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What's that? A new Wishlist Thread? What you would like to see in future FM versions.

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I want a better, more fine-tuned procedure for new manager employment. The current system has reached its limits, seems very unflexible and creates very, very weird appointments, which are neither inspiring nor imaginative, but simply kill the hyper-realism that the game tries to emulate in other areas.

An example from a current save is that my favourite club SC Freiburg has sacked their current manager, and the media suggests as possible new candidates Felix Magath and Thorsten Fink. Although the "all is possible once the game starts" idea is fun, this is simply impossible: Both managers have a very clear reputation of not using young players in their squad and horrible deficits in the management of Youth teams, while the development of young players is one of the core ideas of Freiburg, and has been for decades.

I would suggest a very simple list of criteria to get this process a bit more focused an realistic. For example, clubs could be put into differen categories when looking for new manager appointments after sacking:

- Club is searching for a manager that fits reputation.

- ... managers who surpass the reputation of the club.

- ... managers who have a lower reputation than the club.

- Club is searching for a manager with at least some major trophies.

- ... managers who are developing Young players.

- ... likes/dislikes the idea of foreign managers.

- ... prefers managers with high discipline.

... and so on.

The list of a club could look like this:

SC Freiburg

- Managers who develop young players.

- Prefers managers who come from their own ranks (U19, U23, reserves)

- Managers who prefer attacking football style

FSV Mainz 05

- High priority for excellent tactical skills.

- No problem with managers below their reputation / unknown reputation.

FC Bayern München

- No problem with foreign managers.

- At least fitting reputation or surpassing reputation of club.

- Must have won a few major trophies.

And so on...

I am pretty sure a lot of you immediatly have your own ideas for certain clubs, which just underlines how for some (not all!) clubs, you can clearly and quite easily identify certain patterns of behaviour for new appointments.

The list would be open for debates, obviously, but it would be a start. At the moment, my impression is that the game pattern is very simple and very forseeable and only based on reputation, not regarding managerial style at all. It also does not reflect the in some leagues very strong and increasing trend of appointing unknown managers who come through the own ranks of their clubs (reserves, U19, former players).

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I have asked for years for the career history to be cleaned up as long saved games end up looking a mess (subjective opinion I know but I have seen enough similar posts to think I am not alone in that view!)

There are many ways to tidy them up (excel grouping etc) but having played this years game I think I am in favour of just getting rid of it and replacing it with another version of the summary page. Data visualisation is huge these days and its not a stretch to keep the history table in the background and use that database to create smaller, more specific tables, graphs etc. SI have already started implementing some of this in different parts of the game so its not hard to imagine going full tilt and making that the way we look at a persons career. For me this would allow more specific views of history, get around the league only vs. total career dilema and above all remove the mess that the screen becomes after 7/8 seasons especially for young players who get loaned out multiple times!

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I was given this link by a moderator on a general discussion thread.

One area I'd like to be looked at is the impact of frequent changes in formations and tactics. If the user (and the AI) make a lot of changes in a short space of time this should be pretty ineffective.

I accept that like many players I will notice this more when it works against me. However, I have seen so many games when the AI launches wave after wave of flowing attacks when I am at the same time seeing regular notifications they have changed formation/tactics.

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--> In concert with that, more balance in player types. It'll be much easier for the AI to construct balanced, functional squads if the player pool is balanced. One year into a save with Ajax, there are roughly 1.5 Strikers with >160 PA for every 1 CD. There are 3 AMRs for every 1 LB; 3.6 AMLs for every 1 RB. There are a bit more than 2 AMCs for every DM. Total, there are seven sweepers, zero of whom are regens. It's no surprise that the AI creates top-heavy squads - and no surprise that many tactics lean on quality attacking play - when it's much easier to find and acquire top-quality attackers than equivalent defenders.

At the start of the game there are 10 AMRs and 4 RBs with 160 CA or more, 4 LBs and 13 AMLs, 10 CBs and 22 STs and 9 DMCs and 19 AMCs. All your regens are doing is representing this kind of ratio. Defensive players don't need as much CA as attacking ones. Thiago Silva and Phillip Lahm have 172/173 CA. Messi and Ronaldo have 195/192 CA.

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How about the ability to start a game at the beginning (or the end) of the January transfer window (or end of 1st transfer window) but with a live starting point, i.e. your league and whatever other leagues you have loaded have the same points, goals, injuries, top scorers, etc... as it stands from that day if that make sense. OR if you are starting a new game with the January update, any players brought should on be 'set to join on 1st Jan'.

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I was thinking if your appointed as manager of the club mid season and near a game (e.g a day or two before) that you can I have a news item asking if you wish to view the game from the directors box, obviously you wouldnt be able to have any influence on tactics or selection, as taken by assistant manager or coaches, bit like a touchline ban, just thought it would be a nice touch. Apoligse if it all ready in.

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The ability to choose options such as the database size and whether you want attribute masking on or not on the demo. I usually start my year long Halifax save on the demo, and with me preferring not to use the new scouting system it would be good if I didn't have to use it just because I started my save on the demo.

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I would like to see less complaining about not being transferred when a player asks for it.

upsetting squad harmonies, morale etc, because I have received no bids for a player is a tiny bit unfair, IRL a player that wanted to leave would not kick up a stink because they haven't left because there have been no bids made.

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How about the ability to start a game at the beginning (or the end) of the January transfer window (or end of 1st transfer window) but with a live starting point, i.e. your league and whatever other leagues you have loaded have the same points, goals, injuries, top scorers, etc... as it stands from that day if that make sense. OR if you are starting a new game with the January update, any players brought should on be 'set to join on 1st Jan'.

Your first suggestion unfortunately isn't possible because SI would need a license for the fixture list which they don't have. EA bought it up exclusively for their Live Seasons stuff in FIFA.

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I do like the idea of future transfers e.g those done in the January window should be added into the future transfer (set to join on January 1st, or if possible on the date they signed for the club)

Another feature i like that has been mentioned is a new style of manager interaction (building friendships, congratulating them on winning personal awards, or making big transfers, etc etc) that way we can build our own network of managers to be friends with.

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- Tell an older player that he's been a great servant to the club but he's not first choice anymore. So he is either welcome to lead the reserve team with his experience or should prepare to find himself a new club in the not too distant future.

- Assign a scout to a shortlist so that he will continue to scout the players on that list until we have 100% knowledge of the player.

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Hopefully I not missed the right thread and posting here in the wrong one...

I made a project with mor than 5700 new players researched and added. So I spent much time in the editor.

- What I am missing there is the ability to show the players faces and the club logos which are in the document folders. This would make much things easier. Maybe with an option to turn the graphics off for low end machines.

- There are database entries for names (surnames and forenames). These entries should be editible and expandable for all users. There are so many nations where these lists are really too small. I don't see any reason why this should not be able for user to manage like any player or club. The best would be to have a CSV or something like that to could inlcude new names on the fly for save games.

- Showing (with colors or something else) how the player attributes are weighted. Just like they are in the research tools.

- Also having a hint which PA is mentioned would be nice.

Now the game:

- What I really miss for especially non pro clubs is that I cannot have youth player in my youth team which are not earning money. And if it is necessary to give them money I think 3.400 €/p.a. is really too much for a club where the first team players earn less then that... In some teers the youth player should not earn money. This incident destroy every money management of amateur clubs because you cannot hold youth players and also got no money to buy from other clubs. Also destroys this the club phylosophie to integrate own youth players.

- Contracts: A new option for transfer fees. E.g. after first season the player could go by fix fee X€ and after second season for Y€.

- If a player is not contracted and get no club which is paying the money he is wishing, then he should make some reasonable compromise and get to a club which is paying less or have not a great reputation before he still is unemployed.

- Possibility to include own fan sounds and goal hymns.

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I have used the pre-game editor to make media files, and I think it would be a great benefit if it was possible filter & sort media sources by country and local region. It would also make it easier to create realistic media coverage if media sources could be assigned to more than 1 city. In my opinion medias' city and local region data should be visible within the game.

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As far as I can see it isn't. Of course there is always a possibility that I'm wrong - would you mind elaborating your point?

I checked it now with my editor open.

Country is not possible. There you are right. But filtering the local region is possible.

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I checked it now with my editor open.

Country is not possible. There you are right. But filtering the local region is possible.

In FM14 it was possible to filter by local region, but that feature has been absent (at least I have not noticed it) from the FM15 editor presumably because media sources can now have more than one local region. Has the function been re-introduced? Do you have it in the "add condition" drop-down menu in the "edit filter" options? I can't see it anywhere, but then again I might not have the very latest version of the editor.

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In FM14 it was possible to filter by local region, but that feature has been absent (at least I have not noticed it) from the FM15 editor presumably because media sources can now have more than one local region. Has the function been re-introduced? Do you have it in the "add condition" drop-down menu in the "edit filter" options? I can't see it anywhere, but then again I might not have the very latest version of the editor.

Ok, if that possibility was killed in FM15 you must excuse. :(

I have checked in FM14 editor. So your wish to reimplement is good.:thup:

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When you begin and enter your profile you obivously put where you were born...... now other than being able to view this on your profile this data is pretty sort of needless in a way even though it is a nice touch but...............what if this was used as an added dimension with regard to job offers.... for example your from london but currently say managing carlisle ..... and after a while you want get the imaginary itch to get closer to london, so clubs could possibly sound you out say like orient, southend to see if you would be interested in moving closer to home etc if they ever were to change manager and if you would be willing to move if compensation could be agreed or something along those lines. Probably haven't explained this very well and I dare say it is kind of similar to having the favourite clubs choices but thought I would throw it out there anyhow. cheers

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Ok, if that possibility was killed in FM15 you must excuse. :(

I have checked in FM14 editor. So your wish to reimplement is good.:thup:

Especially the local region filtering (and sorting) would be very good to have simply to easily keep track of what sort of balance of media sources of different scopes different local regions have. :thup:

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Report transfer terms as undisclosed.

If I'm trying to unload players I don't want/need, I will take below asking price, which could cause fans to complain about the fee I accepted. An option to not release to the public would be nice.

Offer a player to clubs without said player knowing.

Gauging interest on a player is hard, since if you offer him up, he becomes aware and potentially destroys your locker room morale. There should be a way to shop players without them finding out.

Publically call out anybody through the media.

There should be an option to publically criticize or praise anybody in the game, at any time. Referees, coaches, owners, reporters, players, agents, leagues, anybody.

Fine players for poor training.

There should be an option to fine a player for poor training habits, not just poor game form. Maybe after a few fines that slack 16 year old will develop some work ethic, or perhaps leave the club so he can eat Cheez-Its and watch The Office re-runs.

Time wasting needs work.

Too often I will select 'waste time' while trying to see out a game and players will run up the field, cut inside and take a wild shot, instead of dribbling to the corner to hold the ball or passing it around the back. If I select 'waste time', players should prioritize that and not attempt risky forward passes 3 seconds after winning the ball back.

Upgrading the grounds crew.

Ten matches into league play and my field is in shambles after being relaid in the summer. I would love to bring in some more guys to take care of the field so it can be nurtured through the season instead of completely unplayable by mid-October.

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When i sign a player, all old scouting reports are unretrievable. I would like to see why I was attracted by a player, even when his stars have diminished from 4 to 2 stars.

Also this could be a nice graph, how his star rating evolves over time.


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I'd like the possibility to fully specify the languages I speak when starting a new game. As it is now, I start as a Dutch manager and the game decides I'm fluent in Dutch, English, and German; no way to remove or alter one of those. I think this is unnecessary, because the possibility of adding second and more languages is already there. Just have one language pre-selected, and leave adding more to the user. Even the first language should be able to be altered. Just because someone has a certain nationality doesn't necessarily mean they're fluent in the language, or speak it at all.

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I don't see the point in restricting the scouting to a maximum of 500 players, because I can scout those and if I select other 500 I add them to the scouting pool too.

Removing this limit would make it easier to scout large amounts of players without having to select groups of 500 each time.

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Player positioning

Player positioning on the pitch, offensively and defensively, is so important for your team to play how and where you want. It's something Pep Guardiola talks about constantly, and obsessively.

One of the older versions of the game had this option, where the pitch was split into 12 segments, 4 down and 3 across. Then when you click on a segment, it shows the team shape if the ball was in that segment (for both offensively and defensively). I'd love to see this brought back. It brought me a lot of success for things like positioning the attacking mid in the 6 yard box when a winger is delivering the ball from the byline, and putting the striker on the far post etc. Also useful for dropping my anchor man back into defence when defending deep to be a false centreback etc.

Please bring it back.

this would be great.

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I've recently gotten a new stadium and it's also gotten some expansion.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could have a 3D tour of the ground so we could admire the new stands etc? This would require not too much designing/coding. It would basically be match engine with no players and the stadium in focus (this is already done on the beginning of matches when director camera is selected) perhaps with a few basic navigation buttons like zoom in/out, rotate and such. Think Google Earth.

As an additional feature, you could have a "time travel" option which would show how the ground was (re)developed over time.

Thanks for reading - I hope someone on the SI team likes the idea :)

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Maybe an option to send some players out to warm up before we pick who to substitute on? Probably would seem like just a gimmick but would be good to have a feature like this in-game.

Seems rather fiddly to me, an annoyingly unnecessary extra step. Especially as players IRL warm up throughout the game. Better to assume that when you make a substitution the player has completed his warm up, and the appropriate paperwork completed as has the fourth officials inspection of the players equipment. The only way that I think the warm up can be represented from a game play perspective is that a player coming on for an injured player hasn't gone for their warm up. So they may take longer to get up to speed with the game, or be more susceptible to injury themselves. Which may already be in the game, just not very obviously.

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add brazilian fourth division

it's a profissional league! Conference south and north are semipro and are in database.

It's nothing to do with whether it's professional or not, it's more about whether there's enough Brazilian volunteers who know about the fourth division to research it for SI to an acceptable standard.

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in fact we have a Brazilian official and unofficial research very intense. The real difficulty is that the participating teams of the fourth division are classified from the state championships. The Brazilian fourth division does not have a league or pyramid shape as the other divisions alongthe world and it seems that the SI does not want to spend time developing this specific format of the brazilian fourth division.

It's nothing to do with whether it's professional or not, it's more about whether there's enough Brazilian volunteers who know about the fourth division to research it for SI to an acceptable standard.
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As time is coming for the last update...

I wish we could edit club names with the In-Game Editor. We can change player, staff, stadium names, why not Club Names as well. I saw some clubs created with pre-game editor and I CAN'T CHANGE their names with lnc files. Seems the lnc files only work with clubs that are from the original SI datababse.

I won't be starting a new game of course, but I really would like to change some names. Hopefully someone from SI reads this thread.

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I would like to create custom training roles of attributes i think are important, instead of choosing like 10 attributes by choosing an individual role or a specific attribute to train, i would like to be able to make my own. An example would be i would like my DC to train Tackling, Positioning, Marking and Jumping Reach only, so i could create that and put all my DC's on it.

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When a player corners you to talk about something, it would be nice to be able to pull references to what they are talking about so you can know what they are talking about.

E.g just had a player complain to me that he wants a better contract. The player and I already had run-ins prior in the year and he was on my hatelist so naturally I chose to dismiss his complains, after the conversation I looked at his contract and turns out he was right, his current contract is quite bad. It would have been nice if what the player wants to talk about is presented during the conversation. e.g not getting enough appearances, show his appearance total and average performances to date.

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When a player corners you to talk about something, it would be nice to be able to pull references to what they are talking about so you can know what they are talking about.

E.g just had a player complain to me that he wants a better contract. The player and I already had run-ins prior in the year and he was on my hatelist so naturally I chose to dismiss his complains, after the conversation I looked at his contract and turns out he was right, his current contract is quite bad. It would have been nice if what the player wants to talk about is presented during the conversation. e.g not getting enough appearances, show his appearance total and average performances to date.

You can already click the player and bring up his page and all that information then return to the conversation.

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Dynamic Competition history in clubs (i.e. as the club improves and wins better quality competitions, old, extinct or more minor competitions need to drop off) so that things like old english south aren't included. Maybe for clubs over a certain reputation competitions under a certain reputation should be removed. Also order them by reputation so that capital one cup isn't after old english south...

Add this for manager's history to show the number of times you have won each other cups

Allow history of each cup in both. So at the moment it shows league history but if you click on say champions league or FA cup it should show your history in the same way

Add total apps, scorer for competitions like the league - I can see that my prolific striker has broken my club records but I can't see where he is against Henry, Shearer, Cole etc... Has my long-term centre back caught up with the late great Gary Speed...?

Club and career history overviews like the season stats option that currently exists

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You can already click the player and bring up his page and all that information then return to the conversation.
Nope, when I click away from the screen, the conversation ends. Every other conversation I can do this in but with players, the conversation always ends.
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Apologies if this is already in here (I still play FM11 until my kids are a bit more grown up and I actually get time to properly play) but I've just had a bid accepted by my chairman for my best player. I know it happens in real life but I'd like an option to talk to him and tell him my disgust at the paltry offer he accepted (or just my disgust at it anyway) and even go so far as threaten to resign if the bid goes through.

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A player-manager role for human managers. At the moment, the game have reputations like Sunday League footballer, ex-international and etc, why not the player-manager? Player-manager role are pretty common nowadays too, especially in the lower leagues. Ryan Giggs was also a player-manager for awhile last season.

Attributes will be set randomly by the position that human manager selects. IE, a defender will get better defensive attributes. His attributes must at least be decent enough for him to play in the league/club he manages.

Being a FMC player now, maybe this can be some sort of an unlockable. :D

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