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Problem getting Shots on target.....

Probably warrants its own thread, but:

1. Poacher in a 4-2-3-1 is a poor idea, as he won't link play.

2. Lone strikers need to link play, otherwise they just get crowded out by a couple of DCs.

3. Neither Reus or Sterling will really be attacking the box - your striker is utterly isolated.

4. Long shots happen because of 3.

5. Why aren't you using Work Ball Into Box? It's a specific Team Instruction to reduce long shots.

6. Your Mentality is a factor. Attacking compresses play up the pitch and is played at a high tempo. Your players have no time or space.

7. Have you instructed any of the long shooters to Shoot Less Often?

There are lots of things you can look at!

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What's the best way to encourage my key play maker to do more through balls, small chips into the box etc?

At the moment I have "more risky passes" and "direct passing" as player instructions. Is there anything else I should consider?

He needs someone to play the ball to, so make sure you have players making runs for him behind the defence.

Overall team mentality could have an effect, too.

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Hello guys.

I have a question about key passes. Is only considered a key pass when a through ball isolate a player 1x1 with the keeper?

Because sometimes i notice that my players play crucial passes but in the match analysis, they weren't considered a key pass.

This question is not only related with this version, but also with the previous ones.

Thank you.

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Any tips for playing with some of the more defensive mentalities? Every time I try to play a more patient game using counter or defensive I struggle to keep possession and simply invite the other team to play. The difference in quality between the teams doesn't show at all at these times as my players doesn't impose themselves on the match.

I'm usually much more successful playing a high-risk pressing game using control or attacking.

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Any tips for playing with some of the more defensive mentalities? Every time I try to play a more patient game using counter or defensive I struggle to keep possession and simply invite the other team to play. The difference in quality between the teams doesn't show at all at these times as my players doesn't impose themselves on the match.

I'm usually much more successful playing a high-risk pressing game using control or attacking.

Use mobile Roles / Duties to ensure you get sufficient movement. If you use a cautious Mentality and also cautious Roles and Duties, it can mean you don't get as much of a chance to impose yourself and attack when the opportunity arises.

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Has the Trequartista role changed in FM15?

I'm playing a flat 4-4-2 with these roles and duties:












My problem is that the Treq doesn't drop deep consistently (like he did in FM14)... Has something changed?

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Has the Trequartista role changed in FM15?

My problem is that the Treq doesn't drop deep consistently (like he did in FM14)... Has something changed?

The behaviour of central Attack Duty players in the AMC and ST lines is currently different to FM14; they do not track back or drop deep. Until that is tweaked (if it is tweaked) then you probably need to look at an alternative Role, or see if an alternative player in the same Role performs differently.

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DLF-S drops deep and links the lines well.

Roams from position and all the pass/shoot/dribble/close down options are available to make it more Trequartista-like or tailor the role to a player's abilities.

I'm finding it far better than any of the AMC roles when I want someone to contribute to both the midfield and penalty areas, even when playing an AM completely out of position.

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The behaviour of central Attack Duty players in the AMC and ST lines is currently different to FM14; they do not track back or drop deep. Until that is tweaked (if it is tweaked) then you probably need to look at an alternative Role, or see if an alternative player in the same Role performs differently.

Can it be manually fixed by setting AMC strata players on support but giving them attack duties settings(ie forward run often)?

Btw, do you know if the Libero has been fixed to play like a real Libero?

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Can it be manually fixed by setting AMC strata players on support but giving them attack duties settings(ie forward run often)?

Btw, do you know if the Libero has been fixed to play like a real Libero?

In effect, yes to the first question.

The Libero and IWB still haven't been adjusted as there were more significant ME issues to work on. There are still bigger issues to look at, but hopefully SI can lavish some attention on these Roles (plus the Half Back) for the final update after the Winter transfer window.

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@RT ,your sentence quite interesting. player with attack duty in fm 15 would not drop deep. so my question, when we are using lone striker, do attack role on him would not work anymore?

Im using 4-5-1 with 2 winger , 2 central midfield,1 dm . so my lone striker doesnt have striker partner on am nor st strata.

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Lone Striker

Also you should take a look at what you are facing and how the lone striker plays out in the game then. For example if you are facing a 4-2DM-3-1, a lone striker will probably get isolated between 4 defenders. It might be more useful to set him on an attack (poacher) duty and try to use your wings to get by the oppositions defense in a quickly fashion and cross it in for your striker. A false nine with roaming enabled would maybe be a different approach to face that tactic, because he really drops deep and can escape that isolation. It depends on how your opponent approaches the game and what you want to do to encounter it.

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Anyone know what the best schedule is for lower league pre-season?

Just starting as a lower league team that are semi-pro and therefore have limited training time. Scheduling friendlies takes away time from my training sessions.

Anyone know of a good schedule at this level, such as how many days to leave between matches to maximise training for conditioning?

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Anyone know what the best schedule is for lower league pre-season?

Just starting as a lower league team that are semi-pro and therefore have limited training time. Scheduling friendlies takes away time from my training sessions.

Anyone know of a good schedule at this level, such as how many days to leave between matches to maximise training for conditioning?

Playing games to get match fit is more important than training time in pre season especially in the lower leagues.

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Playing games to get match fit is more important than training time in pre season especially in the lower leagues.

Thanks, would you therefore suggest scheduling as many as possible without risking burnout? It looks like I can fit a day of training between matches if I leave 4 days between matches

Obviously this will also help with tactical familiarity, as they will spend more time on match training.

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So to answer, I promote on both ability and age (at very, very low levels where I start it is always ability), and the older a player is toward 20 I up the playing time accordingly.

Thanks so much, Dr. Hook. I really appreciate it. I've rationalized my Under 21s and Under 18s squads and have far fewer injuries and I suspect more quality playing time for my true prospects. This year is going to a great year for my team, one of long-time first team players just won the Golden Ball, and I think another of my youth academy home grown players is leading for the Golden Boy. I think that my previously bloated Under 18 squad did hurt the long-term development of a few of my wonder kids, but live and learn!

One thing that I didn't quite realize is that the game will fill in your Under 21s squad with gray temporary players when needed, so now I'm not the slightest bit concerned about carrying just a few hot prospects on my Under 21s team, as both you and Cleon have suggested is the right path.

I'm still a bit queasy about when to start giving youngsters 20, 30, or more first team games... I will comb through Cleon's Ajax thread to see if there are clues there...

Thanks again, these forums have really increased my enjoyment of the game exponentially!

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Is it normal that I can't seem to instruct my central midfielders to switch now? I was doing it before, but now the drop down menu only shows the wingers and strikers as options for each central player.

Same with my strike partnership. Cn swap positions with any of the midfielders, but not each other.

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Is anyone else getting destroyed after the new PAtch? My team was playing well, with some problems, but at least dominating the game, but now were getting humiliated by everyone...

No, but my strikers can't hit a barn door from open play any more.

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In effect, yes to the first question.

The Libero and IWB still haven't been adjusted as there were more significant ME issues to work on. There are still bigger issues to look at, but hopefully SI can lavish some attention on these Roles (plus the Half Back) for the final update after the Winter transfer window.

What's the specific issues regarding the Half Back? (I haven't played FM 14 or 15, getting the latter soon).

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what is the best way to do set pieces while we have 3 or 4 who good in the air, but dont have good set piece taker?

about corner for example.should defend corner,we put all 3 to zonally marking 6 yard box?

at attack, what should we do? 1 challenge goalkeeper, 1 near post flick on? could player flick the ball from near post to far post effectifely? how many people we put on near and far post?

I try to see match situation,but cant tell what is the best.thanks for your answer

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It isn't as simple as "do this set up to never concede at set pieces and always score" - it doesn't work like that. Consider how tall your team is, how good at marking, how many players you like to leave up-field. It is generally good practice to have a man on each post. I leave my quickest attacker/best dribbler up-field for a quick break. If you like man marking then get your taller players marking the opponents taller players. If you like zonal marking, then get your players to "go back" and "zonally mark 6 yard box". Or go for a mixture.

If your players are really poor at delivery then you could always play short to try and work a better position.

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How do you beat really defensive teams? Almost everyone seem to play really defensively against me and I'm finding it completely impossible to break them down. This usually results in 0-1 losses after they score on the counter. It's really frustrating.

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How do you beat really defensive teams? Almost everyone seem to play really defensively against me and I'm finding it completely impossible to break them down. This usually results in 0-1 losses after they score on the counter. It's really frustrating.

I would recommend opening up your own thread, with your team, instructions, roles and duties - then we can give some good specific advice and keep it all in one place. Thanks :)

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Is this bug fixed in FM 2015. When i say short passing. THEY DO EVERYTHING BUT SHORT PASSING.

The exact passing settings for an individual player will depend on his role, duty and the team mentality setting. Shorter and retain possession will lower passing settings somewhat, but if, for example, you play an aggressive mentality with a lot of attack duties, you will still have a lot of players with a fairly direct passing range.

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Counter is not that attacking I guess.

Still. A right only footed central defender has the ball. He has two good options for a short pass. Right-back and half-back. But what he does? Yeah thats right. Hoofs the ball out of bounds with his LEFT FOOT.

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I'm really struggling away from home. Last seasons home record: Won 17, drew 1, lost 1. Last seasons away record: Won 4, Drew 5, Lost 10.

So to outline here's the basic shell of the team:

Sweeper Keeper (Support) - Distribute to fullbacks

Full Backs (Attack) - Ease off Tackles, Stay Wider

CB's (Cover) - Ease off Tackes, Pass it Shorter

DM's (Support)

IF's (Support) - Shoot Less Often

AM (Attack) - Close Down Less, More Risky Passes

F9 (Support) - More Direct Passes

Defensive Mentality (at home) with Flexible Team Shape and these TI's:

Retain Possession, Whipped Crosses, Run at Defence, Much Higher Defensive Line, Roam From Positions, Close down more, Get Stuck in, Be More Expressive.

I try to make adjustments based on opposition, and try to adjust mentality to compensate for being away from home. I know the game treats it very differently between home and away, but with a Stoke squad only having sold Shawcross and brought in Lucas Romero it was only Chelsea who beat me at home two weeks before the end of the season, being my only home defeat in all competitions. Away from home I just crumble and cannot understand why. I really don't seem to grasp how you should approach away games.

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I haven't really gone into youth development in previous games, and when I have, I have basically just bought a load of 5* potential players and waited to see which ones made it good etc. but I want to look a bit more into it this time around. I see lots of 5* potential youths but which are lacking in certain areas, and I don't know if these areas are areas I can improve on them.

So, I'm assuming attributes can be classed in three groups, developable, developable with tutoring and set in stone. Is this right? Which attributes fall into which bracket?

I assume things like passing, heading etc. fall into the developable category, motivation and determination with tutoring and bravery as set in stone? Is this true, and what about other attributes?

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How important are physical attributes for a CF(s) up front on his own? (Thinking of buying Isco and retraining him to play up front, but don't really want to use the F9 role which might be more intuitive.)
A lone striker should have good physical attributes as he's required to hold the ball until other players are available for him to make a pass to. And especially a CF(S) is instructed to hold the ball. To play Isco up front a F9 would be the role best suited for him. You could also try using him in the AMC slot with a goal scoring role, like a shadow striker.
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I'm really struggling away from home. Last seasons home record: Won 17, drew 1, lost 1. Last seasons away record: Won 4, Drew 5, Lost 10.

So to outline here's the basic shell of the team:

Sweeper Keeper (Support) - Distribute to fullbacks

Full Backs (Attack) - Ease off Tackles, Stay Wider

CB's (Cover) - Ease off Tackes, Pass it Shorter

DM's (Support)

IF's (Support) - Shoot Less Often

AM (Attack) - Close Down Less, More Risky Passes

F9 (Support) - More Direct Passes

Defensive Mentality (at home) with Flexible Team Shape and these TI's:

Retain Possession, Whipped Crosses, Run at Defence, Much Higher Defensive Line, Roam From Positions, Close down more, Get Stuck in, Be More Expressive.

I try to make adjustments based on opposition, and try to adjust mentality to compensate for being away from home. I know the game treats it very differently between home and away, but with a Stoke squad only having sold Shawcross and brought in Lucas Romero it was only Chelsea who beat me at home two weeks before the end of the season, being my only home defeat in all competitions. Away from home I just crumble and cannot understand why. I really don't seem to grasp how you should approach away games.

What do you do differently (if anything away from home)?

If you open your own thread Santy, we can give a bit more specific advice. :)

I haven't really gone into youth development in previous games, and when I have, I have basically just bought a load of 5* potential players and waited to see which ones made it good etc. but I want to look a bit more into it this time around. I see lots of 5* potential youths but which are lacking in certain areas, and I don't know if these areas are areas I can improve on them.

So, I'm assuming attributes can be classed in three groups, developable, developable with tutoring and set in stone. Is this right? Which attributes fall into which bracket?

I assume things like passing, heading etc. fall into the developable category, motivation and determination with tutoring and bravery as set in stone? Is this true, and what about other attributes?

Cleon has some excellent threads stickied, and in the forum links section which can give some superb advice on the subject.

How important are physical attributes for a CF(s) up front on his own? (Thinking of buying Isco and retraining him to play up front, but don't really want to use the F9 role which might be more intuitive.)
A lone striker should have good physical attributes as he's required to hold the ball until other players are available for him to make a pass to. And especially a CF(S) is instructed to hold the ball. To play Isco up front a F9 would be the role best suited for him. You could also try using him in the AMC slot with a goal scoring role, like a shadow striker.

A complete forward does tend to require physicality, as suggested by the description. A False Nine sounds more like it for Isco. That's not to say it won't work though, so do feel free to give it a go!

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If I load up three completely different shapes into my 3 selected tactics.. but select different mentalities for each one, say Counter, Attacking and Defensive.. if during games or even before games, changed the Counter mentality on the 4-4-2 shape to Attacking (to use that as an example).. would my side not find that familiar because it is a different shape? Or because they have 'learnt' that mentality in a different shape it would be fine??

Sorry if that doesnt make sense, would really appreciate a response.

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If I load up three completely different shapes into my 3 selected tactics.. but select different mentalities for each one, say Counter, Attacking and Defensive.. if during games or even before games, changed the Counter mentality on the 4-4-2 shape to Attacking (to use that as an example).. would my side not find that familiar because it is a different shape? Or because they have 'learnt' that mentality in a different shape it would be fine??

Sorry if that doesnt make sense, would really appreciate a response.

It's fine-ish. Some settings are effected by mentality and shape, so it wouldn't be a perfect match, but it should be near enough and be a lot better than not training them at all, or limiting yourself to one tactical shape.

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No, but you should see more through balls in the latest update. Things to consider are what sort of playmaker he is - where is he positioned? - and whether the options in front are available. It's not just a case of working with the creator, you have to look at the targets too.

Thanks for the response.

Infront of my roaming playmaker I have a SS(A), an IF(S) and a RMD(A) and a Complete Forward (A). No other player instructions. Would these roles be optimal for that style of play?

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Thanks for the response.

Infront of my roaming playmaker I have a SS(A), an IF(S) and a RMD(A) and a Complete Forward (A). No other player instructions. Would these roles be optimal for that style of play?

There are a lot of mobile, attacking Roles there. When you attack and your playmaker has the ball, pause the match now and then to see where everyone in positioned.

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What does the 'pass into space' TI actually do? More risky passes? More direct? More forward runs?

I'd been using 'Exploit flank' for about a season before I learned that it was doing a whole bunch of counterproductive stuff I didn't ask for. I hate how vague these instructions are.

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What does the 'pass into space' TI actually do? More risky passes? More direct? More forward runs?

I'd been using 'Exploit flank' for about a season before I learned that it was doing a whole bunch of counterproductive stuff I didn't ask for. I hate how vague these instructions are.

It increases through balls.

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It increases through balls.

Are they risky or direct? Would this only apply to roles which can use the 'more risky/direct' options (I assume so)?

Are through balls just behind the opposition defence (which would need more runners attacking the area) or all over the pitch?

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Are they risky or direct? Would this only apply to roles which can use the 'more risky/direct' options (I assume so)?

Are through balls just behind the opposition defence (which would need more runners attacking the area) or all over the pitch?

They just pass the ball into space, rather than to feet and it isn't limited to any Role. By definition, they can be Risky, Direct and neither. Don't over think it - it is just a pass into space :)

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When playing 442 with the team set out like


FB - CD - CD - FB

W - CM - BBM - W

TM - P

Would you have BBM behind TM or P? I notice TM/DLF (S) drop deep obviously into the space of the BBM so is it better for BBM to play behind the P (A) as he is higher up the field?

I usually have it like

FB (S) CD - CD - FB (A)

W (A) - BBM - CM (D) - W (S)

TM (S) P (A)

A S D S in dutys in midfield or S D S A ?

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They just pass the ball into space, rather than to feet and it isn't limited to any Role. By definition, they can be Risky, Direct and neither. Don't over think it - it is just a pass into space :)

Do my players not pass into spaces otherwise? There's no equivalent instruction anywhere else in the tactical system?

I'd better just leave it off. Already using too many instructions where I'm not sure if what they're doing is helping or not.

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