lack width to a significant degree. The FB's becoming Wing Back's may help this issue. Your pair of central midfielders both bombing forward will not help build up play. I would also consider changing a F9 to a different role.

Thanks for the response. I did a full season with this tactic with Liverpool, with all threes strikers being F9 and have amazing results. Finished 3rd in the BPL. 1 pt behind Everton and 4 pts behind ManU. The rest of the pack was so far behind. Score 60+ goals with my three strikers. There was just A LOT of missed long shots. So I decided to change one of the F9's to CF hoping that he would get some of the rebounds or get free and have one of the F9s pass to him rather than taking a long range shot.

I am content with keeping my tactic exactly how it is since it got me great results. But, I know there can be some improvements. I am happy with the strikers. So, I see no need to change that. I did change one of the CM's to support. So, now one will be attack and one will be support. I have the support CM on the side of the attacking CF and I have the attacking CM on the side of the supporting F9.

I am also thinking about changing the DM(d) to roaming playmaker.

According to my heat map, even though my DL/DR are fullbacks, they are pushing up pretty far and sending a lot of crosses. The D is going great. Allowed the 3rd fewest goals in the BPL. So I am content keeping that how it is.

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This is what I mean.

In this picture it is the week before the game. It clearly shows my formation and saved tactic Diamond v3 in the dropdown menu. I can change tactics if I like but Diamond V3 will always appear in the dropdown menu and in the saved tactics box under manage tactics so with a click of the tab I can just load Diamond v3 anytime.


In this picture it is in the match screen. For the example I have changed from my starting tactic of Diamond V3 in match and loaded a standard game tactic. However in the dropdown tab my saved tactic Diamond V3 doesn't appear so I cannot go back to it in match. This is because it has vanished from the saved tactics box in manage tactics. It appears in archive but that means I have to drag it from the archive to saved tactics and then I can access it via the tab.


So basically whilst playing the match your saved tactic doesn't appear in the saved tactics box.

In previous FM's saved tactics were always accessible via the tactic tab....

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OK so i started a season in June, put match training to tactics at 100%, its now mid September and my players are barely competent. Is it because I have 3 tactics? Are you supposed to only have 2?

I also signed 3 new players so it could be that. Any help anyone?

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It's part of the fun though - seeing what you can make work. If you can make it work fair play and I'd love to read about it!

I think the only reason I went without a Defensive minded midfielder was looking at Real Madrid IRL - they have Kroos, Modric and James and playing in the middle but none are blessed with anything more than maybe 12 tacking really.

Tried a few games using the REG, RAMD, ENG & TREQ ... loads of shots but yes like you said lots of 2 players occupying the same space.

Back to the drawing board perhaps :)

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Is anyone else having as much bother as I am with crosses and set-pieces? Mostly crossing is just killing me, literally every game I concede goals from crosses. It's pretty much killing my interest in the game at this point. Obviously many goals are scored this way in real life but it seems so disproportionately high this year.

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Is anyone else having as much bother as I am with crosses and set-pieces? Mostly crossing is just killing me, literally every game I concede goals from crosses. It's pretty much killing my interest in the game at this point. Obviously many goals are scored this way in real life but it seems so disproportionately high this year.

Can you open your own thread, detailing your team, formation, instructions and we can take a look and offer you some more specific advice. Also include your set piece set up. Thanks :)

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Can you open your own thread, detailing your team, formation, instructions and we can take a look and offer you some more specific advice. Also include your set piece set up. Thanks :)

I've been thinking about making a similar thread. The straw that broke the camels back for me was a 4-3 loss I just experienced where 6 of the 7 goals scored were from set piece situations or followed directly from set piece situations. It'd like to upload the match along with my post so people can take a look and see what i can do to change my set piece instructions. What's the easiest way to do this as I've never done this before? Upload the goals to youtube?

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What can I do if a team parks the bus? I versed West Ham who used a very defensive 4-1-4-1 as Manchester United and found it very hard to create any chances. What is the best formation and tactics for creating chances against a very defensive side.

Use Overlaps, make the pitch as large as possible by playing wider and dropping deeper. Set tempo lower and try to be patient in possession. Ideally, this will draw the defence or at least midfield out and create gaps. Something like a Counter mentality but with lower tempo and retain possession along with the drop deep + width instructions. If they are clattering you and trying to bully you, try to take that into account when selecting your team and avoid picking wussies if possible

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What can I do if a team parks the bus? I versed West Ham who used a very defensive 4-1-4-1 as Manchester United and found it very hard to create any chances. What is the best formation and tactics for creating chances against a very defensive side.

A very defensive side that won't close down could be undone by a Run at Defence shout, which could get your team driving at the opponents and unseat an organised defence.

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How much of the advice and guides here are really applicable if you are a lower league manager at a barely professional level? I can't help but feel an unvarying direct 442 is about the extent of what your players can handle.

They are all applicable. People seem to think you can't use certain roles or create certain styles while playing as a lower club but that's not true at all.

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How would people make best use of this guys pace? He's clearly the quickest player in League 1, and has good stats for that level too. Have been playing his as a poacher, in front of a advanced playmaker, but so far yet to see a single through ball played in behind a defense for him!



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Poachers don't get overly involved in play, preferring to wait until a chance presents itself. For more active runs etc. maybe try Advanced Forward - Attack or instruct to Move into Channels.

He'd make a good inside forward coming in from wide if you fancy retraining him. Might have more space to exploit out there.

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My Goalkeeper keeps blasting long balls upfield , how do I get him to stop . I have TI's "shorter passing" and "play up from defence", I have even tried setting PI's for him , telling him to "play shorter" and "distribute to defence" .

There's no target men and the only playmaker is in the center, but he just blasts balls to the IF's or the Defensive Forward (whom, by the way, I've yet to see put any kind of pressure on the opponents defence)

Please for the love of god, help me make him stop :(

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Can someone explain to me what fluidity affects? Is it just creative freedom or something else also what is creative freedom? Is too much a good thing? am I right in thinking mentality affects you width, tempo etc. I have an idea in my head but can really grasp what fluidity to go with.

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Am I asking for troubles if I want to press the opposition when they have the ball - more pressing I think the instruction is

.... And play a high tempo as well.

Is it easier to have my pressing on high and to switch to a slow tempo when I regain the ball + have the "take a breather option"

Just don't want to exhaust my players in case more mistakes occur in the final 10-15 minutes.

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Just a quick question to get the viewpoint of some of those with a tactical interest in the game - as to what extend to the current shortcomings in the ME effect the tactical side of FM15?

Not a dig at the game or anything but just wondering whether I should start a game paying careful attention to tactics or just hold off until SI improve the balance a little more.

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How would people make best use of this guys pace? He's clearly the quickest player in League 1, and has good stats for that level too. Have been playing his as a poacher, in front of a advanced playmaker, but so far yet to see a single through ball played in behind a defense for him!



Poachers don't get overly involved in play, preferring to wait until a chance presents itself. For more active runs etc. maybe try Advanced Forward - Attack or instruct to Move into Channels.

He'd make a good inside forward coming in from wide if you fancy retraining him. Might have more space to exploit out there.

Maybe as a Raumdeter on the wing? Having him responsible for leading the line might inhibit him, while a wide poacher could make plenty of runs.
Have your defence play deeper, it will encourage the opponent to push forward, which creates space for your fast dude to run in behind.

He is exceptionally quick, but has great off the ball movement too, and the above advice about using an Advanced Forward is good. I would also make your playmaker behind a support duty, so he will more inclined to look to play Olsen in, as opposed to running at the defence himself. The AF will track across the line more, and can find space to stretch your opponents.

Sorry this is a stupid question but my old tactics isn't working so loaded FM14 and noticed that I used to hassle opposition, I take it that is now close down more?

Yes it is.

My Goalkeeper keeps blasting long balls upfield , how do I get him to stop . I have TI's "shorter passing" and "play up from defence", I have even tried setting PI's for him , telling him to "play shorter" and "distribute to defence" .

There's no target men and the only playmaker is in the center, but he just blasts balls to the IF's or the Defensive Forward (whom, by the way, I've yet to see put any kind of pressure on the opponents defence)

Please for the love of god, help me make him stop :(

PI: Distribute to a specific player. This can be anyone from defense or defensive midfield, they will normally come and collect the ball.

If you are asking him to distribute to defence, he may see the centre backs marked up so choose to play long. Are your full backs open? Maybe distribute to them.

Can someone explain to me what fluidity affects? Is it just creative freedom or something else also what is creative freedom? Is too much a good thing? am I right in thinking mentality affects you width, tempo etc. I have an idea in my head but can really grasp what fluidity to go with.
Detailed in the first post of this very informative thread mate


I've read that many times, still having problems getting my head round it. Mainly trying to understand creative freedom.

Basically by Creative Freedom it is how much a player is allowed to do his own thing rather than following team instructions. So for example, your Winger might fancy cutting inside and having a shot from range, and if he has the freedom would try it, but if he does not have the freedom he will carry on down the flank to put the cross in instead. It suits more fluid sides where the responsibility for being creative is shared out more.

Am I asking for troubles if I want to press the opposition when they have the ball - more pressing I think the instruction is

.... And play a high tempo as well.

Is it easier to have my pressing on high and to switch to a slow tempo when I regain the ball + have the "take a breather option"

Just don't want to exhaust my players in case more mistakes occur in the final 10-15 minutes.

You could ask your players to press high, but have a lower tempo, or instruction to retain possession on the ball.

Quick question:

How do you 'press aggressively' in the opposition half, but retreat to defend deep once the ball goes over the halfway line.

I usually have a counter-tactic, so I don't want the team pressing everywhere, just up in the opposition half.

Probably staying on feet, OI's to press opposing backline and DM's, but reduce pressing overall in your team.

Just a quick question to get the viewpoint of some of those with a tactical interest in the game - as to what extend to the current shortcomings in the ME effect the tactical side of FM15?

Not a dig at the game or anything but just wondering whether I should start a game paying careful attention to tactics or just hold off until SI improve the balance a little more.

You should always pay attention tactically. Good tactical knowledge wins the majority of the time, even with a few weaker areas in the match engine.

Stupid question, FM 15: How do I "turn off" players training a new position? Managed to set it, but seems impossible to turn off ..

Go to the players development panel, and for new position - select "starting position" which will stop that.

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If it only was that easy, llama. Turns out that I'm missing that option to select the players natural position, or "playing position". It's gone. Been bug reported.

Edit: Mystery solved. I had my assistant handling individual training. This grays out the "position" selector in the player training screen. Means I'm being able to select a new position via the "development" tab, even if assistant is in charge, but not able to change my mind, because where you have to do that is grayed out and not usable. A bit odd.

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i'm in need of help please guys. My players simply do not tackle they just chaperon the opponents instead of making tackles. Also my full backs always drift inside allowing the opposing fullbacks to have loads of space to cross. Any idea guys?

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Quick (possibly stupid) question, is it possible to alter a players aggression attribute? I signed what looked to be a good youngster on a free however I have noticed his aggression is 20, I was wondering if it was possible to reduce the straight in a way or is it stuck there?

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I have attacking corners set as short and a player set as offer short option, but when certain players take the corner they just ignore it and whip it into the penalty area. Am i missing something obvious here ? or is it a hidden PPM - ignores managers instructions ?

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