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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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17 hours ago, Salsa666 said:

Anyone know if you can produce good countering without ”counter” ticked in?


Ticking "counter" only starts a process where in certain situation the mentalities of your players are set to max. So it's not something you need to tick off necessary. 

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1 hour ago, battles_atlas said:

How much difference does the green circle make to a player's performance?

As long as the player has the right set of attributes for a role, you can play him in that role regardless of the circle color. In other words, don't pay (too much) attention to it.

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Just a question about 1 on 1 chances. I am Liverpool and we dominate sides and have 2 or 3 clear cut chances every match (at the minimum). Tactic is working just amazingly and we won the league the first season. 


However, we miss 90% of 1 on 1 chances with the keeper. Didn't come here to complain but I thought I should ask what sort of training would help us increase our 1 on 1 conversion rates. Or does something like that doesn't exist?



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1 hour ago, oi_oi_ginger_roy said:

In a 5-3-2/3-5-2 formation - what are the best roles for the midfield 3 and the front 2?

(in that i would plan to buy players to suit)

A number of different combinations are possible - depending on your desired style of play. There is no universal answer (recipe). If you have an idea of how you want to play, you can start a separate thread, post a screenshot of your intended tactic and ask for suggestions. 

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19 minutes ago, joekim87 said:



Just a question about 1 on 1 chances. I am Liverpool and we dominate sides and have 2 or 3 clear cut chances every match (at the minimum). Tactic is working just amazingly and we won the league the first season. 


However, we miss 90% of 1 on 1 chances with the keeper. Didn't come here to complain but I thought I should ask what sort of training would help us increase our 1 on 1 conversion rates. Or does something like that doesn't exist?



It's a bug, SI is working on it.

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18 minutes ago, joekim87 said:

However, we miss 90% of 1 on 1 chances with the keeper. Didn't come here to complain but I thought I should ask what sort of training would help us increase our 1 on 1 conversion rates

Well, the Chance conversion logically comes to mind based on what you described. But you first need to make sure it's not a tactical issue (because match stats can sometimes be misleading). 

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On 16/12/2019 at 10:59, Miek said:

Is there a way to mark or pressure the throw in taker after he throws the ball into play? 

Been conceding a couple goals where the thrown in taker throws it short, receives the bal back unmarked and crosses it to the far post for an easy tap in. 

Bumping this one cause it keeps happening. Any idea's to stop this?

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Is it possible to avoid poor links between players? I assume this is a new feature or I've just been lucky last year!

Last year it seemed to be a matter of course that the more specific players played together, then a chemistry link would eventually develop. This year I think to myself 'aha, that is my best midfield (or whatever)' - all seems to be going well for a while, then I get the dreaded dotted line.

Is there anything I can do if I want those players to continue to play together?

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Can you play with a poacher that has comes deep to get ball or isnt that counter-productive?

Think I have made a mistake here because this lad has that ppm but his attributes really suggests he should be a poacher.





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It is not tactic related but doesnt matter.


I am managing Ajax and in third row I am getting low potential youth intake. Never get a kid with 4 or more PP.


I changed my Head of Youth and they have great attributes(more then 17 of working with youngsters, judging PA and PP).


So I am seeing that my Director of football messaged me with this youth intake and was thinking, is he searching for these kid, because he doesnt have good attributes for that?


And if so, is there an option to change to my Head of Youth?

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2 hours ago, emil_sbn said:

Can you play with a poacher that has comes deep to get ball or isnt that counter-productive?

Think I have made a mistake here because this lad has that ppm but his attributes really suggests he should be a poacher.

All depends on what your want from him, if you want an out & out Poacher then he won't play like one, if you're happy for him to drop deep to pick up the ball & it won't affect your team plan then it's fine

One of my big FM rules is to make sure I check the PPMs before I buy a player, nothing worse than finding the perfect winger then finding out he has cuts inside from both wings  :D

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3 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

All depends on what your want from him, if you want an out & out Poacher then he won't play like one, if you're happy for him to drop deep to pick up the ball & it won't affect your team plan then it's fine

One of my big FM rules is to make sure I check the PPMs before I buy a player, nothing worse than finding the perfect winger then finding out he has cuts inside from both wings  :D

yeah usually do just that but not this time =(

gonna test him as false nine and see how it goes!

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41 minutes ago, Bakiano said:

I cant find it. Where is it exactly?

Nope, me either right now, where's that gone then?

There's Responsibilities - Transfer & Contact - Provides youth Development Information but I'm not sure that's the same thing  

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15 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

Nope, me either right now, where's that gone then?

There's Responsibilities - Transfer & Contact - Provides youth Development Information but I'm not sure that's the same thing

Hmm it would be good if some of the mods would answer that

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Just a quick question in regards to mentality and defensive lines.

The below is a fairly typical example of an away game for me at the moment. We tend to have plenty of possession but are done by direct balls over the top from midfield or deeper still. 


I know I am playing quite attacking (and my # of CCCs is evidence of that) but (in striving for that FM perfection) I feel like I have two choices:

1) Drop LOE and DL back to standard (but that will invariably mean we don't press as high as I would like

2) Drop the mentality back (but that again would, I think, have the same negative effect on my team shape)

Or - try a trick and drop the mentality but push up the LOE and DL?

Could anyone help?


Current system:



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2 hours ago, BrickCommo23 said:

1) Drop LOE and DL back to standard (but that will invariably mean we don't press as high as I would like


2 hours ago, BrickCommo23 said:

2) Drop the mentality back (but that again would, I think, have the same negative effect on my team shape)

Before dropping the lines and/or mentality, my first step would be to drop the pressing urgency back to default and employ a split block instead. In case it proves insufficient, you can tinker with DL and LOE, but take care not to compromise vertical compactness. 

Besides, defensive issues  are not always caused exclusively by your defensive team instructions. Look at your left flank - you turned on the Overlap left TI even though your IWB is on attack duty and on top of that - your LCM is played as a RPM which is not a holding/covering role. Plus. neither of the 2 players in CM positions seems to have solid defensive attributes. And even your DM is on support duty, which means there is not a single holding midfielder in your setup. The IWB on defend duty might (arguably) mitigate this issue a bit, but then again - is Maitland-Niles reliable enough defense-wise?


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On 24/12/2019 at 17:21, Experienced Defender said:


Before dropping the lines and/or mentality, my first step would be to drop the pressing urgency back to default and employ a split block instead. In case it proves insufficient, you can tinker with DL and LOE, but take care not to compromise vertical compactness. 

Besides, defensive issues  are not always caused exclusively by your defensive team instructions. Look at your left flank - you turned on the Overlap left TI even though your IWB is on attack duty and on top of that - your LCM is played as a RPM which is not a holding/covering role. Plus. neither of the 2 players in CM positions seems to have solid defensive attributes. And even your DM is on support duty, which means there is not a single holding midfielder in your setup. The IWB on defend duty might (arguably) mitigate this issue a bit, but then again - is Maitland-Niles reliable enough defense-wise?


Thanks for the reply mate. I've had quite limited success with the split block approach (which may well be to do with the rest of the comments on my setup). Reluctant to make many changes to that as it won me the league in Season 1 with Arsenal (very unbelievable I know) but definitely some food for thought!

Oh and Maitland-Niles just in there for the image - first choices are Bellerin and Chambers.

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It's not a tactic question but maybe someone can answer this? Other clubs are poaching my youth players. This is a player I've never seen before, I assume he would be in the next intake? 

What can I do against this? 


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Both of my full backs are defensive with less than 10 for crossing. I want to set them to defend duties only, how can I provide an attacking threat without fullbakcs bombing forward? Set my side men to wingers and use my strikers and central midfielders as goalscorers?

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18 minutes ago, eveiro said:

Hi, when you decide to sign a player, do you guys decide it on scout's recommendation (eg. 99, 75 etc) or only on the player's attributes? Thanks!

100% player attributes. The only parts of the scouting reports I look at are their assessments of wage demands, player personality (consistency and big matches) and potential.

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I have a question which I ignored still FM19 released :) 

Do I need to switch trainings for double? Players unhappy about low level of general training, but I dont want for injures risk.


Or I need to check their workload = medium?


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On 27/12/2019 at 11:59, sgevolker said:

It's not a tactic question but maybe someone can answer this? Other clubs are poaching my youth players. This is a player I've never seen before, I assume he would be in the next intake? 

What can I do against this? 


Not really mate. Depends on the standing of your club. Higher ranked club, players less likely to leave... 

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2 hours ago, Dalehero said:

Any tips on corners? I've tried a few things and I'm trying to figure out what seems to be working well. Anyone got any routines that are consistently producing chances and if so can you give me some tips?

Put a giant at the far post and you'll bag a few goals.

The key is to have at least one player with really good jumping reach (higher than that of most defenders in your division) and heading ability (because you need to actually direct the ball into the net when the aerial duel is won), preferably several to make marking more difficult for the opposition.

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How do match plans work? I want to put on time wasting whenever I go ahead. I create this:


Which creates this rule:


I was under the impression that this would now be a default match plan for every match using that 4-2-3-1 formation. After I play one match, it disappears. How do I make this permanent?


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Not sure there is any real way to answer this short of just... trying stuff.... But can't hurt to ask. 

New save in Brazil, so have a big squad with some pretty solid, versatile players, some of whom are quite good (for the level) technically. I'm using a 4-2-2-2 narrow box possession tactic. Part of the intent is that the overload of players in the middle makes for defensive solidity. My first try with it was to avoid having a press, having used a gegenpress a lot in FM19 and already in FM20, but a press does help so....

What I'm toying with is the roles for the midfield foursome. The 2 DMs and 2 MCs. I'm not married to any specific roles, but I do like the idea of having the playmaker in the DM strata. I fell in love with the Segundo Volante role on FM18 but barely used it on FM19 so a DLP and SV combo in the DM strata is what I was looking to build off of. I have the idea that in tougher matches, or even seeing out matches, I will move the DLP into the MC strata and have two more holding players in the DM roles (or even a ball-winner and a holder). The MC roles are the ones I'm still mulling and toying with. 

I initially wanted "simple" in the middle and had an MC-A ahead of the DLP and an MC-S ahead of the SV. I don't mind the movement and spacing of the DLP & MC-A attack combo, but not loving the SV & MC-S. They are sometimes too close. i adding a Stay Wider PI for the MC-S but that put him out near the fullback. I thought about experiment with a B2B role but I kinda feel like a B2B and a SV on teh same side of midfield would be too much. Experimented with Mezzala a bit. 

Just looking for suggestions on the MC roles. Open on the DMs too for that matter. Basically just looking for roles that combine well and don't overlap too much positionally but provide a nice balance between attacking movement and the defensive solidity. 

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1 hour ago, Bigpapa42 said:

Not sure there is any real way to answer this short of just... trying stuff.... But can't hurt to ask. 

New save in Brazil, so have a big squad with some pretty solid, versatile players, some of whom are quite good (for the level) technically. I'm using a 4-2-2-2 narrow box possession tactic. Part of the intent is that the overload of players in the middle makes for defensive solidity. My first try with it was to avoid having a press, having used a gegenpress a lot in FM19 and already in FM20, but a press does help so....

What I'm toying with is the roles for the midfield foursome. The 2 DMs and 2 MCs. I'm not married to any specific roles, but I do like the idea of having the playmaker in the DM strata. I fell in love with the Segundo Volante role on FM18 but barely used it on FM19 so a DLP and SV combo in the DM strata is what I was looking to build off of. I have the idea that in tougher matches, or even seeing out matches, I will move the DLP into the MC strata and have two more holding players in the DM roles (or even a ball-winner and a holder). The MC roles are the ones I'm still mulling and toying with. 

I initially wanted "simple" in the middle and had an MC-A ahead of the DLP and an MC-S ahead of the SV. I don't mind the movement and spacing of the DLP & MC-A attack combo, but not loving the SV & MC-S. They are sometimes too close. i adding a Stay Wider PI for the MC-S but that put him out near the fullback. I thought about experiment with a B2B role but I kinda feel like a B2B and a SV on teh same side of midfield would be too much. Experimented with Mezzala a bit. 

Just looking for suggestions on the MC roles. Open on the DMs too for that matter. Basically just looking for roles that combine well and don't overlap too much positionally but provide a nice balance between attacking movement and the defensive solidity. 

Your question is not really a quickfire one. You'll be more likely to get a meaningful answer/advice if you start a separate thread, explain (or copy-paste from here) what you want to achieve and preferably also post a screenshot of your current tactic. That would make it much easier for people to analyze your tactical ideas and offer some potentially helpful suggestions :thup:

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Just one quick question. Not worth it to open new thread.


I am wondering why am I getting more assist from DR than DL? Last season my DR got 16 and 14 assist each, while DL got just 2 each. All assist were from open play so my DR is not taking set pieces. All players are same quality too, actually back up DR have crossing 9 and still manages a lot more assist from DL with crossing 14.

I am just curious is there any particular reason for that in my tactic or its just "random" that happended like that.

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Hi guys am struggling a bit against teams with high lines and that are pressing in my half, how do you normally counter this? More direct passing basically gives away the ball to opposite CDs, or we all know what *** happens when I create 1vs1. A counter mentality just gives them too many chances... I like to play possession base football. High tempo, shorter passes maybe?

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2 hours ago, Aksi92 said:

Just one quick question. Not worth it to open new thread.


I am wondering why am I getting more assist from DR than DL? Last season my DR got 16 and 14 assist each, while DL got just 2 each. All assist were from open play so my DR is not taking set pieces. All players are same quality too, actually back up DR have crossing 9 and still manages a lot more assist from DL with crossing 14.

I am just curious is there any particular reason for that in my tactic or its just "random" that happended like that.

My guess would be any play down the left is being channeled through the DLP leaving your LB with less 'final balls', but you'd need to be watching the game to confirm

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Question; How do you change your tactic when playing league deciding games. 

E.g I play with Napoli and games against Roma, Juve etc are very important as league is won always by a point or two. So a win is essential minimum draw.  

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21 hours ago, Polski97 said:

Question; How do you change your tactic when playing league deciding games. 

E.g I play with Napoli and games against Roma, Juve etc are very important as league is won always by a point or two. So a win is essential minimum draw.  

Aside from tactics and all other things being equal (e.g. selecting between 2 similarly attributed players), then make sure to opt for players with high consistency and enjoys big matches. This reduces the risk of a few individual players having a mare in that one game.

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I don't believe so. Aside of player traits, I believe that mentoring only impacts the attributes that affect personality. Consistency isn't one of those.

My understanding of consistency was that it can improve based on how often you play the player (i.e. the more you play them, the more consistent they can become).

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2 hours ago, Sharkn20 said:

Does the hidden Consistency attribute improves / worsen in mentoring units line determinatiln does?

No. Mentoring affects Personality, of which Determination is one attribute. It also affects the possible learning of Player Traits.

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Hello everyone, I was wondering if, by selecting the attack on the left/right side/center of the pitch option, I am just telling my players to launch the ball there and then I must have people instructed to attack those specific areas (i.e. a winger or a poacher)? Or the more attacking players or maybe the ones who are instructed to get forward more are going to attack those areas more in their movements, independently from their roles?

I hope I am being clear.

Thank you!


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1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

You mean the Focus play down left/right/middle team instruction? Or something else? 

Yes, that one, sorry.

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1 hour ago, Beren said:

Yes, that one, sorry.

Well, a focus play TI basically encourages your players to try and use that particular area of the pitch more often than not when in possession. The instruction also slightly increases the mentalities of the related defensive players:

- focus through the middle affects the mentalities of your: CBs, DMs and defend-duty CMs;

- down the left affects your: LB/LWB and defend-duty LWM

- down the right affects your; RB/RWB and defend-duty RWM

But the important thing about the Focus play instruction(s) is that you should not use it all the time. There are situations when focusing play (here or there) can make sense, but that's not always the case. So I would recommend that you use it as a secondary (auxiliary) instruction, rather than a regular one. I for example almost never use a Focus play TI, not least because I don't want to limit my options.

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That's true, @Experienced Defender, and thank you for the answer.

I also tend not to use those options, but the doubt clinged my mind since my assistant manager told me that one of my opponents was very weak on his left side.

Therefore I was wondering how to exploit that deficiency.

Thank you again!


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