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It could be that he is my best player by far and could arguably play on other positions:


I'll see if those players are available to tutor again when he's done tutoring.

I'm guessing he has a rating for AMC? Even if unconvincing? But yeah he looks like he could play as a AMC so I'd be shocked if he doesn't have a rating or hidden rating for attacking midfield.

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Not that i can see, doesn't have any rating at all on other positions, that hidden rating can only be seen with a third party tool right?

Yeah. I'm guessing he does have a rating for AMC though that's why he'll be a DMC/MC due to that.

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I posted this as post #1641 in which I still use the old TT&F '09 by FM-Britain and it appears to have been overlooked I hoping someone can advise on how I should us the crib sheet information which was based off of a 4-4-2 (DC, FB, MCd, MCa, ML/R, FCd and FCa) they do explain groups of 3 for the forwards, however they don't for midfielders and defenders.

Can someone who used the TT&F '09 Material explain a basic setup/advice for groups of 3 for;

Defenders (DC)

  • 3x Central Defenders, or
  • 2x Central Defenders w/ 1x Sweeper

Midfielders (MCd, MCa)

  • 3x Central Midfielders,
  • 2x Central Midfielders w/ 1x Defensive Midfielder,
  • 2x Central Midfielders w/ 1x Attacking Midfielder,
  • 1x Central Midfielder w/ 2x Defensive Midfielders,
  • 1x Central Midfielder w/ 2x Attacking Midfielders,
  • 1x Central Midfielder w/ 1x Defensive Midfeilder and 1x Attacking Midfeilder

Outside of these the TT&F doesn't explain these positions such as Wing Backs and Attacking Wingers can these be explained also in relation to how they fit into the 4-4-2 theory used by FM-Britain.



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Does the 'cut inside' option for wide play apply for off the ball situations or just when players have the ball? I want my winger to make runs inside the pitch, so is this the way to go about doing this?

It tends to occur most often with the ball. I've noticed it without the ball too but this is probably more likely due to a high level of creative freedom and a free role. Oh, and pretty important is that there is actually space for that player to 'cut' inside to.

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I posted this as post #1641 in which I still use the old TT&F '09 by FM-Britain and it appears to have been overlooked I hoping someone can advise on how I should us the crib sheet information which was based off of a 4-4-2 (DC, FB, MCd, MCa, ML/R, FCd and FCa) they do explain groups of 3 for the forwards, however they don't for midfielders and defenders.

I'm not sure exactly what you're after but I used the TT&F09 extensively (and enjoyed doing so) and it just provides various frameworks in which to create a cohesive and balanced team, a job that has since been made far easier and more intuitive by using the tactics creator (of course, it's no surprise one followed on largely from the other as their core usage provides the same results).

It's up to you how you fit the roles into the framework you want to use. I just has a look through the TT&F09 and it came with a .xls file which actually does this for you for a selection of common formations. It suggests a 3 man defence uses 3 identically set-up defenders whereas a 3 man midfield is generally 1 att, 1 supp, 1 def or 1 def & 2 supp but really all this is up to you, you can set up the roles how you like.

I don't get why you think it's a 442 theory?? It's a selection of suggested slider settings that will create a cohesive team, the way you use it is up to your skill as an FM player. A midfield of 2 CMs + 1 DM could be set up to play in a variety of different ways, all the TT&F does is help you translate your interpretation of those roles into the sliders.

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So you would say that the player should have high CF? And how would I go about making room?

I think CF is a bit of a global decision, a wouldn't set a low team CF with a couple of players set to very high as I feel it would lead to a very disjointed team (this isn't to say you couldn't make it work of course). Setting them to a free role (roaming) I think would be crucial if you want a player to drastically move away (particularly laterally i.e. sideways) from their formational position.

By making room for them I mean there isn't much point in trying to encourage your wingers inside off the ball if you use 2xSTR's + 1xAMC. Other players that might take the space is in too many midfielders are bombing forward. A lone forward dropping into the hole often might even get in the way (particularly if an AMC or MC is trying to use that space).

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I'm not sure exactly what you're after but I used the TT&F09 extensively (and enjoyed doing so) and it just provides various frameworks in which to create a cohesive and balanced team, a job that has since been made far easier and more intuitive by using the tactics creator (of course, it's no surprise one followed on largely from the other as their core usage provides the same results).

It's up to you how you fit the roles into the framework you want to use. I just has a look through the TT&F09 and it came with a .xls file which actually does this for you for a selection of common formations. It suggests a 3 man defence uses 3 identically set-up defenders whereas a 3 man midfield is generally 1 att, 1 supp, 1 def or 1 def & 2 supp but really all this is up to you, you can set up the roles how you like.

I don't get why you think it's a 442 theory?? It's a selection of suggested slider settings that will create a cohesive team, the way you use it is up to your skill as an FM player. A midfield of 2 CMs + 1 DM could be set up to play in a variety of different ways, all the TT&F does is help you translate your interpretation of those roles into the sliders.


The reason what I referred to it as a 4-4-2 theory was when you look at the crib sheet it really only covers the positions in a 4-4-2;

  • Goalkeepers (GK)
  • Wide-Defenders (DL/R a.k.a. FB)
  • Central Defenders (DC)
  • Wide-Midfielders (ML/R)
  • Central Midfielders (MCd, MCa)
  • Strikers (FCd, FCa)

When reading the guide they do explain MCd and MCa however never explains what to do if the central midfield contains 1, 3, 4, 5, etc. in the midfield; they also cover the FCd, FCa and they actually talk about what to do when the strikers contain 1, 3, and 4 up front.

What I'm really want to do was to use the 4-4-2 theory in the crib sheet and apply it to formations/positions that fall outside these positions;

  • Wide-Sweepers (SWL/R)
  • Sweepers (SW)
  • Wide-Defensive Midfielders (WBL/R)
  • Defensive Midfielders (DMC) - I know this is the MCd however what do you do if you have MC's as well.
  • Attcking Midfielders (AMC) - I know this is the MCa however what do you do if you have MC's as well, and you have the numbers up front for FCd and FCa.
  • Wide-Attacking Midfielders (AML/R)
  • Wide-Strikers (STL/R) - When using FM Genie Scout '12 this appears in the '4-2-4 Attacking' formation.

If you would like to see some examples of some FM Genie Scout formations that contain these positions listed above, please let me know.



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What I'm really want to do was to use the 4-4-2 theory in the crib sheet and apply it to formations/positions that fall outside these positions;

  • Wide-Sweepers (SWL/R)
  • Sweepers (SW)
  • Wide-Defensive Midfielders (WBL/R)
  • Defensive Midfielders (DMC) - I know this is the MCd however what do you do if you have MC's as well.
  • Attcking Midfielders (AMC) - I know this is the MCa however what do you do if you have MC's as well, and you have the numbers up front for FCd and FCa.
  • Wide-Attacking Midfielders (AML/R)
  • Wide-Strikers (STL/R) - When using FM Genie Scout '12 this appears in the '4-2-4 Attacking' formation.

I don't have a great deal of experience as I mainly used a 442 in FM09 (it was quite difficult in 09 to get anything else working tbh, the ME seemed to reward the 442, luckily this has changed in subsequent FMs) but Cleon is right, you have to try things and see what works and what doesn't.

Mentality is the most important thing in the TT&F (the other sliders mostly follow on from the mentality structure you choose) so when setting up the positions you want above it's most important you think about how you want them to play.

As an example, I changed from a 442 to a 4411 but I knew that I wanted my 1 up-top to hold his position whilst my AMC bombed forward. I used role theory so my STR got a support mentality (let's say that was a standard support mentality of 10) whilst my AMC got an attack mentality (13, for example). My MCl was my attacking one (but I gave him a support role of 10) whilst my MCr was my defensive one (mentality of 7). If I wanted my AMC to play more as a midfielder then I would of dropped his mentality to 10 (and changed the other sliders in conjunction) and maybe altered the STR mentality too depending on whether I needed to (watch and learn here).

A global mentality amongst a group means they'll stick pretty much to their formational position (creative freedom, free role and forward runs are all positional but mentality tends to be most important) so, for example, 2MCs + 1DM all with a mentality of 10 will retain their triangular shape pretty well. If you gave the DM and one MC a higher mentality (say, 13 or 15) then the pyramid will invert (to an extent) as those players are now instructed to be more attacking.

Have a go with it, do some research and then start a thread on it to see if there's some interest in what you've found as this is a large and involved topic. It's old though but there are plenty of players who still use the classic tactics and plenty more who will remember FM09 and the TT&F09 (I'll certainly contribute if I can, I'd just worry about it's relevance to the majority of the community, not that that is a concern just for your enjoyment of the game though! :) ).

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Why don't you just try out how you'd set them up and watch games and see how they work? Then change the settings based on the visuals you see happening?
I don't have a great deal of experience as I mainly used a 442 in FM09 (it was quite difficult in 09 to get anything else working tbh, the ME seemed to reward the 442, luckily this has changed in subsequent FMs) but Cleon is right, you have to try things and see what works and what doesn't. Mentality is the most important thing in the TT&F (the other sliders mostly follow on from the mentality structure you choose) so when setting up the positions you want above it's most important you think about how you want them to play. As an example, I changed from a 442 to a 4411 but I knew that I wanted my 1 up-top to hold his position whilst my AMC bombed forward. I used role theory so my STR got a support mentality (let's say that was a standard support mentality of 10) whilst my AMC got an attack mentality (13, for example). My MCl was my attacking one (but I gave him a support role of 10) whilst my MCr was my defensive one (mentality of 7). If I wanted my AMC to play more as a midfielder then I would of dropped his mentality to 10 (and changed the other sliders in conjunction) and maybe altered the STR mentality too depending on whether I needed to (watch and learn here). A global mentality amongst a group means they'll stick pretty much to their formational position (creative freedom, free role and forward runs are all positional but mentality tends to be most important) so, for example, 2MCs + 1DM all with a mentality of 10 will retain their triangular shape pretty well. If you gave the DM and one MC a higher mentality (say, 13 or 15) then the pyramid will invert (to an extent) as those players are now instructed to be more attacking. Have a go with it, do some research and then start a thread on it to see if there's some interest in what you've found as this is a large and involved topic. It's old though but there are plenty of players who still use the classic tactics and plenty more who will remember FM09 and the TT&F09 (I'll certainly contribute if I can, I'd just worry about it's relevance to the majority of the community, not that that is a concern just for your enjoyment of the game though! :) ).

Thank you to both I will look into this further on my end, and let you know the details.



To vote and provide feedback on my general discussion topic to introduce Staff Roles and Duties into FM Series please click on my provided link to do so http://bit.ly/u8WoDS

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what is the difference between a player with attacking Role and normal mentality compared to support role and attacking mentality? (for example for Wingback, DLF and CF)

and does running "sometimes" mean the player will decide for himself when he runs? or does it mean .. 50% of the time he runs? how does it work?

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what is the difference between a player with attacking Role and normal mentality compared to support role and attacking mentality? (for example for Wingback, DLF and CF)

and does running "sometimes" mean the player will decide for himself when he runs? or does it mean .. 50% of the time he runs? how does it work?

Mentality changes his position on the pitch as well as his propensity towards more attacking/defensive decisions (higher meaning the player is pushed up and likely to choose an attacking pass). The role affects other sliders such as passing length, closing down, run with ball and run from deep. It makes much broader changes to a player's behaviour.

In the case of running sometimes you're spot on with your first suggestion. It depends on the player's decision making and other factors like whether he sees the move (creativity) and is inclined to risk it (flair).

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Something which has caused me a little confusion for some time now:

If I set a player as a targetman, do I have to tick the targetman box on the tactic screen to fully enable it? The same also applies with playmakers.

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Something which has caused me a little confusion for some time now:

If I set a player as a targetman, do I have to tick the targetman box on the tactic screen to fully enable it? The same also applies with playmakers.

Yep, otherwise it's just a set of slider instructions that describe that type of player. This might be handled automatically when you select a targetman or playmaker though - I'm pretty sure it is when setting up a tactic using the tactics creator.

The team instructions just set a bias towards either hitting the ball towards the selected targetman or the selected playmaker. It's perfectly acceptable to use a TM or PM but not set it in the team instruction if you don't want to bias your team towards a specific pass.

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Should I train strikers in defending? Right now I am not and their tackling/marking is gradually dropping. Thus the question basically is - how important are those attributes for strikers? Oo

It depends what do you want from your striker.

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I like to keep my team on Attacking Movement, to help create chances. If I keep a month or so on Defending Set Pieces will this help my team from that point onward or is it a temporary effect as long as i keep training it? And if I switch to Defending Set Pieces will my attacking movement be affected that much?

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I like to keep my team on Attacking Movement, to help create chances. If I keep a month or so on Defending Set Pieces will this help my team from that point onward or is it a temporary effect as long as i keep training it? And if I switch to Defending Set Pieces will my attacking movement be affected that much?

It only works for the next game, so use it against teams who you know are dangerous from set pieces.

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This might have been asked before. If so, sorry. If I create a group of shouts into One. Then use it in a match, the shouts that I've chosen don't show in the shout instructions in the match. Are they really being used?

No they are not if they are not shown.

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When is it best to use Conditioning schedule? And is that schedule any good?

Pre season or if someones bene injured for a long time. And yeah it's pretty decent and does its job :)

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Pre season or if someones bene injured for a long time. And yeah it's pretty decent and does its job :)

Thank you Cleon. :) For how much should I use it after the player recovers from his injury?

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Does the 'Teamwork' choice in the match preparation help improve the squad harmony (as found in the confidence section of the boardroom)?

Presuming that buying and selling players will reduce this, but by what means can you raise squad harmony?

Minimizing signings / sales?

Focusing on teamwork in match prep?

Focusing on quality personalities?

Any other ways to raise it?


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Does the 'Teamwork' choice in the match preparation help improve the squad harmony (as found in the confidence section of the boardroom)?

Presuming that buying and selling players will reduce this, but by what means can you raise squad harmony?

Minimizing signings / sales?

Focusing on teamwork in match prep?

Focusing on quality personalities?

Any other ways to raise it?


That's down to morale, it's the happiness of the squad as a whole.

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Any tips to make my wingers score more goals? I am playing a quick tempo, short passing 4-1-1-3-1 with the AML and AMR being inside forwards with attack duties. I made sure they cut inside and cross rarely but most of the goals have come from the FC (with a complete forward role). My wingers have several assists but they are scoring just a few goals.

I tried to put through balls sliders on sometimes but it didn't help much. Any help would be appreciated :)

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Are your AMR/AML strong with their foot that cut inside? Eg AMR should be strong with left and AML vice versa.

Maybe your striker should also be on support duty so that he can drop deep, allowing the 2 inside forwards to occupy the space.

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Are your AMR/AML strong with their foot that cut inside? Eg AMR should be strong with left and AML vice versa.

Maybe your striker should also be on support duty so that he can drop deep, allowing the 2 inside forwards to occupy the space.

Agree with this. And he will also play through balls to your AMR/AML. In addition, if your're playing with an AMC, you do not want him and the striker to occupy the same space in the hole.

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Hi all!! i just wonder how should you have set up a 4-3-1-2 tactic 3 cm 1 amc and 2 strikers..?? im trying to do a well balanced and just want to keep it simple. but i fail all time... so if someone can give some advice it would be nice thanks

This is a thread that discuss about the formation.


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This is a thread that actually quotes references rather than pass them off as their own.


It's a (very) long thread but there's loads of info in there and loads of links to other sources, it's a little old but the ME hasn't really changed since it was written and it's an excellent thread.

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I'm trying to play a 4-3-3 with Wingers instead of forwards, but I keep getting the message that one of my players (David Bentley) is being played out of position, but he is an AMR and rated as a natural on the tactics screen. The strikers don't seem to work there either, unless they can play AMR or AML.

So, what type of player am I supposed to be playing there, with there being the top most left and right slots?

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